Macau Weather in November

Macau weather in November is mainly warm and sunny, which makes November one of the best times for visiting Macau. The average maximum temperature is 23°C (73°F), while the average minimum temperature is 18°C (64°F). The weather may get cooler in the evenings or after rain. There’s little rain, which leads to low humidity for Macau weather in November. The monthly precipitation is only 43mm; generally, it rains around five days in November.

Due to the low humidity of Macau climate in November, timely water replenishment is necessary. Visitors are highly advised to drink adequate water or eat enough fruit.

Averages for Macau Weather in November

Temperature: 21°C / 70°F
High Temperature: 23°C / 73°F
Low Temperature: 18°C / 64°F
Humidity: --
Rainfall: 43 mm
Rainy Days: 5 days
Sunrise: 06:30 ~ 06:48
Sunset: 17:41 ~ 17:49

What to Wear in Macau in November

During a warm and sunny daytime, long dresses, light pants, long-sleeved shirts or T-shirts is enough. When the weather gets cooler at night, a hoodie, or thin jacket will keep you warm. Casual shoes or sneakers are advisable when travelling.
Macau Clothes in November November Wear in Macau

Where to Go in Macau in November

The ruins of St. Paul and Senado Square are popular outdoor destinations, where tourists can appreciate Portuguese architecture and the mixture of Chinese and Portuguese culture.

Kwan-yin Statue in New Port areas, the center of Macau Buddhism, is quite popular in Macau.  

Macau Wine Museum is an attractive place for visitors who love wine. Inside the Wine Museum, there are many wines on exhibition. In addition, it’s a good location to learn more about wine in Portuguese culture, as well as how to make wine. 

Alternatively, Visitors could pay a visit to the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, the former apartment of Sun Yat-Sen. The hall has displays including examples of Sun Yat-Sen’s authentic handwriting and even photographs of revolutionary martyrs. Walking around the Sun Yat-Sen Park, next to the memorial museum, is also completely relaxing.

Other Tips

When visiting temples or Kwan-yin Statue, each visitor should respect religious beliefs and abide by the visiting rules. 

What is the temperature in Macau in November?

High/Low Temperatures of Macau in November
Temperatures Graph of Macau in November

Historical Macau Weather in November

Nov Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 26°C / 78.8°F 21°C / 69.8°F 06:30 / 17:49 48
2 24°C / 75.2°F 19°C / 66.2°F 06:30 / 17:48 44
3 25°C / 77°F 20°C / 68°F 06:31 / 17:48 42
4 25°C / 77°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:31 / 17:47 48
5 25°C / 77°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:32 / 17:47 50
6 28°C / 82.4°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:32 / 17:46 59
7 27°C / 80.6°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:33 / 17:46 68
8 27°C / 80.6°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:33 / 17:45 64
9 25°C / 77°F 21°C / 69.8°F 06:34 / 17:45 70
10 26°C / 78.8°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:35 / 17:45 69
11 27°C / 80.6°F 21°C / 69.8°F 06:35 / 17:44 74
12 28°C / 82.4°F 21°C / 69.8°F 06:36 / 17:44 74
13 26°C / 78.8°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:36 / 17:44 77
14 26°C / 78.8°F 23°C / 73.4°F 06:37 / 17:43 78
15 26°C / 78.8°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:38 / 17:43 81
16 26°C / 78.8°F 22°C / 71.6°F 06:38 / 17:43 78
17 25°C / 77°F 21°C / 69.8°F 06:39 / 17:42 82
18 25°C / 77°F 18°C / 64.4°F 06:40 / 17:42 67
19 23°C / 73.4°F 18°C / 64.4°F 06:40 / 17:42 69
20 25°C / 77°F 21°C / 69.8°F 06:41 / 17:42 67
21 25°C / 77°F 17°C / 62.6°F 06:42 / 17:42 67
22 21°C / 69.8°F 16°C / 60.8°F 06:42 / 17:42 61
23 22°C / 71.6°F 17°C / 62.6°F 06:43 / 17:41 42
24 23°C / 73.4°F 18°C / 64.4°F 06:44 / 17:41 65
25 23°C / 73.4°F 17°C / 62.6°F 06:44 / 17:41 73
26 23°C / 73.4°F 17°C / 62.6°F 06:45 / 17:41 65
27 22°C / 71.6°F 18°C / 64.4°F 06:46 / 17:41 65
28 22°C / 71.6°F 17°C / 62.6°F 06:46 / 17:41 71
29 21°C / 69.8°F 17°C / 62.6°F 06:47 / 17:41 71
30 25°C / 77°F 19°C / 66.2°F 06:48 / 17:41 73
- Last updated on Jun. 28, 2022 -
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