Pingyao Weather in November

In November, Pingyao's weather is chilly with an average high temperature of 10°C (50°F) and an average low temperature of -2°C (28°F). During the coldest time of a day in late November, the temperature may drop to under 0°C (32°F) and there may be light snow. From this month, Pingyao steps into its dry season with an average rainfall of 11mm. The wind is quite strong during rainy days or snowy days.

Visiting the ancient town in November is quite pleasant because it is not crowded in all attractions and the climate in Pingyao in November is not that cold during daytime of sunny days.

Averages for Pingyao Weather in November

Temperature: 3°C / 37°F
High Temperature: 10°C / 50°F
Low Temperature: -2°C / 28°F
Humidity: 61%
Rainfall: 11 mm
Rainy Days: --
Sunrise: 06:55 ~ 07:25
Sunset: 17:15 ~ 17:34
Air Quality in November
Average AQI:147
Pingyao Air Quality in November

What to Wear in Pingyao in November

During the cold mornings, evenings and rainy days, visitors need to wear overcoat, down jacket and warm sweater. During the relatively warm noontime, trench coats and long-sleeved shirts are OK.
Pingyao Clothes in November November Wear in Pingyao

Where to Go in Pingyao in November

Most attractions in the Ancient City of Pingyao are quality assured, such as the Ancient Government Office, old-style Chinese banks like Rishengchang and Xietongqing, and ancient security guard companies. At noontime, a tour on the Ancient City Wall is good for a paroramic view. Neighbouring Shuanglin Temple and Zhenguo Temple are well known. If you are into traditional northern folk residences, you may visit Qiao Family Compound or Wang Family Compound.

Other Tips

Remember to drink enough water during your visit as it’s dry. Bring lotion to keep your skin moisturized. It is better to have some cold medicine with you all the time because of the changeable whether in this month. Mouth-muffles are important for keeping dust away and keeping warm. Always remember to check out the weather forecast before you go out to adjust what you wear. Prepare yourself a pair of comfortable shoes for the long walks. Eat more fruit and vegetables to keep your body in an ideal status. 

What is the temperature in Pingyao in November?

High/Low Temperatures of Pingyao in November
Temperatures Graph of Pingyao in November
Air Quality of Pingyao in November
Pingyao AQI Graph in November

Historical Pingyao Weather in November

Nov Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 14.7°C / 58.4°F 0.7°C / 33.2°F 06:55 / 17:34 38
2 14.4°C / 57.9°F 0.5°C / 32.9°F 06:56 / 17:33 30
3 14.2°C / 57.5°F 0.2°C / 32.3°F 06:57 / 17:32 25
4 13.8°C / 56.8°F 0°C / 32°F 06:59 / 17:31 34
5 13.5°C / 56.3°F -0.2°C / 31.6°F 07:00 / 17:30 41
6 13.2°C / 55.7°F -0.5°C / 31.1°F 07:01 / 17:29 42
7 12.9°C / 55.2°F -0.7°C / 30.7°F 07:02 / 17:28 22
8 12.6°C / 54.6°F -1°C / 30.2°F 07:03 / 17:27 30
9 12.2°C / 53.9°F -1.2°C / 29.8°F 07:04 / 17:26 41
10 11.9°C / 53.4°F -1.5°C / 29.3°F 07:05 / 17:25 18
11 11.5°C / 52.7°F -1.7°C / 28.9°F 07:06 / 17:25 25
12 11.2°C / 52.1°F -1.9°C / 28.5°F 07:07 / 17:24 28
13 10.8°C / 51.4°F -2.2°C / 28°F 07:08 / 17:23 26
14 10.5°C / 50.9°F -2.4°C / 27.6°F 07:09 / 17:22 17
15 10.2°C / 50.3°F -2.7°C / 27.1°F 07:10 / 17:22 17
16 9.8°C / 49.6°F -2.9°C / 26.7°F 07:11 / 17:21 35
17 9.5°C / 49.1°F -3.1°C / 26.4°F 07:12 / 17:20 25
18 9.1°C / 48.3°F -3.4°C / 25.8°F 07:13 / 17:20 8
19 8.8°C / 47.8°F -3.6°C / 25.5°F 07:14 / 17:19 127
20 8.5°C / 47.3°F -3.8°C / 25.1°F 07:15 / 17:18 17
21 8.2°C / 46.7°F -4.1°C / 24.6°F 07:16 / 17:18 22
22 7.9°C / 46.2°F -4.3°C / 24.2°F 07:17 / 17:17 22
23 7.6°C / 45.6°F -4.5°C / 23.9°F 07:19 / 17:17 20
24 7.3°C / 45.1°F -4.7°C / 23.5°F 07:20 / 17:16 19
25 7°C / 44.6°F -4.9°C / 23.1°F 07:21 / 17:16 18
26 6.8°C / 44.2°F -5.1°C / 22.8°F 07:22 / 17:16 25
27 6.5°C / 43.7°F -5.3°C / 22.4°F 07:22 / 17:15 33
28 6.3°C / 43.3°F -5.5°C / 22.1°F 07:24 / 17:15 17
29 6°C / 42.8°F -5.7°C / 21.7°F 07:25 / 17:15 35
30 5.8°C / 42.4°F -5.9°C / 21.3°F 07:25 / 17:15 17
- Last updated on Sep. 23, 2019 -
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