Best Way to Travel between Yangzhou and Shanghai

The distance between Yangzhou and Shanghai is about 290km (180mi). The only nonstop way of transport is long-distance bus, taking 5h and CNY75-110. However, many people consider it time-consuming and adopt another two options. The first option is to travel between Yangzhou and its nearby city Zhenjiang by bus and then transfer to the bullet train to Shanghai; the overall journey needs about 3h and CNY135. The second option is to transfer in Nanjing for bullet train for both trips, which needs at least 3.5h and CNY170 in total.

yangzhou to shanghai

How to Travel from Yangzhou to Shanghai

1. Yangzhou to Zhenjiang Bus + Zhengjiang to Shanghai Bullet Train: 3h, about CNY 125 at least

Yangzhou to Zhenjiang Bus Zhenjiang to Shanghai Bullet Train
Duration 1h 1.5h
Dep. Yangzhou Bus Station,
Yangzhou West Bus Station,
Yangzhou East Bus Station
Zhenjiang Railway Station,
Zhenjiang South Railway Station
Arr. Zhenjiang Bus Station,
Nan Xu Bus Station
Shanghai Railway Station,
Hongqiao Railway Station
Frequency 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., 2-4 buses/h 6 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., 4-6 trains/h
Ticket Fare CNY20-40 Business Cls. Seat: CNY334.5-344.5;
1st Class Seat: CNY174.5-179.5;
2nd Class Seat: CNY104.5-109.5

Note: It only takes you 10min to walk from Zhenjiang Bus Station to Zhenjiang Railway Station, or, from Nan Xu Bus Station to Zhenjiang South Railway Station.

 See more about: Zhenjiang to Shanghai Train


2. Yangzhou to Nanjing to Shanghai Bullet Train: at least 3.5h, about CNY170 at least

Train Yangzhou to Nanjing Nanjing to Shanghai
Duration 1h 2h
Dep. Yangzhou Railway Station Nanjing Railway Station
Arr. Nanjing Railway Station Shanghai Railway Station,
Hongqiao Railway Station
Frequency 10 trains/day 35 trains/day
Ticket Fare 1st Class Seat: CNY55-61;
2nd Class Seat: CNY34-37.5
Business Cls. Seat: CNY429.5-451.5;
1st Class Seat: CNY219.5-234.5;
2nd Class Seat: CNY134.5-144.5

See more about: Nanjing to Shanghai Train

3. Yangzhou to Shanghai Through Bus: 5h, CNY85-100

This way suits those who don’t want to transfer during the travel and are OK with longer duration.

Dep. Frequency Arr.
Yangzhou Bus Station 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., 1-2/h Shanghai South Bus Station,
Bai Lian Jing Bus Station,
Hu Tai Bus Station,
Shanghai Railway Station
Yangzhou East Bus Station 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., 2-3/h
Yangzhou West Bus Station 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., 2-3/h

Note: If the long-distance bus is bound for Bai Lian Jing or Shanghai Railway Station, it will take 6-7.5h.


How to Travel from Shanghai to Yangzhou

1. Shanghai to Zhenjiang Bullet Train + Zhenjiang to Yangzhou Bus: 3h, CNY125 at least

Shanghai to Zhenjiang Bullet Train Zhenjiang to Yangzhou Bus
Duration 1.5h 1h
Dep. Shanghai Railway Station,
Shanghai South Railway Station,
Hongqiao Railway Station
Zhenjiang Bus Station,
Nan Xu Bus Station
Arr. Zhenjiang Railway Station,
Zhenjiang South Railway Station
Yangzhou West Bus Station,
Yangzhou East Bus Station
Frequency 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., 4-6 trains/h 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., 2-3 buses/h
Ticket Fare Business Cls. Seat: CNY334.5-344.5;
1st Class Seat: CNY174.5-179.5;
2nd Class Seat: CNY104.5-109.5

Note: It only takes you 10min to walk from Zhenjiang Railway Station to Zhengjiang Bus Station, or, from Zhenjiang South Railway Station to Nanxu Bus Station.

 See more about: Shanghai to Zhenjiang Train


2. Shanghai to Nanjing to Yangzhou Bullet Train: 3-3.5h, at least CNY170

Train Shanghai to Nanjing Nanjing to Yangzhou
Duration 1.5-2h 1h
Dep. Shanghai Railway Station,
Hongqiao Railway Station
Nanjing Railway Station
Arr. Nanjing Railway Station Yangzhou Railway Station
Frequency 35/day 10/day
Ticket Fare Business Cls. Seat: CNY429.5-451.5;
1st Class Seat: CNY219.5-234.5;
2nd Class Seat: CNY134.5-144.5
1st Class Seat: CNY55-61;
2nd Class Seat: CNY34-37.5

 Note: When buying Shanghai to Nanjing train tickets, you need to make sure that the destination is Nanjing Railway Station, instead of Nanjing South Railway Station. Otherwise you may fail to transfer to Nanjing to Yangzhou bullet train later.

See more about: Nanjing to Yangzhou Train

3. Shanghai to Yangzhou Through Bus: 5h, CNY75-110

Departure Station Departure Time Arrival Station
Shanghai Intercity Bus Terminal 6:55, 7:25, 8:05, 8:35 Yangzhou Bus Station,
Yangzhou West Bus Station,
Yangzhou East Bus Station
South Bus Station 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., 1-2/h
West Bus Station 8:10, 14:30, 16:36
Jiao Tong Da Zhong Bus Station 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., 1-2/h
Xu Jia Hui Bus Station 7:00, 9:00, 13:00, 15:30
Qiu Jiang Bus Station 8:05, 13:50
Hu Dong Bus Station 7:00
Bai Lian Jing Bus Station 6:25, 8:35, 13:45
Wu Ning Bus Station 7:10, 7:15, 7:30, 11:45, 15:50
Hu Tai Bus Station 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., 1-2/h
- Last updated on Apr. 08, 2021 -
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