Suzhou Weather in June

Suzhou welcomes early summer in June and the weather is mild due to the subtropical monsoon climate. It begins to get hot in late June. The city experiences good air quality and it attracts many tour groups. Suzhou has much rainfall in June and it rains or pours frequently. Usually, the average high temperature in June is 27°C (81°F) and the average low temperature is 20°C (68°F).

One thing to note is that the Dragon Boat Festival may fall in June, when tourists can see the spectacular dragon boat races and participate in the celebration. This will be an interesting experience.

Averages for Suzhou Weather in June

Temperature: 24°C / 75°F
High Temperature: 27°C / 81°F
Low Temperature: 20°C / 68°F
Humidity: 77%
Rainfall: 152 mm
Rainy Days: 10 days
Sunrise: 04:53 ~ 04:56
Sunset: 18:57 ~ 19:06
Air Quality in June
Average AQI:40
Suzhou Air Quality in June

What to Wear in Suzhou in June

During the daytime, you may wear T-shirts, short skirts, shorts, and other loose fitting clothing. Short suits, long-sleeve T-shirts, and thin denim pants are suitable for a night out.
Suzhou Clothes in June June Wear in Suzhou

Where to Go in Suzhou in June

In June, Panmen Scenic Area deserves visiting. Among the sights are: Ruiguang Pagoda, the oldest pagoda in Suzhou; Wumen Bridge, the highest ancient bridge in Suzhou; and the unique water-and-land city gate - Panmen City Gate. It would be a great opportunity to get to know the historical and cultural aspects of the city. What's more, tourists can go to Hanshan Temple, one of the most well-known Buddhism temples in China. Or they can go to Zhouzhuang Water Town to row a boat and enjoy the city from a different perspective.
Top 10 Things to Do in Suzhou

Other Tips

Bring an umbrella and keep it handy at all times. If going out on a sunny day, wear a hat or use a parasol, and apply sunscreen products against the sun. Public transportation serves the city well. Visitors ought to have small change for use on buses or taxis. They can also ride a bicycle sightseeing city.

What is the temperature in Suzhou in June?

High/Low Temperatures of Suzhou in June
Temperatures Graph of Suzhou in June
Air Quality of Suzhou in June
Suzhou AQI Graph in June

Historical Suzhou Weather in June

Jun Temperature  Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low
1 27.6°C / 81.7°F 19.8°C / 67.6°F 04:54 / 18:57 83
2 27.6°C / 81.7°F 19.9°C / 67.8°F 04:54 / 18:58 66
3 27.7°C / 81.9°F 20°C / 68°F 04:53 / 18:58 86
4 27.8°C / 82°F 20.3°C / 68.5°F 04:53 / 18:59 81
5 27.9°C / 82.2°F 20.2°C / 68.4°F 04:53 / 18:59 70
6 27.9°C / 82.2°F 20.3°C / 68.5°F 04:53 / 19:00 73
7 28°C / 82.4°F 20.5°C / 68.9°F 04:53 / 19:00 68
8 28.1°C / 82.6°F 20.7°C / 69.3°F 04:53 / 19:01 76
9 28.2°C / 82.8°F 20.8°C / 69.4°F 04:53 / 19:01 79
10 28.3°C / 82.9°F 21°C / 69.8°F 04:53 / 19:02 72
11 28.4°C / 83.1°F 21.1°C / 70°F 04:53 / 19:02 80
12 28.5°C / 83.3°F 21.3°C / 70.3°F 04:53 / 19:02 91
13 28.6°C / 83.5°F 21.5°C / 70.7°F 04:53 / 19:03 71
14 28.7°C / 83.7°F 21.8°C / 71.2°F 04:53 / 19:03 67
15 28.8°C / 83.8°F 22°C / 71.6°F 04:53 / 19:04 71
16 28.9°C / 84°F 22.2°C / 72°F 04:53 / 19:04 67
17 29°C / 84.2°F 22.3°C / 72.1°F 04:53 / 19:04 64
18 29.1°C / 84.4°F 22.5°C / 72.5°F 04:53 / 19:04 66
19 29.2°C / 84.6°F 22.7°C / 72.9°F 04:53 / 19:05 67
20 29.3°C / 84.7°F 22.9°C / 73.2°F 04:54 / 19:05 83
21 29.5°C / 85.1°F 23°C / 73.4°F 04:54 / 19:05 74
22 29.6°C / 85.3°F 23.2°C / 73.8°F 04:54 / 19:05 75
23 29.7°C / 85.5°F 23.4°C / 74.1°F 04:54 / 19:06 66
24 29.9°C / 85.8°F 23.5°C / 74.3°F 04:54 / 19:06 77
25 30°C / 86°F 23.7°C / 74.7°F 04:55 / 19:06 87
26 30.2°C / 86.4°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 04:55 / 19:06 78
27 30.3°C / 86.5°F 24°C / 75.2°F 04:55 / 19:06 92
28 30.5°C / 86.9°F 24.1°C / 75.4°F 04:56 / 19:06 97
29 30.6°C / 87.1°F 24.3°C / 75.7°F 04:56 / 19:06 87
30 30.8°C / 87.4°F 24.4°C / 75.9°F 04:56 / 19:06 69
- Last updated on Jul. 13, 2022 -
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