A 60-Year Cycle

Also named the sexagenary cycle or  the stem-branch cycle, the Chinese 60-year calendar cycle is based on the combinations of a cycle of ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches. Each year is named by a pair of one stem and one branch. The Year of Jia Zi (Jia from the heavenly stems and Zi from the earthly branches) is the beginning of the sexagenary cycle. The next Jia Zi Year will come 60 years later. Jia Zi has had a figurative meaning a full lifespan in ancient times, similarly the 'threescore years and ten' in the Bible. People would be obviously blessed if they can meet the second Jia Zi in life. Therefore, the Chinese calendar 60-year cycle is also called a Jia Zi.

Table of a 60-Year Cycle

No. Stem/
1 Jia Zi 1924 Rat Wood
2 Yi Chou 1925 Ox Wood
3 Bing Yin 1926 Tiger Fire
4 Ding Mao 1927 Rabbit Fire
5 Wu Chen 1928 Dragon Earth
6 Ji Si 1929 Snake Earth
7 Geng Wu 1930 Horse Metal
8 Xin Wei 1931 Sheep Metal
9 Ren Shen 1932 Monkey Water
10 Gui You 1933 Rooster Water
11 Jia Xu 1934 Dog Wood
12 Yi Hai 1935 Pig Wood
13 Bing Zi 1936 Rat Fire
14 Ding Chou 1937 Ox Fire
15 Wu Yin 1938 Tiger Earth
16 Ji Mao 1939 Rabbit Earth
17 Geng Chen 1940 Dragon Metal
18 Xin Si 1941 Snake Metal
19 Ren Wu 1942 Horse Water
20 Gui Wei 1943 Sheep Water
21 Jia Shen 1944 Monkey Wood
22 Yi You 1945 Rooster Wood
23 Bing Xu 1946 Dog Fire
24 Ding Hai 1947 Pig Fire
25 Wu Zi 1948 Rat Earth
26 Ji Chou 1949 Ox Earth
27 Geng Yin 1950 Tiger Metal
28 Xin Mao 1951 Rabbit Metal
29 Ren Chen 1952 Dragon Water
30 Gui Si 1953 Snake Water
No. Stem/
31 Jia Wu 1954 Horse Wood
32 Yi Wei 1955 Sheep Wood
33 Bing Shen 1956 Monkey Fire
34 Ding You 1957 Rooster Fire
35 Wu Xu 1958 Dog Earth
36 Ji Hai 1959 Pig Earth
37 Geng Zi 1960 Rat Metal
38 Xin Chou 1961 Ox Metal
39 Ren Yin 1962 Tiger Water
40 Gui Mao 1963 Rabbit Water
41 Jia Chen 1964 Dragon Wood
42 Yi Si 1965 Snake Wood
43 Bing Wu 1966 Horse Fire
44 Ding Wei 1967 Sheep Fire
45 Wu Shen 1968 Monkey Earth
46 Ji You 1969 Rooster Earth
47 Geng Xu 1970 Dog Metal
48 Xin Hai 1971 Pig Metal
49 Ren Zi 1972 Rat Water
50 Gui Chou 1973 Ox Water
51 Jia Yin 1974 Tiger Wood
52 Yi Mao 1975 Rabbit Wood
53 Bing Chen 1976 Dragon Fire
54 Ding Si 1977 Snake Fire
55 Wu Wu 1978 Horse Earth
56 Ji Wei 1979 Sheep Earth
57 Geng Shen 1980 Monkey Metal
58 Xin You 1981 Rooster Metal
59 Ren Xu 1982 Dog Water
60 Gui Hai 1983 Pig Water

* A new Jia Zi begins from 1984, and so on.
* The Gregorian year is approximate here. The accurate division is the Beginning of Spring (first of the 24 Solar Terms), although some online calendars adopt Chinese New Year as the division.

 Related Reading:  Chinese Zodiac

- Last updated on Jul. 08, 2024 -
Questions & Answers on A 60-Year Cycle
Asked by Noor from PAKISTAN | Jul. 13, 2024 11:16Reply
Career and love life 2024
Born January 22 1978. What is my fortune this year sir?
Answers (1)
Answered by Joshua | Jul. 15, 2024 01:44

You have relatively good fortune in both career and love this year.
Asked by Svetlana from AMERICA | Jul. 08, 2024 09:13Reply
Chinese sign
February 4 1971 is Pig or Dog?
Answers (1)
Answered by Joshua | Jul. 08, 2024 22:44

It's Pig.
Asked by Svetlana from AMERICA | Jul. 08, 2024 09:12Reply
Finances and fortune
I am born in September 5 1972. What is my fortune financially this year?
Answers (1)
Answered by Daniel | Jul. 08, 2024 22:43

It is predicted that you may earn a lot of money this year but may have some financial disputes with others.
Asked by Sharmane from AUSTRALIA | Apr. 30, 2024 13:27Reply
How do you write 1977 Fire Snake in Chinese?
Chinese Symbol for

Fire Snake

Answers (1)
Answered by Joshua | May. 06, 2024 00:38

It's 火蛇.
Asked by Lawrence from SOUTH AFRICA | Apr. 07, 2024 06:18Reply
Marriage life
Am born on the 13 March 1980 and at 2019 got my tribal marriage with my current partner who is born 16 November 1986.Is there any possibility of our marriage to blossom as now it's like it has hit the rock.
Answers (1)
Answered by Rita | Apr. 08, 2024 00:48

The Zodiac says that you are not so matched with each other.
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