Qingdao Weather in August

Generally speaking, Qingdao weather in August is the hottest and wettest around the whole year. But it is cooler than other inland travel destinations with the average high temperature of 28°C (82°F). At night, it will be even cooler with the average low temperature of 23°C (73°F). However, the high humidity brought by increasing rainfall may make you feel uncomfortable.

Falling in summer vacation, August is one of the busiest tourism months, thus book your tours, hotels and flight or train tickets early enough.

Averages for Qingdao Weather in August

Temperature: 25°C / 77°F
High Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
Low Temperature: 23°C /73°F
Humidity: 82
Rainfall: 151 mm
Rainy Days: 10 days
Sunrise: 05:05 ~ 05:29
Sunset: 18:28 ~ 19:04
Air Quality in August
Average AQI:31
Qingdao Air Quality in August

What to Wear in Qingdao in August

Traveling to Qingdao in this summer month, thin clothes, including T-shirt, short shirt, dress, skirt, short pants are fine. Clothes that can prevent you from sunburn can’t be forgotten, like sun-proof clothing, sunglasses and sunbonnet. Clothing of cotton will be better, for it is breathable.
Qingdao Clothes in August August Wear in Qingdao

Where to Go in Qingdao in August

Qingdao International Beer Festival is usually held in August. If you happen to be there, join the carnival to taste various beer, appreciate lively music and unique folk performances. Having fun at bathing beach is liked by many people in summer. Qingdao Number One Bathing Beach is the safest and biggest bathing beach in Qingdao. Shilaoren bathing beach is also a good scenic spot, but not suitable for those who can’t swim. If you go there, please take care of yourself. Mt. Laoshan is also worth going. It is a place with clear water and spectacular landscapes. The weather there is cooler than in downtown.


Other Tips

The sun-proof things like umbrella and sunscreen cream are necessary to protect yourself from the hot climate, especially if you are going to the beach. Please avoid seafood if you are allergic to it.

What is the temperature in Qingdao in August?

High/Low Temperatures of Qingdao in August
Temperatures Graph of Qingdao in August
Air Quality of Qingdao in August
Qingdao AQI Graph in August

Historical Qingdao Weather in August

Aug Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 28.6°C / 83.4°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 05:05 / 19:04 65
2 28.6°C / 83.4°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 05:06 / 19:03 68
3 28.7°C / 83.6°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 05:07 / 19:02 74
4 28.7°C / 83.6°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 05:08 / 19:01 76
5 28.7°C / 83.6°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 05:09 / 19:00 77
6 28.8°C / 83.8°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 05:09 / 18:59 79
7 28.8°C / 83.8°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 05:10 / 18:58 76
8 28.8°C / 83.8°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 05:11 / 18:57 72
9 28.8°C / 83.8°F 23.7°C / 74.6°F 05:12 / 18:56 67
10 28.8°C / 83.8°F 23.7°C / 74.6°F 05:13 / 18:55 62
11 28.8°C / 83.8°F 23.6°C / 74.4°F 05:13 / 18:54 60
12 28.8°C / 83.8°F 23.6°C / 74.4°F 05:14 / 18:53 73
13 28.8°C / 83.8°F 23.5°C / 74.3°F 05:15 / 18:52 78
14 28.8°C / 83.8°F 23.4°C / 74.1°F 05:16 / 18:50 80
15 28.7°C / 83.6°F 23.4°C / 74.1°F 05:17 / 18:49 73
16 28.7°C / 83.6°F 23.3°C / 73.9°F 05:17 / 18:48 70
17 28.7°C / 83.6°F 23.2°C / 73.7°F 05:18 / 18:47 73
18 28.6°C / 83.4°F 23.1°C / 73.5°F 05:19 / 18:46 76
19 28.5°C / 83.3°F 23°C / 73.4°F 05:20 / 18:44 80
20 28.4°C / 83.1°F 22.9°C / 68.9°F 05:21 / 18:43 80
21 28.3°C / 82.9°F 22.8°C / 73°F 05:21 / 18:42 77
22 28.2°C / 82.7°F 22.6°C / 72.6°F 05:22 / 18:40 72
23 28.1°C / 82.5°F 22.5°C / 72.5°F 05:23 / 18:39 74
24 28.1°C / 82.5°F 22.4°C / 72.3°F 05:24 / 18:38 59
25 28°C / 82.4°F 22.3°C / 72.1°F 05:25 / 18:36 54
26 27.8°C / 82°F 22.1°C / 71.7°F 05:25 / 18:35 66
27 27.7°C / 81.8°F 22°C / 71.6°F 05:26 / 18:34 73
28 27.7°C / 81.8°F 22°C / 71.6°F 05:27 / 18:32 73
29 27.6°C / 81.6°F 21.9°C / 71.4°F 05:28 / 18:31 74
30 27.5°C / 81.5°F 21.8°C / 71.2°F 05:29 / 18:30 80
31 27.4°C / 81.3°F 21.6°C / 70.8°F 05:29 / 18:28 63
- Last updated on Nov. 06, 2019 -
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