Suzhou Weather in January

Being the coldest month in the year, Suzhou Weather in January is humid and windy, with endless rainy and cloudy days interspersed with snowflakes. The average January temperature is 1°C ~ 8°C (34°F ~ 46°F). Although the climate is not that cold as cities in northern China, tourists may be put off with the chill outside, especially in the morning and evening.

Because the end of January may fall on the Chinese New Year, tourists are on time to join in the biggest and busiest festival and share the euphoric communal atmosphere.

Averages for Suzhou Weather in January

Temperature: 9°C / 34°F
High Temperature: 8°C / 46°F
Low Temperature: 1°C / 34°F
Humidity: 73%
Rainfall: 40 mm
Rainy Days: 6 days
Sunrise: 06:51 ~ 06:58
Sunset: 17:05 ~ 17:31
Air Quality in January
Average AQI:70
Suzhou Air Quality in January

What to Wear in Suzhou in January

Tourists are advised to dress warmly when travelling to Suzhou in January. These warm clothing will be a good choice during the daytime, such as suits, jackets, wind coats, sportswear, or light sweaters. Relatively speaking, the night temperature is lower, so tourists need to wear padded clothes, thick overcoats, down jackets, woolen sweaters, gloves, scarves, or fur-lined jackets. Comfortable and suitable shoes ought to be chosen.
Suzhou Clothes in January January Wear in Suzhou

Where to Go in Suzhou in January

Traveling within winter's Suzhou is an adventure. The classical gardens such as Humble Administrator's Garden and Lion Grove Garden are both worth visiting. If it snows in January then the gardens are all white. The combination of gardens and snow will leave you totally breathless. Besides, you are advised to hang out around the streets to taste local snacks.
Folk  Custom MuseumFolk Custom Museum
Pingjiang Snack StreetEnjoy Snacks on Pingjiang Road

Top 10 Things to Do in Suzhou

Other Tips

January is actually a low tourist season and thus expects steep discounts and bonuses from tour providers. You are advised to bring along some common medical medicines. Keep warm at all times lest you catch cold. Take close notice of skin care because of the sharp coldness and wind. Remember to apply sunscreen products to protect your skin. Bring an umbrella. Meanwhile, book air and land tickets ahead to be less affected by the Spring Festival Travel Rush.

What is the temperature in Suzhou in January?

High/Low Temperatures of Suzhou in January
Temperatures Graph of Suzhou in January
Air Quality of Suzhou in January
Suzhou AQI Graph in January

Historical Suzhou Weather in January

Jan Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low
1 9.1 °C / 48.4°F 2.2°C / 36 °F 06:56 / 17:05 68
2 9°C / 48.2°F 2.1°C / 35.8°F 06:57 / 17:06 52
3 8.8 °C / 47.8°F 2°C / 35.6°F 06:57 / 17:07 62
4 8.7 °C / 47.7°F 2°C / 35.6°F 06:57 / 17:08 85
5 8.6 °C / 47.5°F 1.9 °C / 35.4°F 06:57 / 17:08 83
6 8.4 °C / 47.1°F 1.9 °C / 35.4°F 06:57 / 17:09 83
7 8.3 °C / 46.9°F 1.8°C / 35.2°F 06:57 / 17:10 74
8 8.2 °C / 46.7°F 1.8°C / 35.2°F 06:57 / 17:11 38
9 8.1°C / 46.6°F 1.7 °C / 35°F 06:58 / 17:12 44
10 8 °C / 46.4°F 1.7 °C / 35°F 06:58 / 17:12 77
11 7.9 °C / 46.2°F 1.6 °C / 34.9°F 06:58 / 17:13 82
12 7.8 °C / 46°F 1.6 °C / 34.9°F 06:57 / 17:14 63
13 7.7 °C / 45.9°F 1.5 °C / 34.7°F 06:57 / 17:15 52
14 7.6°C / 45.7°F 1.5 °C / 34.7°F 06:57 / 17:16 50
15 7.6°C / 45.7°F 1.4 °C / 34.5°F 06:57 / 17:17 46
16 7.5°C / 45.5°F 1.4 °C / 34.5°F 06:57 / 17:18 51
17 7.5°C / 45.5°F 1.4 °C / 34.5°F 06:57 / 17:18 70
18 7.5°C / 45.5°F 1.3 °C / 34.3°F 06:57 / 17:19 58
19 7.5°C / 45.5°F 1.3 °C / 34.3°F 06:56 / 17:20 33
20 7.5°C / 45.5°F 1.3 °C / 34.3°F 06:56 / 17:21 56
21 7.5°C / 45.5°F 1.3°C / 34.3°F 06:56 / 17:22 85
22 7.5°C / 45.5°F 1.3°C / 34.3°F 06:55 / 17:23 82
23 7.6°C / 45.7°F 1.3°C / 34.3°F 06:55 / 17:24 61
24 7.6°C / 45.7°F 1.3°C / 34.3°F 06:55 / 17:25 26
25 7.7°C / 45.9°F 1.4 °C / 34.5°F 06:54 / 17:26 32
26 7.8°C / 46°F 1.4 °C / 34.5°F 06:54 / 17:27 32
27 7.9°C / 46.2°F 1.4 °C / 34.5°F 06:53 / 17:28 57
28 8°C / 46.4°F 1.5°C / 34.7°F 06:53 / 17:28 94
29 8.1 °C / 46.6°F 1.5°C / 34.7°F 06:52 / 17:29 84
30 8.2°C / 46.7°F 1.6 °C / 34.9°F 06:52 / 17:30 70
31 8.4 °C / 46.9°F 1.7 °C / 35°F 06:51 / 17:31 70
- Last updated on Jul. 13, 2022 -
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