1988 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Dragon
Which type of Dragon are people born in 1988 Chinese zodiac year?
Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar and the date between lunar calendar and Gregorian calendar is a little different. In Gregorian calendar, the Earth Dragon are born from February 17, 1988 to February 5, 1989; those who born from January 1 to February 16 in 1988 are Fire Rabbit.
Lucky Signs for 1988 Earth Dragon
Lucky Numbers: 4, 9
Lucky Color: white
2024 Horoscope for Earth Dragon Born in 1988
Entering 2024, their Ben Ming Nian (Zodiac Year of Birth), the fortune for people born in 1988 year of the Dragon is on a downtrend and they may meet many ups and downs. They may get into a panic and feel quite pressured when facing difficulties in work. In the case, they may turn to elder workmates for advice and try to make some changes to convert the situation. Due to the overloaded work, they would feel tired. Get some rest timely and try to seek for a balance between work and rest; otherwise, it may lead to bad influence on their health. In term of love, they may not be firm enough and dare not to make a commitment because they are afraid of getting hurt, which is not good to their relationship. They need to be braver, so as to maintain a solid relationship.
See more about Dragon Horoscope in 2024
Personality Traits of the 1988 Chinese Zodiac Earth Dragon
But they lack patience and often give up halfway. So they often lose their achievements. They are addicted to shopping and always waste money on inapplicable things.
See more about Personality of the Dragon
See more about Dragon's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners
Love and Relationships
See more about Dragon's Love Compatibility
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What is my prediction this 2024?
I'm interested in love and wealth.
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