Tianjin Weather in May

In general, Tianjin weather in May is warm and pleasant, making May one of the best months to visit Tianjin. The average temperature of May in Tianjin is 20 °C (68 °F), while average high temperature is 26 °C (79 °F) and average low temperature is 15 °C (59 °F).

However, the weather in May is quite changeable with sudden temperature drop and occasional rain; therefore, it is essential to pay attention to weather conditions and dress accordingly.

Averages for Tianjin Weather in May

Temperature: 20°C / 68°F
High Temperature: 26°C / 79°F
Low Temperature: 15°C / 59°F
Humidity: 55%
Rainfall: 38 mm
Rainy Days: 6 days
Sunrise: 04:47 ~ 05:13
Sunset: 19:04 ~ 19:31
Air Quality in May
Average AQI:67
Tianjin Air Quality in May

What to Wear in Tianjin in May

During the daytime, breathable clothes such as shirts made of cotton and linen, T-shirts and so on are proper in the hot climate; when night comes, it is advised to wear relatively warm clothes, like thin overcoat, windbreakers, and others.    
Tianjin Clothes in May May Wear in Tianjin

Where to Go in Tianjin in May

Tianjin Eye, a giant Ferris wheel over the Haihe River is a landmark of Tianjin. The night view is especially beautiful. Sitting in it, you can get a bird’s-eye view of the city. Local teahouses are best places to enjoy a crosstalk show; although you may not understand what they are saying, you can have a glimpse of the local lifestyle and be immersed in the happy atmosphere. At Five Great Avenues, you can visit well preserved exotic buildings, take some beautiful photos, and buy some local souvenirs; besides, Munan Garden in the core area of the Five Great Avenues welcomes its most beautiful time as Chinese roses are in full blossom in May.

Other Tips

Since most days in May are sunny days and the ultraviolet radiation is strong, so it is necessary to take some measures to protect yourself from the sun and also keep hydrated.

What is the temperature in Tianjin in May?

High/Low Temperatures of Tianjin in May
Temperatures Graph of Tianjin in May
Air Quality of Tianjin in May
Tianjin AQI Graph in May

Historical Tianjin Weather in May

May Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 23.9°C / 75°F 12.6°C / 54.6°F 05:13 / 19:04 31
2 24°C / 75.2°F 12.8°C / 55°F 05:12 / 19:05 39
3 24.2°C / 75.5°F 12.9°C / 55.2°F 05:11 / 19:06 38
4 24.3°C / 75.7°F 13.1°C / 55.5°F 05:10 / 19:07 28
5 24.5°C / 76.1°F 13.3°C / 55.9°F 05:08 / 19:08 17
6 24.6°C / 76.2°F 13.4°C / 56.1°F 05:07 / 19:09 15
7 24.8°C / 76.6°F 13.6°C / 56.4°F 05:06 / 19:10 19
8 25°C / 77°F 13.8°C / 56.8°F 05:05 / 19:11 23
9 25.1°C / 77.1°F 13.9°C / 57°F 05:04 / 19:12 39
10 25.3°C / 77.5°F 14.1°C / 57.3°F 05:03 / 19:13 40
11 25.5°C / 77.9°F 14.3°C / 57.7°F 05:02 / 19:14 16
12 25.7°C / 78.2°F 14.5°C / 58.1°F 05:01 / 19:15 15
13 25.9°C / 78.6°F 14.6°C / 58.2°F 05:00 / 19:16 17
14 26.1°C / 78.9°F 14.8°C / 58.6°F 04:59 / 19:17 21
15 26.3°C / 79.3°F 15°C / 59°F 04:58 / 19:18 26
16 26.5°C / 79.7°F 15.2°C / 59.3°F 04:57 / 19:19 23
17 26.8°C / 80.2°F 15.4°C / 59.7°F 04:56 / 19:20 31
18 27°C / 80.6°F 15.6°C / 60°F 04:56 / 19:21 31
19 27.2°C / 80.9°F 15.8°C / 60.4°F 04:55 / 19:21 21
20 27.4°C / 81.3°F 15.9°C / 60.6°F 04:54 / 19:22 32
21 27.6°C / 81.6°F 16.1°C / 60.9°F 04:53 / 19:23 50
22 27.6°C / 81.6°F 16.3°C / 61.3°F 04:53 / 19:24 71
23 27.8°C / 82°F 16.5°C / 61.7°F 04:52 / 19:25 37
24 28°C / 82.4°F 16.7°C / 62°F 04:51 / 19:26 24
25 28.2°C / 82.7°F 16.9°C / 62.4°F 04:51 / 19:27 29
26 28.4°C / 83.1°F 17.1°C / 62.7°F 04:50 / 19:27 32
27 28.6°C / 83.4°F 17.3°C / 63.1°F 04:49 / 19:28 24
28 28.8°C / 83.8°F 17.5°C / 63.5°F 04:49 / 19:29 22
29 29°C / 84.2°F 17.6°C / 63.6°F 04:48 / 19:30 26
30 29.1°C / 84.3°F 17.8°C / 64°F 04:48 / 19:30 30
31 29.4°C / 84.9°F 18°C / 64.4°F 04:47 / 19:31 30
- Last updated on Sep. 03, 2020 -
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