Harbin Weather in January

As a famous ice city, the weather of Harbin in January is the coldest with an average temperature of -24°C ~ -13°C (-11°F ~ 9°F), but sometimes the temperature can even fall below -30°C (-22°F). Because of low precipitation and cold climate, the air is dry. The temperature difference between day and night is not very big, but the indoor and outdoor temperature difference is very big.

The celebration of Chinese New Year may fall in late January according to Chinese Lunar Calendar. In this month, Harbin is covered with pure white snow, making the festival more solemn. Lifelike ice sculptures and colorful ice lanterns enhance the festive atmosphere.

Averages for Harbin Weather in January

Temperature: 0°C / -18°F
High Temperature: -13°C / 9°F
Low Temperature: -24°C / -11°F
Humidity: 72%
Rainfall: 8 mm
Rainy Days: 6 days
Sunrise: 06:58 ~ 07:15
Sunset: 15:59 ~ 16:36
Air Quality in January
Average AQI:106
Harbin Air Quality in January

What to Wear in Harbin in January

Although the climate in Harbin in January is cold, a thin sweater plus a pair of thin warm pants or long jeans are enough if you are staying inside due to the extensive heating system. If going outside, you have to wear a thick sweater or a thick thermal shirt, a warm down jacket, snow boots, gloves, hat and scarf to keep you warm.
Harbin Clothes in January January Wear in Harbin

Things to Do in Harbin in January

Even though temperature of Harbin is very low in this month, the outdoor activities are attractive and fascinating. In Harbin Ice and Snow World, you can enjoy the snow heartily. It is located in the west district of Sun Island, on the north bank of the Songhua River. There tourists can appreciate the magnificent ice buildings and the finest ice sculptures, and participate in recreational activities such as ice rock-climbing, skating and skiing. The night view is also amazing. If you visit the city in January, you will have fun in Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival which annually opens on January 5 and lasts for more than one month.
Snow TownSnow Town
Harbin Night SceneHarbin Night Scene

Other Tips

In January, the weather of Harbin is dry and the indoor temperature is high, so you need to bring skin care products with good moisturizing effect and have enough water and fruit. It is easy to catch a cold because of big temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, so you are advised to bring some medicines. The low outdoor temperature may have some influence on photographic devices, hence you should keep them warm. For fear of the inconvenience caused by the Spring Festival Travel Rush, you'd better determine your travel plan as early as possible.

What is the temperature in Harbin in January?

High/Low Temperatures of Harbin in January
Temperatures Graph of Harbin in January
Air Quality of Harbin in January
Harbin AQI Graph in January

Historical Harbin Weather in January

Apr Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 -12.2°C / 10°F -22.3°C / -8.1°F 07:15 / 15:59 92
2 -12.3 °C / 9.9°F -22.4°C / -8.3°F 07:15 / 16:00 94
3 -12.4°C / 9.7°F -22.6°C / -8.7°F 07:15 / 16:01 88
4 -12.5°C / 9.5°F -22.7°C / -8.9°F 07:15 / 16:02 90
5 -12.6 °C / 9.3°F -22.8°C / -9°F 07:15 / 16:03 87
6 -12.6 °C / 9.3°F -22.9°C / -9.2°F 07:14 / 16:04 93
7 -12.7 °C / 9.1°F -23 °C / -9.4°F 07:14 / 16:05 91
8 -12.7 °C / 9.1°F -23.1°C / -9.6°F 07:14 / 16:06 95
9 -12.7 °C / 9.1°F -23.1°C / -9.6°F 07:14 / 16:07 92
10 -12.7 °C / 9.1F -23.2°C / -9.8°F 07:14 / 16:08 90
11 -12.7 °C / 9.1°F -23.3°C / -9.9°F 07:13 / 16:09 93
12 -12.7 °C / 9.1°F -23.3°C / -9.9°F 07:13 / 16:10 97
13 -12.6°C / 9.3°F -23.3°C / -9.9°F 07:12 / 16:12 96
14 -12.6°C / 9.3°F -23.3°C / -9.9°F 07:12 / 16:13 96
15 -12.5 °C / 9.5°F -23.3°C / -9.9°F 07:11 / 16:14 98
16 -12.4°C / 9.7°F -23.3°C / -9.9°F 07:11 / 16:15 98
17 -12.3°C / 9.9°F -23.3°C / -9.9°F 07:10 / 16:17 96
18 -12.2°C / 10°F -23.3°C / -9.9°F 07:09 / 16:18 97
19 -12.1°C / 10.2°F -23.2°C / -9.8°F 07:09 / 16:19 95
20 -11.9°C / 10.6°F -23.2°C / -9.8°F 07:08 / 16:21 94
21 -11.8 °C / 10.8°F -23.1°C / -9.6°F 07:07 / 16:22 90
22 -11.6°C / 11.1°F -23°C / -9.4°F 07:06 / 16:23 95
23 -11.4 °C / 11.5°F -22.9°C / -9.2°F 07:06 / 16:25 94
24 -11.3°C / 11.7°F -22.8°C / -9°F 07:05 / 16:26 96
25 -11.1°C / 12°F -22.7°C / -8.9°F 07:04 / 16:28 89
26 -10.9°C / 12.4°F -22.5°C / -8.5°F 07:03 / 16:29 89
27 -10.7°C / 12.7°F -22.4°C / -8.3°F 07:02 / 16:30 90
28 -10.5°C / 13.1°F -22.2°C / -8°F 07:01 / 16:32 86
29 -10.3 °C / 13.5°F -22.1°C / -7.8°F 07:00 / 16:33 90
30 -10 °C / 14°F -21.9°C / -7.4°F 06:59 / 16:35 86
31 -9.8°C / 14.4°F -21.7°C / -7.1°F 06:58 / 16:36 91
- Last updated on Sep. 19, 2019 -
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