Huanglong National Scenic Reserve Pictures

Situated in Songpan County, in the northwest part of Sichuan Province, Huanglong National Scenic Reserve is nicknamed as the 'Fairyland on Earth'. Almost all its major attractions were concentrated in the Huanglong Valley. The valley is dotted with numerous colorful lakes, virgin forest, mountains and glaciers. The valley is like a golden dragon winding its way through the forest.

Attraction Intro: Huanglong National Scenic Reserve
1 of 40 photos
- Last modified on Jan. 13, 2016 -
Questions & Answers on Huanglong National Scenic Reserve Pictures
Asked by Chan Sau Lin from BRUNEI | Jan. 09, 2016 08:21Reply
I would like to visit Huanglong and Jiuzhaigou in March 18 to 26. it is a good timing to visit?
Answers (1)
Answered by Charlie from DENMARK | Jan. 13, 2016 01:46

Chan, you can go there in March. However, the best time to go there should be from Mid Oct. to Mid Nov..
Asked by Ms Yang from SINGAPORE | Oct. 09, 2015 18:53Reply
What's the weather like now in Huanglong?
I will be visiting Huanglong on 21 October 2015. Please advise the weather now and the suitable clothing to wear. Thank you.
Answers (1)
Answered by Iris from GREECE | Oct. 10, 2015 22:53

The weather forecast says it will rain on Oct. 21. The temperature is from 37 to 43 F (3 to 6 Celsius Degrees). It's cold at that moment. You'd better bring some thick clothes. According to some other travellers, down jacket or wind jacket with a fleece inside are good. Besides, take a raincoat and sunscreen product too.
Asked by Ms.Toniewee from SINGAPORE | Apr. 10, 2011 06:49Reply
I We look forward to visit to Huanglong on 19 Apr with our local tour group. However, we were deeply disappointed when our singaporean agent told us that the weather there could be unsuitable to visit on that day. Please advise what's the weather like from mid april. We are hoping for the best. Thank you
Answers (1)
Answered by Mr.Jamie | Apr. 11, 2011 01:37

Because of the rain? As the weather report this year, it is about 6-23 degree around April 16, no rain and the weather looks fine. Anyway, my experience tells that the weather forecast only 2-3 days in advance is more reliable.
Asked by Ms.Yee from YEE | Oct. 03, 2009 00:16Reply
Hi, I am travelling To Chengdu in mid Nov, and just wondering if this is a godd timing to visit Jiu
Zhai Gou??
What's the best transporation to get there (and cost??), and usually how manys days recommeded to spend in order for to tour around Jiu Zhai Gou?
Answers (1)
Answered by Ms.ANGELKOK from CHINA | Oct. 08, 2009 04:02

Good time to visit is authum season, Oct is the best time. You can take coach or flight to Jiuzhaigou, but suggest to take flight. 3 days should be enough to explore the place.
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