Tianjin Weather in January

Tianjin weather in January is the coldest all year round, like most cities in northern China.

The average Tianjin temperature in January fluctuates between -8-2°C (18-36 °F).

Influenced by Mongolia high pressure, northwest wind prevails in January, which blows fastest during the whole year.

In January, most days are sunny with a few snowy days, and cloudy is also common; with less rainfall, the climate is relative dry.

Averages for Tianjin Weather in January

Temperature: -4°C / 25°F
High Temperature: 2°C / 36°F
Low Temperature: -8°C / 18°F
Humidity: 56%
Rainfall: 3 mm
Rainy Days: 2 days
Sunrise: 07:20 ~ 07:31
Sunset: 16:59 ~ 17:30
Air Quality in January
Average AQI:83
Tianjin Air Quality in January

What to Wear in Tianjin in January

Travel to Tianjin in January, it is proper to wear warm winter clothes which can be effectively against the cold weather, such as down coat, wool coat, cotton-padded jacket, wool sweater, woolen hat, gloves, scarves and boots.
Tianjin Clothes in January January Wear in Tianjin

Where to Go in Tianjin in January

With low temperature outside, indoor activities become popular. You can enjoy the most distinctive art treasures, like exquisite jade, porcelain, and calligraphy in Tianjin Museum. Tianjin Happy Valley Amusement Park creates a perfect water paradise throughout the year with a constant temperature of 30 °C (86 °F), where you can swim and participate in various water sports even in cold January. In January of Tianjin, entertainments related to snow cannot be missed. It is a good idea to appreciate the beautiful snowscape, go skiing, ice-skating, enjoy snowball fights or make snowman. Yulong Ski Resort is a heaven for skiing; here, you can release yourself, experience exciting skiing or motor skiing, and enjoy the spectacular snowscape.
Yuhuang Pavilion, TianjinYuhuang Pavilion
Yulong Skiing Resort, TianjinYulong Ski Resort

Other Tips

Although it is cold outside, the room is well heated; therefore, dress accordingly and prevent from cold caused by great temperature difference. You may take some cold medicine if traveling to Tianjin in January. Also, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

What is the temperature in Tianjin in January?

High/Low Temperatures of Tianjin in January
Temperatures Graph of Tianjin in January
Air Quality of Tianjin in January
Tianjin AQI Graph in January

Historical Tianjin Weather in January

Jan Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low
1 1.7°C / 32°F -7.1°C / 19.2°F 07:31 / 16:59 76
2 1.6°C / 34.8°F -7.2°C / 19°F 07:31 / 16:59 43
3 1.6°C / 31.1°F -7.3°C / 18.8°F 07:31 / 17:00 52
4 1.5°C / 34.7°F -7.4°C / 18.6°F 07:31 / 17:01 61
5 1.4°C / 34.5°F -7.4°C / 18.6°F 07:31 / 17:02 63
6 1.4°C / 34.5°F -7.5°C / 18.5°F 07:31 / 17:03 69
7 1.3°C / 34.3°F -7.6°C / 18.3°F 07:31 / 17:04 62
8 1.3°C / 34.3°F -7.6°C / 18.3°F 07:31 / 17:05 60
9 1.3°C / 34.3°F -7.7°C / 18.1°F 07:31 / 17:06 46
10 1.3°C / 34.3°F -7.7°C / 18.1°F 07:31 / 17:07 28
11 1.3°C / 34.3°F -7.8°C / 17.9°F 07:31 / 17:08 33
12 1.3°C / 34.3°F -7.8°C / 17.9°F 07:30 / 17:09 34
13 1.4°C / 34.5°F -7.8°C / 17.9°F 07:30 / 17:10 19
14 1.4°C / 34.5°F -7.8°C / 17.9°F 07:30 / 17:11 31
15 1.5°C / 34.7°F -7.8°C / 17.9°F 07:30 / 17:12 53
16 1.6°C / 34.8°F -7.8°C / 17.9°F 07:29 / 17:13 55
17 1.7°C / 32°F -7.8°C / 17.9°F 07:29 / 17:14 54
18 1.8°C / 35.2°F -7.7°C / 18.1°F 07:28 / 17:15 32
19 1.9°C / 35.4°F -7.7°C / 18.1°F 07:28 / 17:16 41
20 2°C / 35.6°F -7.6°C / 18.3°F 07:28 / 17:17 22
21 2.2°C / 35.9°F -7.6°C / 18.3°F 07:27 / 17:19 21
22 2.3°C / 36.1°F -7.5°C / 18.5°F 07:26 / 17:20 25
23 2.5°C / 36.5°F -7.4°C / 18.6°F 07:26 / 17:21 45
24 2.6°C / 36.6°F -7.3°C / 18.8°F 07:25 / 17:22 37
25 2.7°C / 36.8°F -7.3°C / 18.8°F 07:25 / 17:22 43
26 2.9°C / 37.2°F -7.1°C / 19.2°F 07:24 / 17:24 49
27 3.1°C / 37.5°F -7°C / 19.4°F 07:23 / 17:25 51
28 3.2°C / 37.7°F -6.9°C / 19.5°F 07:22 / 17:27 25
29 3.4°C / 38.1°F -6.8°C / 16.5°F 07:22 / 17:28 13
30 3.5°C / 38.3°F -6.7°C / 19.9°F 07:21 / 17:29 11
31 3.7°C / 38.6°F -6.5°C / 20.3°F 07:20 / 17:30 22
- Last updated on Sep. 03, 2020 -
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