1974 Chinese Zodiac - Wood Tiger
Which type of Tiger are people born in 1974 Chinese Zodiac year?
As Chinses follows lunar calendar, the date in Chinses calendar is a little different from Gregorian calendar. According to Gregorian calendar, people born from January 23, 1974 to February 10, 1975 are the Wood Tiger; those people who born from January 1 to January 22 in 1974 are the Water Ox.
Lucky Signs for 1974 Wood Tiger
Lucky Numbers: 2, 7
Lucky Colors: green, blue
2024 Horoscope for Wood Tiger Born in 1974
Entering 2024, their fortune is quite good in many aspects. No matter employees or those self-employed, they are very likely to get help from someone professional in their field and make a big progress, earning not only higher income, but also good reputation. In addition, they may make additional money from part-time jobs or through investment. Some of the people born in 1974 year of the Tiger may even earn enough money to buy a better house. However, don’t make impulsive investment. At home, they would get along well with their partner and kids and enjoy life after work happily. Eat healthily and learn to reduce the pressure, then they would not have serious health problems.
See more about Tiger Horoscope in 2024
Personality Traits of the 1974 Chinese Zodiac Wood Tiger
However, they are realistic, snobbish and selfish. They are kind of mean and subjective. It is difficult for them to admire others, and they are a bit reckless in doing things.
See more about Personality of the Tiger
See more about Tiger's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners
Love and Relationships
See more about Tiger's Love Compatibility
The Wood Tiger should take good care of their body. There may be some minor illnesses due to their hard work in the early age. After middle age, they must pay attention to their health. In daily life, they should seek balance between work and rest. Try to keep diet light and avoid spicy and greasy food. They also need keep regular exercise.
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The problem here that you take Ba-Zi for a prediction tool, a passive foretelling crystal ball, where Ba-Zi is a map to your inner tendencies, a map to understand them and seek conformance with your HS, seeking conformance is first to conform to a traditional order in every plan.
Ba-Zi or geomancy is not a science to tell or reveal your future or a `what to do in 3 bullet points`, it is a science indicating you how to conform and be in harmony in life, with the Heavens, your individuality and the general order: your relationship to others.
You can have all the virtual and potential HS lucks, if you don't conform or seek to understand, it will end up in a disaster. So on the paper you have indications, you then discarded all. Q.E.D.
You have many successful people with a smaller birth set of lucks who are very successful in term of traditional Wealth, because they seek to conform to the generalized greater order they belong to.
It is a map, an object, you are the subject thus don't ask a map to tell you anything, use it.
We are born with the gift of patience, tolerance, justice, and team work skills, so use this traits and work hard. Be principled, work honestly, and be dedicated. Never back down on challenges, take them on, and show them how Wood Tigers do things. This will result to promotions, higher salaries, and higher position in the organization/corporation where you are working at.
Btw, there are weak and strong Wood Tigers, so, it is up to you where you wanna be categorized. Do you wanna be a Strong Wood Tiger? or the weak one? Being strong or weak is up to you. I choose to be a strong one, so I work really hard. I had 5 promotions over a span of 15 years, and now supervise teams in a big organization. The Pay is high too. This allowed me to have vacations in other countries. So be the strong one and live a successful and good life.