Best Way to Travel between Xi’an and Luoyang

Xi’an is about 380km (235mi) west of Luoyang. The best way to travel between them is to take high-speed trains. The duration of a high-speed train trip is only 70-100 min, and its ticket costs from CNY174.5 to CNY550.5. In contrast, the normal train usually takes 4.5 to 6 hours and costs from CNY54.5 to CNY155.5. Long-distance bus is also worth considering, taking 4 hours and costing from CNY43 to CNY80. There is no flight between the two cities due to the short distance.

Xi'an to Luoyang

How to Travel from Xi’an to Luoyang

1. Best Way: High-speed Train: 1.5-2 hours, CNY174.5 to CNY550.5

There are frequent high-speed trains travelling from Xi’an North Railway Station to Luoyang Longmen Railway Station each day. The earliest high speed train departs at around 6:51, and the last one departs at around 21:00. Most high-speed trains are scheduled from 11:00 to 18:00. 
 Ticket Fare:
Business Class Seat: CNY550.5; First Class Seat: CNY279.5; Second Class Seat: CNY174.5
See more about: Xi'an to Luoyang Train

2. Alternative Way: Normal Train: 4.5-6 hours, CNY54.5 to CNY155.5

If you want to relax and appreciate the landscape along the way, it is also a good option to take a normal speed train at a cheaper price. Each day, more than 50 trains travel from Xi’an Railway Station to  Luoyang Railway Station. Compared with high speed trains, normal speed trains cover a wider range of departure times, because some set off at night and at midnight.
 Ticket Fare:
Soft Sleeper: CNY155.5; Hard Sleeper: CNY100.5; Hard Seat: CNY54.5

3. Xi’an to Luoyang Long-distance Bus: 4 hours, CNY93/98

Departure Station Departure Time Duration Ticket Fare
Xi'an Long-distance Bus Station 8:00; 9:30 4 hours CNY93/98

How to Travel from Luoyang to Xi’an

1. Best Way: High-speed Train: 1.5-2 hours, CNY174.5 to CNY550.5

About over 70 high-speed trains depart from Luoyang Longmen Railway Station every day and arrive at Xi’an North Railway Station every day. The earliest train usually departs at around 7:49, and the last one sets off at 21:40. Tourists needn't worry about missing the train since there are over five trains per hour from 12:00 - 20:00.
Ticket Fare:
Business Class Seat: CNY550.5; First Class Seat: CNY279.5; Second Class Seat: CNY174.5

See more about: Luoyang to Xi'an Train

2. Alternative Way: Normal Speed Train: 4.5-6 hours, CNY54.5 to CNY155.5

Over 50 normal trains depart from Luoyang Railway Station every day and run to Xi'an Railway Station or Xi'an North Railway Station from 00:35 to 23:58. 
 Ticket Fare:
Soft Sleeper: CNY155.5; Hard Sleeper: CNY100.5; Hard Seat: CNY54.5

3. Luoyang to Xi’an Long-distance Bus: 4 hours, CNY90

Departure Station Departure Time Duration Ticket Fare
Luoyang Long-distance Bus Station 10:00; 12:00 4 hours CNY90
- Last updated on Jun. 02, 2023 by Gabby Li -
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