1967 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Sheep

Which type of Sheep are people born in 1967 Chinese zodiac year?

Sheep is Chinses zodiac sign for the year 1967, and it is the Fire element based on Chinese Five Elements. Therefore, people with Chinese zodiac Sheep born in 1967 are the Fire Sheep.

Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar since ancient times. Referring to Gregorian calendar, people born from February 9, 1967 to January 29, 1968 are Fire Sheep, and those who born from January 1 to February 8 in 1967 are the previous Fire Horse.

Lucky Signs for 1967 Fire Sheep

 Lucky Numbers: 1, 6

 Lucky Colors: black, dark green


2024 Horoscope for Fire Sheep Born in 1967

It would be a mediocre year in 2024 for the “Sheep” people born in 1967. They may get into some minor troubles in their career, so they might need to make preparation to cope with the unexpected crises although these small problems could be overcome eventually. There are many temptations in the surroundings, and they’d better focus on themselves and their family. They may feel down in the dumps or suffer from insomnia sometimes, thus they’d better keep a peaceful state of mind. If they’re single, they may come across a memorable love in the year. 

 See more about Sheep Fortune in 2024

Personality Traits of the 1967 Chinese Zodiac Fire Sheep

People born in 1967 year of the Sheep are amiable, courteous, gentle, honest, frank, helpful and compassionate. They are willing to help others and do not expect returns. So they have good popularity among colleagues and friends. Although they are stubborn sometimes, they do accept the advices of their friends. In addition, they love staying in a tidy environment, so they always keep their room clean.

But Chinses zodiac Fire Sheep are emotional and subjective. They are easily dominated by emotions. They always have some unrealistic ideas, and they are too stubborn to admit it. Sometimes they are pessimistic, hesitate to do things, and just like to rely on luck.

 See more about Personality of the Sheep



People with Chinese zodiac Sheep born in 1967 will have a smooth career. For office workers, the pace of promotion and salary increase in their whole life is relatively slow. They are not likely to become managers until they are 40 years old. Some people even cannot go to the management position until they retire. For entrepreneurs, it is very likely that they will be praised by their customers for their humble attitude and behavior, and then obtain large orders. But remember to do research before starting a new project, and don't trust others easily.

 See more about Best Jobs and Working Partners, Sheep's Best Business and Career Fields



The wealth fortunes in their life are rather tortuous. They may not earn more salary than their peers. But their fortune luck is pretty good in investment. They have a unique vision in investment, and the investment projects they choose usually have good benefits. Especially for entrepreneurs, their wealth will be greatly increased due to the right investment choices.


Love and Relationships

1967 Chinese zodiac Sheep have a relatively poor luck in love. For single people, it is very difficult to meet the right person, and even if they meet the right person, it is hard to be with him/her. It is suggested that they attend more parties. Married people may not get along well with their spouses. They may often quarrel with their lover on trivial things. But small things do accumulate into big problem. Therefore, it is suggested that they must communicate more with their partners in daily life.

 See more about Sheep's Love Compatibility



The Fire Sheep could live a relatively healthy life through their lives. There may be little health problem in daily life, just keep an eye on the diet. However, they should take good care of themselves in winter in case of catching cold or even more serious physical problems.

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- Last updated on Feb. 05, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
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