Pingyao Weather in October

In October, Pingyao’s weather is a bit cold with an average high temperature of 18°C (64°F) and an average low temperature of 4°C (39°F). The average rainfall in this month at 31mm shows that there are not so many rainy days. However the wind is strong in this season, which makes the yellow leaves fall off from trees.

With really pleasant weather, the National Day holiday from Oct. 1st to 7th is one of the most crowded travelling periods in Pingyao. Book your hotel and train tickets in advance to ensure a smooth trip.

Averages for Pingyao Weather in October

Temperature: 10°C / 50°F
High Temperature: 18°C / 64°F
Low Temperature: 4°C / 39°F
Humidity: 68%
Rainfall: 31 mm
Rainy Days: --
Sunrise: 06:26 ~ 06:54
Sunset: 17:35 ~ 18:15
Air Quality in October
Average AQI:65
Pingyao Air Quality in October

What to Wear in Pingyao in October

You may need thick coats and warm pants for early mornings and late nights, considering climate in October in Pingyao. For midday, long-sleeved T-shirt, shirts and long pants are necessary. Bring something for the windy nights or mornings. 
Pingyao Clothes in October October Wear in Pingyao

Where to Go in Pingyao in October

Go for a walk in the Pingyao Ecological Botanical Garden where you can enjoy the fall colors. Go on a tour at the Ancient City Wall to viewing the place under the autumn sunlight. The Confucius Temple and Temple of the City God within the ancient city deserves your attention. With the nice autumn weather, you may choose visiting residences built in Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911), namely Qiao Family Compound or Wang Family Compound.

Other Tips

You need a lipstick to protect your lips in this dry season. Also you are advised to drink bottled water because the local water tastes salty. Bring a camera so that you can record the unique autumn Pingyao city. Make sure you bring very comfortable running shoes for the long walks. Wear a mouth-muffle during windy days for keeping dust away.

What is the temperature in Pingyao in October?

High/Low Temperatures of Pingyao in October
Temperatures Graph of Pingyao in October
Air Quality of Pingyao in October
Pingyao AQI Graph in October

Historical Pingyao Weather in October

Oct Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 21.2°C / 70.1°F 8.1°C / 46.5°F 06:26 / 18:15 46
2 21°C / 69.8°F 7.8°C / 46°F 06:27 / 18:13 56
3 20.8°C / 69.4°F 7.6°C / 45.6°F 06:28 / 18:12 75
4 20.6°C / 69°F 7.4°C / 45.3°F 06:29 / 18:10 49
5 20.4°C / 68.7°F 7.1°C / 44.7°F 06:30 / 18:09 48
6 20.2°C / 68.3°F 6.9°C / 44.4°F 06:31 / 18:07 37
7 20°C / 68°F 6.7°C / 44°F 06:31 / 18:06 55
8 19.8°C / 67.6°F 6.4°C / 43.5°F 06:32 / 18:05 81
9 19.6°C / 67.2°F 6.2°C / 43.1°F 06:33 / 18:03 89
10 19.4°C / 66.9°F 6°C / 42.8°F 06:34 / 18:02 65
11 19.2°C / 66.5°F 5.7°C / 42.2°F 06:35 / 18:00 46
12 19°C / 66.2°F 5.5°C / 41.9°F 06:36 / 17:59 32
13 18.8°C / 65.8°F 5.2°C / 41.3°F 06:37 / 17:58 33
14 18.7°C / 65.6°F 5°C / 41°F 06:38 / 17:56 42
15 18.5°C / 65.3°F 4.8°C / 40.6°F 06:39 / 17:55 40
16 18.3°C / 64.9°F 4.5°C / 40.1°F 06:40 / 17:54 52
17 18.1°C / 64.5°F 4.3°C / 39.7°F 06:41 / 17:52 66
18 17.9°C / 64.2°F 4°C / 39.2°F 06:42 / 17:51 56
19 17.7°C / 63.8°F 3.8°C / 38.8°F 06:42 / 17:50 38
20 17.6°C / 63.6°F 3.6°C / 38.4°F 06:43 / 17:48 37
21 17.4°C / 63.3°F 3.3°C / 37.9°F 06:44 / 17:47 38
22 17.2°C / 62.9°F 3.1°C / 37.5°F 06:45 / 17:46 26
23 16.9°C / 62.4°F 2.9°C / 37.2°F 06:46 / 17:44 34
24 16.7°C / 62°F 2.6°C / 36.6°F 06:47 / 17:43 48
25 16.5°C / 61.7°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 06:48 / 17:42 57
26 16.3°C / 61.3°F 2.1°C / 35.7°F 06:49 / 17:41 41
27 16°C / 60.8°F 1.9°C / 35.4°F 06:50 / 17:40 34
28 15.8°C / 60.4°F 1.7°C / 35°F 06:51 / 17:39 40
29 15.5°C / 59.9°F 1.4°C / 34.5°F 06:52 / 17:37 16
30 15.3°C / 59.5°F 1.2°C / 34.1°F 06:53 / 17:36 24
31 15°C / 59°F 1°C / 33.8°F 06:54 / 17:35 44
- Last updated on Sep. 23, 2019 -
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