Cairo Weather in March

Season: Spring

In March, the temperature gets higher and higher in Cairo, reaching 18℃ (64.4℉) averagely. The temperature difference between daytime and nighttime is big, for the average temperature rises to the highest 24℃ (75.2℉) during the day but drops to the lowest 13℃ (55.4℉) at night. Rainfall remains sparse. Visitors could see only a light rain probably in Cairo during March, and the climate turns to be even drier. The wind from Sahara may bring sandstorms to Cairo, which would cause traffic confusion there.

Averages for Cairo Weather in March

Temperature: 18°C / 64.4°F
High Temperature: 24°C / 75.2°F
Low Temperature: 13°C / 55.4°F
Humidity: 52%
Rainfall: 2 mm
Rainy Days: 1 days
Sunrise: 05:46 ~ 06:21
Sunset: 17:54 ~ 18:13

What to Wear in Cairo in March

To cope with the dry and warm weather in Cairo during March, blouse, jacket, hoodie, sweatpants, and comfortable shoes are advised. It’s necessary to wear thicker clothes after night falls, so an outerwear is the must. When the winds and possible sandstorms blow, one needs to be covered up well, so mask and sunglasses are also crucial.
Cairo Clothes in March March Wear in Cairo

Top Places to Visit in Cairo in March

Recommendation Rate: 

As in Cairo, Giza Pyramids can never be neglected. The miraculous Pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure and the Great Sphinx in the vast desert are eye-catching. Egyptian National Museum, housing numerous historical relics, is also popular; the gold mask of Pharaoh Tutankhamun and mummy of Ramesses Ⅱ should not be missed. Climbing onto the observation deck of Cairo Tower, visitors can enjoy a panorama of the city, including Nile River and Giza Pyramids. It would also be interesting to explore Coptic Cairo, a Christian quarter in the Islamic country, where the Hanging Church is very distinctive. Cave Church on Mokattam Hill is also majestic beyond your imagination.


Cover yourself up if the wind is strong and blows sands up into the air. If possible, avoid travelling in such bad weather.
- Last updated on May. 04, 2023 by Nancy He -
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