Harbin Weather in November

The weather of Harbin is cold and dry in November. The average daytime temperature is 0°C (32°F), and the average night temperature is -10°C (14°F). The temperature difference between day and night is great. The average precipitation is only 10mm. Due to the operating of heating system, air is lightly polluted; as a result haze occurs occasionally.

From this month, a long and cold winter starts in the city. At the beginning of this month, it seldom snows. Even if it snows, the snow will not be heavy and melt soon. Generally it will snow heavily in late November and the snow will accumulate. Pure white snow and ice attracts many tourists.

Averages for Harbin Weather in November

Temperature: -5°C / 23°F
High Temperature: 0°C / 32°F
Low Temperature: -10°C / 14°F
Humidity: 65%
Rainfall: 10 mm
Rainy Days: 6 days
Sunrise: 06:13 ~ 06:53
Sunset: 15:51 ~ 16:20
Air Quality in November
Average AQI:74
Harbin Air Quality in November

What to Wear in Harbin in November

Thanks to the extensive heating system, a thin sweater or a thin hoodie plus a pair of thin warm pants are enough if you are staying inside. If going outside, you have to wear a thick thermal shirt, a jacket with fleece or a woolen coat, gloves and scarf against the cold weather.
Harbin Clothes in November November Wear in Harbin

Where to Go in Harbin in November

Harbin Confucius Temple is a nice place, which is the most famous temple in Northeast China built to worship Confucius, an outstanding educator and thinker in ancient China. It is a typical Qing-style ancient architectural complex, and called as the "Forbidden City" in Harbin. The Heilongjiang Museum of Nationalities is located in the temple, where you will learn about the culture of minorities in Northern China.

The Dragon Tower, namely the Heilongjiang Broadcast and Television Tower, is a place worth visiting, which is a landmark building in the city. There visitors can see the sacred altar for ancestors of Chinese, enjoy exhibitions about Heilongjiang scenery, experience the longest glass walkway in the world and have a meal in the revolving restaurant.

Other Tips

In November, the climate in Harbin is dry and the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is big, so you need to have enough water and fruit, and bring some medicines in case of catching a cold. Harbin enters peak tourist season late in this month, so you should have your itinerary arranged as soon as possible and book a hotel in advance. In addition, if you want to buy some local specialties such as ginseng, velvet antler and mink, you are advised to go to big supermarkets to avoid traps.

What is the temperature in Harbin in November?

High/Low Temperatures of Harbin in November
Temperatures Graph of Harbin in November
Air Quality of Harbin in November
Harbin AQI Graph in November

Historical Harbin Weather in November

Apr Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 5.8°C / 42.4°F -4.1°C / 24.6°F 06:13 / 16:20 33
2 5.4°C / 41.7°F -4.4°C / 24.1°F 06:15 / 16:18 31
3 4.9°C / 40.8°F -4.8°C / 23.4°F 06:16 / 16:17 34
4 4.5°C / 40.1°F -5.2°C / 22.6°F 06:17 / 16:16 75
5 4°C / 39.2°F -5.5°C / 22.1°F 06:19 / 16:14 86
6 3.6°C / 38.5°F -5.9°C / 21.4°F 06:20 / 16:13 32
7 3.1°C / 37.6°F -6.3°C / 20.7°F 06:22 / 16:12 45
8 2.7 °C / 36.9°F -6.7°C / 19.9°F 06:23 / 16:10 50
9 2.2°C / 36°F -7.1°C / 19.2°F 06:25 / 16:09 46
10 1.8°C / 35.2F -7.5°C / 18.5°F 06:26 / 16:08 82
11 1.3°C / 34.3°F -7.9°C / 17.8°F 06:27 / 16:07 96
12 0.9°C / 33.6°F -8.3°C / 17.1°F 06:29 / 16:06 91
13 0.4°C / 32.7°F -8.7°C / 16.3°F 06:30 / 16:04 92
14 0°C / 32°F -9.2°C / 15.4°F 06:32 / 16:03 86
15 -0.4°C / 31.3°F -9.6°C / 14.7°F 06:33 / 16:02 83
16 -0.9°C / 30.4°F -10°C / 14°F 06:34 / 16:01 82
17 -1.3°C / 29.7°F -10.4°C / 50.7°F 06:36 / 16:00 83
18 -1.7°C / 28.9°F -10.8°C / 51.4°F 06:37 / 15:59 92
19 -2.1°C / 28.2°F -11.2°C / 11.8°F 06:38 / 15:59 96
20 -2.5°C / 27.5°F -11.6°C / 11.1°F 06:40 / 15:58 93
21 -2.9°C / 26.8°F -12°C / 10.4°F 06:41 / 15:57 93
22 -3.2°C / 26.2°F -12.4°C / 9.68°F 06:43 / 15:56 93
23 -3.6°C / 25.5°F -12.8°C / 8.96°F 06:44 / 15:55 95
24 -3.9°C / 25°F -13.2°C / 8.2°F 06:45 / 15:55 96
25 -4.3°C / 24.3°F -13.5°C / 7.7°F 06:46 / 15:54 94
26 -4.6°C / 23.7°F -13.9°C / 7°F 06:48 / 15:53 93
27 -4.9°C / 23.2°F -14.3°C / 6.3°F 06:49 / 15:53 96
28 -5.2°C / 22.6°F -14.6°C / 5.7°F 06:50 / 15:52 94
29 -5.5°C / 22.1°F -14.9°C / 5.2°F 06:52 / 15:52 94
30 -5.8°C / 21.6°F -15.3°C / 4.5°F 06:53 / 15:51 95
- Last updated on Sep. 20, 2019 -
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