Qingdao Weather in April

Qingdao weather in April starts to become warm. But the wind from the northwest is still strong. During the daytime, the weather is warmer with the average high temperature of 15°C (59°F). At night, the temperature can drop to 8°C (46°F). Due to the northwest monsoon from inner land, there are very few rainy days, accumulating to a monthly precipitation of only 35 mm.

Tomb-Sweeping Day falls in the beginning of April, when there may be more tourists at scenic spots. And during the holiday, the hotels and the train or flight tickets can be hard to book, thus make your arrangement in advance.

Averages for Qingdao Weather in April

Temperature: 11°C / 52°F
High Temperature: 15°C / 59°F
Low Temperature: 8°C /46°F
Humidity: 63
Rainfall: 35 mm
Rainy Days: 7 days
Sunrise: 05:08 ~ 05:46
Sunset: 18:45 ~ 18:20
Air Quality in April
Average AQI:54
Qingdao Air Quality in April

What to Wear in Qingdao in April

During the day, a jacket or a thin overcoat with long-sleeve t-shirt is enough. But at night, you still need to wear a layer of warmer clothes like thin sweater or change to a thick overcoat. Take a pair of sneakers if you are going to go hiking.
Qingdao Clothes in April April Wear in Qingdao

Where to Go in Qingdao in April

April is a beautiful month because many flowers are blooming and the plants have turned green because of the warm climate. Flowers like oriental cherry, apricot blossom, forsythia flowers, magnolia flower and rape flowers are all blooming eagerly. You can appreciate these beautiful flowers in Laoshan District, like Beizhai Street, Shazikou Street, Beijiushui River and Yangkou Scenic Spot with clear water and special landscapes. Apart from these areas, Mt. Laoshan is also a good place for appreciating those flowers. In addition, Shilaoren National Tourism Resort is a good place for travelling, which includes many scenic spots, such as bathing beach, Qingdao Polar Ocean World, Qingdao International Beer City and Fushan Park, etc.

Old Town, QingdaoOld Town, Qingdao
Polar Ocean World, QingdaoPolar Oecan World

Other Tips

Drink enough water for the air is dry. Make enough prevention measures if you have the pollen allergy.

What is the temperature in Qingdao in April?

High/Low Temperatures of Qingdao in April
Temperatures Graph of Qingdao in April
Air Quality of Qingdao in April
Qingdao AQI Graph in April

Historical Qingdao Weather in April

Apr Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 12.7°C / 54.8°F 5.8°C / 42.4°F 05:46 / 18:20 74
2 12.9°C / 55.2°F 6°C / 42.8°F 05:44 / 18:21 78
3 13.2°C / 55.7°F 6.2°C / 43.1°F 05:43 / 18:22 69
4 13.4°C / 56.1°F 6.4°C / 43.5°F 05:42 / 18:22 46
5 13.6°C / 56.4°F 6.5°C / 43.7°F 05:40 / 18:23 56
6 13.8°C / 56.8°F 6.7°C / 44°F 05:39 / 18:24 41
7 14°C / 57.2°F 6.9°C / 44.4°F 05:37 / 18:25 34
8 14.2°C / 57.5°F

7.1°C / 44.7°F

05:36 / 18:26 40
9 14.4°C / 57.9°F 7.3°C / 45.1°F 05:35 / 18:27 64
10 14.6°C / 58.2°F 7.5°C / 45.5°F 05:33 / 18:27 53
11 14.8°C / 58.6°F 7.6°C / 45.6°F 05:32 / 18:28 50
12 14.9°C / 58.8°F 7.8°C / 46°F 05:30 / 18:29 54
13 15.1°C / 59.1°F 8°C / 46.4°F 05:29 / 18:30 55
14 15.3°C / 59.5°F 8.2°C / 46.7°F 05:28 / 18:31 56
15 15.5°C / 59.9°F 8.4°C / 47.1°F 05:26 / 18:32 39
16 15.7°C / 60.2°F 8.5°C / 47.3°F 05:25 / 18:33 45
17 15.8°C / 60.4°F 8.7°C / 47.6°F 05:24 / 18:33 64
18 16°C / 60.8°F 8.9°C / 48°F 05:22 / 18:34 64
19 16.2°C / 61.1°F 9.1°C / 48.3°F 05:21 / 18:35 64
20 16.3°C / 61.3°F 9.3°C / 48.7°F 05:20 / 18:36 77
21 16.5°C / 61.7°F 9.5°C / 49.1°F 05:19 / 18:37 84
22 16.7°C / 62°F 9.6°C / 49.2°F 05:17 / 18:38 94
23 16.8°C / 62.2°F 9.8°C / 49.6°F 05:16 / 18:39 75
24 17°C / 62.6°F 10°C / 50°F 05:15 / 18:39 58
25 17.2°C / 62.9°F 10.2°C / 50.3°F 05:14 / 18:40 51
26 17.3°C / 63.1°F 10.4°C / 50.7°F 05:12 / 18:41 55
27 17.5°C / 63.5°F 10.5°C / 50.9°F 05:11 / 18:42 45
28 17.7°C / 63.8°F 10.7°C / 51.2°F 05:10 / 18:43 54
29 17.9°C / 64.2°F 10.9°C / 51.6°F 05:09 / 18:44 65
30 18°C / 64.4°F 11.1°C / 51.9°F 05:08 / 18:45 75
- Last updated on Nov. 07, 2019 -
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