Tiger - Luck Prediction by Month 2024

Tiger Luck Prediction by Month 2024

Tiger’s luck in 2024 is neither very good nor too bad. Generally, their horoscope in the latter half of the year is better than that in the first half. The officer workers could seek for promotion in March and October; while they should be more careful in April when their career fortune is the worst in the year. Their wealth luck is full of ups and downs; live a budget life in the difficult time and save some in the fruitful months for rainy days. The singles may start a romantic relationship in March, June, October or November while those having been dating may get married in May or December. They would not suffer serious discomforts; take care of themselves and elder family members when the weather changes and do not go to dangerous places.

 See general introduction to Tiger Horoscope in 2024.

Tiger Fortune in 2024

 Note: The Chinese zodiac horoscope prediction is according to the Chinese lunar calendar. The months shown below are lunar months, with Georgian dates marked (month/day/year).


(02/10/2024 – 03/09/2024)

The horoscope for people born in the year of the Tiger is not very good in the first lunar month of 2024. They may be annoyed by more difficulties and obstacles in workplace than usual and could not finish the work tasks smoothly. In the case, they should be more cautious and don’t trust others easily. The wealth luck is not bad. Even though, don’t expect other income other than salary. The family life for the married is peaceful while it’s not a lucky month for the singles to find their lover. Fortunately, their body would be in good status as a whole. 


(03/10/2024 – 04/08/2024)

According to Tiger luck prediction in 2024, their fortune in the second lunar month is not very good, either. Although working hard, they may not achieve their goals and feel disappointed. Stay calm and keep learning knowledge, as opportunities are always for the prepared. Also, stay away from the conflicts between different team leaders, in case of being the fall guy. Don’t waste money on unnecessary items and then their salary would be enough to cover their expenditure. The prediction also implies that they may argue with their lover over some trivial matters; the good thing is that the two could be on good terms soon as before.


(04/09/2024 – 05/07/2024)

This is a lucky month for people born with Chinese zodiac Tiger sign and everything would go on smoothly. The office workers may get an opportunity for promotion; try hard to seize it. If succeed, their salary would be much higher. In addition, they may earn extra money from other channels. However, don’t spend all and save some in case of rainy days. It’s very possible the singles would be attracted by a charming girl or a handsome boy; be active and they would start dating soon. The married should spend more time accompanying their partner, which helps create harmonious family atmosphere. 


(05/08/2024 – 06/05/2024)

Their career luck is at the lowest point of the year in April. Be cautious of traps and be careful of words, otherwise their careless talking may offend someone unintentionally and ruin their reputation, especially politicians. Businessmen should not over advertise; instead, be honest, only by which way they could earn good reviews from customers. The wealth luck is not steady. But don’t worry too much. Deal with the large-scale expenditure carefully and they could still make the ends meet. Their marriage life would be plain but happy without too many weaves.


(06/06/2024 – 07/05/2024)

Entering May, their love fortune is the best among all others according to Chinese zodiac luck prediction for Tiger. The married would get along well with their partner while those seeing someone may get married with their Mr. or Mrs. Right and enjoy life together since then. Their career luck turns a little better but is still at a low point, so is the wealth fortune. Office workers should treat their job seriously while businessmen should make a thorough investigation before making a big investment. Follow a healthy life routine, then they would not be bothered by physical problems.


(07/06/2024 – 08/03/2024)

According to Tiger's luck in 2024, it may also be a bumpy month in the aspect of career. They may make some mistakes during work or be stopped by some obstacles, which may cause dissatisfaction of their leaders and even influence their future promotion. It’s not easy to make additional money, so have a consumption plan to avoid running into debt. They may meet quite a few charming opposite sexes. Follow the heart and carefully find out which one is the true love. Their health luck is not bad, but pay more attention to the health of the elder family members and stay away from dangerous places.


(08/04/2024 – 09/02/2024)

It is a month full of challenges and opportunities. For those working in big companies or entities, their company or entity may carry out influential personnel changes. Stay calm and do their own work quietly and diligently, so as to stay away from troubles. Meanwhile, their responsible working altitude may draw the attention of new leaders, bringing them chances for promotion in the future. They won’t have lots of annoyances in term of wealth; but have a consumption plan to make both ends meet. For the young, if feeling not happy about the current love relationship, be decisive and end it, so as to find the true love. Stay away from the polluted places, then their body would be in a good status.


(09/03/2024 – 10/02/2024)

Based on 2024 luck prediction by month, Tiger’s fortune in the 8th lunar month is average. Being disturbed by something or someone, the work tasks may not be completed smoothly. It requires them to be clear-minded, so as to think out the solutions soon. Those looking for jobs should be cautious of traps covered up by high position or high salary. It’s not advised to invest a lot this month, otherwise they may suffer some financial losses. Trust the lover and don’t be bothered by the rumors or gossips. If have any doubt, ask the other half directly instead of suspecting him or her, which could ruin the relationship. 


(10/03/2024 – 10/31/2024)

The fortune for people born in the year of the Tiger in September turns a little better, but they may still face some challenges. At workplace, watch out for every detail, to avoid making serious mistakes. Their income may increase. But don’t be greedy, make large investment or spend money lavishly. Instead, have a plan and save some for emergencies. The singles may not be lucky to find their true love. Be patient and the right person will show up someday. The health fortune is on a downtrend. Seek for a balance between work and rest. When feeling uncomfortable, don’t take drugs at random, but see a doctor in time.


(11/01/2024 – 11/30/2024)

It may be a lucky month for Tigers either in term of work or life. An opportunity for a higher position and higher wage may appear. Be positive and brave to embrace it and then they would step into a new stage in term of career. The businessmen may make more profits through marketing, opening up more business or cooperating with others. Just learn to manage the wealth properly. The singles are very likely to meet their beloved one at parties or through other activities and start dating soon. The married would cherish their partner and their marriage life would be happy and harmonious.


