Leshan Shopping

In Leshan many local products, either convenient bagged snacks or tourist souvenirs, are worth buying as gifts for your family and friends. These local items are easily found in the Leshan Giant Buddha and Mt. Emeishan Scenic Areas.

Tea is the most popular souvenir of a visit to the Mt. Emeishan Scenic Area with teas such as Zhuyeqing, Pu'er and Yupingchun being top of the list. They also sell well to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong Province, Tibet, Shaanxi Province and Henan Province and even to the countries of southeastern Asia. Bamboo Shoot which is another notable local product grown on the high mountain and it can be bought in several forms such as dried, fresh and salted which contains many nutrients. Oranges, containing rich supplies of vitamin C, can be found in the area of Mt.Emeishan and are the base for some tasty orange drinks and an orange alcohol. The area also has a good selection of Buddhist souvenirs such as the Kwan-yin sculpture and the eighteen arhats sculpture. Bamboo-weaving, root-carving and iron-painting, which embody the natural scenery and cultural landscape, can also be bought in Mt. Emeishan Scenic Area.

In the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area, three categories of local produce can be found: seasonings including Ginger in its yellow dried & white varieties; Chinese medicinal materials including Golden Thread, Ganoderma (fungi) and vegetables including Bitter Bamboo Shoot, Leshan Dried Bamboo Shoot, Xue Moyu (a kind of edible herbaceous plant), and dried mushroom. Other snacks include Crisp Eggwhite, Sachima, Preserved Beancurd and a kind of sweet which is made of sticky rice, sesame, peanut and choice white sugar called Oil Rice Candy of Suji Brand tasting very crisp and sweet. These snacks can be bought in the shopping centers and supermarkets of Leshan City.

Shopping Centers

Hongqi Shopping Mall
Commodities: seasonings, daily necessities, cultural articles
Address: Jingyue Mansion, Zhugongxi Street

Sanba Shopping Mall
Address: No.17 Yutang Street, Shizhong District

Zhongbai Shopping Mall
Address: No.2 Yutang Street, Shizhong District
Business Hours: From Monday to Sunday 08:30-21:30 (in summer); 08:30-21:00 (in winter)

Mall Spring Department Store
Address: No.176, Jiading Road (South)
Bus route: Bus No.1, 2, 12, 13

Jiazhou Tiandiren Culture Street (the former Mishuiyuan Walking Street)
Address: between Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area and Ebony Treasure Art Museum
Bus Route: Bus No.1, 12, 13


Jiadeli Supermarket
Commodities: frozen foods, daily necessities (dress, shoe, textile, etc.), local and foreign-brand alcohol, cigarettes and more
Address: No.46 Jiading Road (Middle)

Wutongqiao Yingbin Supermarket
Commodities: subsidiary foods and daily necessities
Address: Chahua Road, Zhugen Town

- Last updated on Jun. 14, 2024 -
Questions & Answers on Shopping in Leshan
Asked by Madhav Manikal from USA/INDIA | Aug. 01, 2019 16:25Reply
can we get Vegetarian food in Leshan area ? No Fish, ANY Meat or any other Marine food.?
Answers (1)
Answered by Evangeline from UKRAINE | Aug. 02, 2019 00:31

Yes, there are several vegetarian restaurants in the city. Ju Shan Yuan Vegetarian Restaurant is recommended, which is located at No.9, Wenmiao Square. As I know, it provides nice dishes and warm service. Hope you like.
Asked by LING from MALAYSIA | Sep. 26, 2017 01:23Reply
Please introduce local food street and shopping street in Leshan city.
Thank you.

Answers (1)
Answered by Monica from SINGAPORE | Sep. 27, 2017 03:19

For dining, Xianjie Street (Bobo Chicken Street), and Dingdong Street are highly commmended. You will find many snacks there.

For shopping, I know MyShop and Bishuiyuan Commercial Pedestrian. Go for a try!
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