Dalian Weather in December

In December, Dalian weather is cold. The average daytime temperature is 3°C (37°F), and the average night temperature is -4°C (25°F). The average rainfall is only 11mm, and thus the weather is dry. But if the temperature drops too low, there may be some snow. The wind in December is freezing. However, it is a good time for those who like skiing and skating to visit Dalian.

In December, most shopping malls and hotels have preferential activities and artistic performances. So if you travel to Dalian in this month, shopping is good choice.

Averages for Dalian Weather in December

Temperature: -1°C / 30°F
High Temperature: 3°C / 37°F
Low Temperature: -4°C / 25°F
Humidity: 58%
Rainfall: 11 mm
Rainy Days: 3 days
Sunrise: 06:53 ~ 07:12
Sunset: 16:32 ~ 16:41
Air Quality in December
Average AQI:58
Dalian Air Quality in December

What to Wear in Dalian in December

If you are visiting indoor attractions, a wool sweater plus padded trousers are enough. A padded jacket or a down jacket plus a pair of thick pants are okay if staying outdoors. A mask, hat, scarf, snow boots, and gloves are necessary to keep you warm.
Dalian Clothes in December December Wear in Dalian

Where to Go in Dalian in December

Although the temperature is low, the outdoor activities like skiing are attractive and wonderful. You can go to Dalian Minghu Ski Resort, Happy Snow World. Here is also a ski resort in the Labor Park. In winter, Bingyu Valley Scenic Area is also a good place to go where you could see icefalls of various shapes and fish swimming under the ice. Going to see the sea at Bangchuidao Scenic Area will offer you a different experience. It is a famous seashore resort combining marvelous views of the hills, sea, islet and beach. Also, Polar Region Marine Animals World in Tiger Beach Ocean Park is the place you can’t miss if you are travelling with children.

Other Tips

Please take some moisturizing production during the dry and cold climate. Due to the big temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, you are advised to take some medicines in case of getting a cold. In December, there will be a travel rush in Dalian for students are going to spend their winter vocation, so remember to make your arrangement in advance.

What is the temperature in Dalian in December?

High/Low Temperatures of Dalian in December
Temperatures Graph of Dalian in December
Air Quality of Dalian in December
Dalian AQI Graph in December

Historical Dalian Weather in December

Dec  Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low 
1 5.4°C / 41.7°F -1.2°C / 29.8°F 06:53 / 16:32 55
2 5.2°C / 41.3°F -1.4°C / 29.4°F 06:54 / 16:32 91
3 5°C / 41°F -1.6°C / 29.1°F 06:55 / 16:31 50
4 4.8°C / 40.6°F -1.8°C / 28.7°F 06:56 / 16:31 38
5 4.7°C / 40.4°F -1.9°C / 28.5°F 06:57 / 16:31 50
6 4.5°C / 40.1°F -2.1°C / 28.2°F 06:57 / 16:31 68
7 4.3°C / 39.7°F -2.2°C / 28°F 06:58 / 16:31 55
8 4.1°C / 39.3°F -2.4°C / 27.6°F 06:59 / 16:31 59
9 4°C / 39.2°F -2.5°C / 27.5°F 07:00 / 16:31 56
10 3.8°C / 38.8°F -2.7°C / 27.1°F 07:01 / 16:31 47
11 3.7°C / 38.6°F -2.8°C / 26.9°F 07:02 / 16:31 55
12 3.5°C / 38.3°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:03 / 16:31 58
13 3.4°C / 38.1°F -3.1°C / 26.4°F 07:03 / 16:32 46
14 3.2°C / 37.7°F -3.2°C / 26.2°F 07:04 / 16:32 49
15 3.1°C / 37.5°F -3.4°C / 25.8°F 07:05 / 16:32 67
16 2.9°C / 37.2°F -3.5°C / 25.7°F 07:05 / 16:32 51
17 2.7°C / 36.8°F -3.6°C / 25.5°F 07:06 / 16:33 44
18 2.5°C / 36.5°F -3.8°C / 25.1°F 07:07 / 16:33 50
19 2.4°C / 36.3°F -3.9°C / 24.9°F 07:07 / 16:33 54
20 2.3°C / 36.1°F -4.1°C / 24.6°F 07:08 / 16:34 52
21 2.1°C / 35.7°F -4.2°C / 24.4°F 07:09 / 16:34 79
22 2°C / 35.6°F -4.4°C / 24°F 07:09 / 16:35 48
23 1.8°C / 35.2°F -4.5°C / 23.9°F 07:10 / 16:35 41
24 1.6°C / 34.8°F -4.6°C / 23.7°F 07:10 / 16:36 45
25 1.5°C / 34.7°F -4.8°C / 23.3°F 07:10 / 16:37 50
26 1.3°C / 35.6°F -4.9°C / 23.1°F 07:11 / 16:37 42
27 1.2°C / 34.1°F -5.1°C / 22.8°F 07:11 / 16:38 56
28 1°C / 33.8°F -5.2°C / 22.6°F 07:11 / 16:39 52
29 0.9°C / 33.6°F -5.4°C / 22.2°F 07:12 / 16:39 51
30 0.7°C / 33.4°F -5.5°C / 22.1°F 07:12 / 16:40 51
31 0.6°C / 33°F -5.7°C / 21.7°F 07:12 / 16:41 50
- Last updated on Nov. 15, 2019 -
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