(12/01/2024 – 12/30/2024)

Their fortune in November is also quite good. Things will generally go on smoothly in the workplace; and it’s the right time to carry out new plans based on customers’ demands, because the success rate is much higher this month. It’s also an auspicious month to make some investment. Just be aware of the risks. The life for the married would be peaceful while the singles would finally win the affection of their beloved one after continuous efforts. Wear clothes according to the weather and eat healthily, and they would be healthy as a whole.


(12/31/2024 – 01/28/2025)

Tiger’s fortune in the last lunar month of 2024 is also good. For employees, they would do a good job and win praise from leaders; their bonus would raise somehow accordingly. For businessmen, they intend to make more profits. It’s also possible for them to make additional income through other channels like part-time job or investment. Those dating someone may get married and live a life together with their lover, share happiness and sorrows with them and get support from them since after. Their body would be in fine condition and they would not suffer many discomforts. 

 Check for the archive data of the past year: 2023

 Further Reading on Chinese Zodiac Tiger:

 Personality of the Tiger

 Love Compatibility

 Best Jobs and Working Partners

- Last updated on Feb. 05, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
Questions & Answers on Tiger - Luck Prediction by Month 2024
Asked by JK from UNITED KINGDOM | May. 29, 2024 07:43Reply
Female Tiger looking for job opportunity
Born on 21st March 74 in Tirane, Alb
I am looking for a new job. Do you see any position open for me at this time?
How do my finances look? When is the best period to be progressive?
Thanks in advance
Answers (2)
Answered by Keith | May. 29, 2024 19:50

Your fortune in wealth and career is not bad this year, and it's predicted that you are lucky in work in November.
Answered by JK | May. 30, 2024 23:34

Thank you, Keith. Hopefully, till November, I will get where I want to be career-wise.
Asked by Lan Fang from USA | May. 02, 2024 17:56Reply
Fire Tiger Asking about Career
The 2024 predictions show my career this year is not the best. Career wise, it truly hasn't been the best, mainly in terms of work stress. I wanted to see if my Career fortune is going to be so bad to the point where I might get fired? The company I'm working for is so disorganized that they have so much turn over. I've not gotten a bad review but I'm afraid because I've only been here for a year and some months and don't feel very confident.
Answers (1)
Answered by Rita | May. 07, 2024 01:15

It is predicted that you will meet some setbacks in workplace and it's suggested learn more practical skills and prepare for the coming chance and career development.
Asked by Bill from USA | Dec. 04, 2023 21:55Reply
Why assume no one wants to read their predictions for the next two months
Really don't understand why 2023 is no longer available when the 2024 predictions don't start for 2 months
Answers (1)
Answered by Hailey | Dec. 06, 2023 18:31

Hi, the prediction about 2023 is on this page: https://www.travelchinaguide.com/chinese-zodiac/2023-luck-by-month.htm#tiger
Asked by Jessie from IRELAND | Jun. 06, 2023 05:50Reply
How Strong is Lunar August Luck
I applied for grant funding for my work. The foundation has around a 55% matching criteria with what I submitted for and they start reviewing them from the 18th Aug until 13th Oct. I'm an Earth Tiger and I wanted to know if I would be lucky enough to secure the funding I need or if I should prepare for the worst?
Answers (1)
Answered by Edward | Jun. 06, 2023 19:48

Generally, your luck is climbing in August and can reach a peak in September. So you may secure it. However, if the result is not so ideal, don't be too disappointed and some lucky things may wait for you in the near future. Good luck :)
Asked by Zu from USA | Oct. 27, 2022 14:24Reply
Female, fire Tiger asking about changing jobs.
I had a job interview just today. I was wanting to leave my current job because I don't like my boss much. Will I get the new job? If so, should I take it and quit my old job?
Answers (5)
Answered by Vanessa | Nov. 01, 2022 00:11

I am a wood Tiger born in 1974, I am in the same predicament as you. I believe if it will improve your situation, peace of mind and a work environment you want to go to everyday is worth the change, only you can decide. No one should be talk down to you or make you feel bad about yourself, I draw the line and would want to be respected if that means changing jobs, I would gladly
Take the latter, I’ve been interviewing as well. Best of luck from one Tiger to another.
Answered by DJT | Nov. 09, 2022 16:25

Fellow male wood tiger from 74' here as well, boss is a menace, too many moods and faces to deal with looking for a job but hear that relief is coming for woodies in 2 weeks, hope ALL tigers have a better financial year soon.
Answered by Zu | Nov. 12, 2022 17:45

I'm the original poster. Wanted to give an update. I was invited back for a 2nd interview and they offered me the job! I'm scared of the change, but will be giving my 2 weeks to my work. Wishing everyone the best of luck as the year end comes.
Answered by V | Nov. 22, 2022 23:57

Congrats Zu, I am happy for you. I am the female 74’ Who replied. I’ve been interviewing a lot, and lost a 2nd interview this week. Still looking, lol Tigers don’t give up. I’ve decided to leave at the end of this year. Bully, menace and micromanaging bosses are things Tigers will not tolerate. We Tigers values independence. I’ve read 2023 will be better for job hoppers, hang in there stay or leave, next year will be more prosperous, your year is always challenging. Best wishes all Tiger folks for 2023!
Answered by Zu | Feb. 25, 2023 19:44

Original poster here. I've been at my new job for a couple months now. The predictions this year shows challenges at work, and that's definitely true. But they're work challenges, but new boss and co-workers are super supportive and helpful on the challenges. I made the right move in switching jobs. I hope you got found a new job as well and are doing better V.
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