1964 Chinese Zodiac - Wood Dragon
Which type of Dragon are people born in 1964 Chinese Zodiac year?
Lucky Signs for 1964 Wood Dragon
Lucky Numbers: 6, 8
Lucky Color: red, golden yellow
2024 Horoscope for Wood Dragon Born in 1964
2024 is Ben Ming Nian (Zodiac Year of Birth) for people born in 1964 year of the Dragon. According to Chinese zodiac horoscope, people intend to encounter more misfortune in their Ben Ming Nian than usual. To decrease the negative impact, they may wear red underwear on the first day of the Chinese New Year of the Dragon (February 10, 2024) and attend more marriage ceremonies or other happy events. Their marriage would be steady as a whole, just keep a reasonable distance with other opposite sexes to avoid any misunderstanding from their partner. In term of health and safety, watch out for stomach disorder and bellyache and be very careful when driving a car. Last but not least, don’t expect to make a lot of money via investment or through other channels.
See more about Dragon Horoscope in 2024
Personality Traits of the 1964 Chinese Zodiac Wood Dragon
However, people born in 1964 year of the Dragon may be impractical. They are short-sighted dreamers and fond of daydreaming, usually thinking a lot but doing nothing. They are pessimistic, indifferent to others and not likely to take the initiative to help others. So they have very few best friends and are not sociable.
See more about Personality of the Dragon
See more about Dragon's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners
Love and Relationships
See more about Dragon's Love Compatibility
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We didn't have a formal break up but he keeps on ignoring me until now ..
What would I do? Please. Help me..
I'm Taurus Wood Dragon DOB 16.05.1964.
I feel like I have wasted the last 18 years with a partner who I no longer love , and just see as an irritating house-mate. I still yearn after my one true love - we split up 20 years ago. He still lives local, but is in a relationship. I still remember the feelings I had and want those feelings again.
What can I do in 2021 to make ''it'' happen? I'm not getting any younger! Can you see anything better for me than this limbo state I am in?
Many thank yous in advance, x
What I've learnt from an in depth analysis of all esoteric subjects - astrology and many variations of it plus numerology and human design - is that until we can truly understand and love ourselves there is little point in looking outside of ourselves for solutions.
Obviously the current global situation is not facilitating the development of relationships but it is allowing us the benefit of more time to research and make new online friends. As regards measuring compatibility via astrology it's not as simple as our sun sign or our Chinese year sign.