Tianjin Weather in February

As the end of winter season, Tianjin weather in February is still cold, with the average temperature of -5 - 5 °C (23 - 41 °F). In February, most days are sunny, with only 1 to 2 rainy or snowy days averagely. The little rainfall leads to dry air; therefore, it is advised for tourists to drink enough water and use moisturizing cream to stay hydrated. Located in the east coast of Eurasia where the East Asian monsoon prevails, Tianjin climate is greatly dominated by the monsoon. There are always strong winds in February, and they blow fast. Hence, it is recommended for tourist to wear masks or take other protective measures when getting out on windy days.

Chinese New Year usually falls in February, when various celebrations like Temple Fair, Lantern Festival, and the traditional cultural exhibition, will be held in Tianjin. Visiting Tianjin in February, you will get a rare opportunity to experience Chinese folk customs. Above all, if interested in these, you’d better plan in advance, and book accommodation, train or plane tickets as early as possible.

Averages for Tianjin Weather in February

Temperature: -1°C / 30°F
High Temperature: 5°C / 41°F
Low Temperature: -5°C / 23°F
Humidity: 54%
Rainfall: 4 mm
Rainy Days: 2 days
Sunrise: 06:47 ~ 07:19
Sunset: 17:31 ~ 18:02
Air Quality in February
Average AQI:87
Tianjin Air Quality in February

What to Wear in Tianjin in February

In February, tourists are advised to wear warm or winter clothes to overcome the cold weather, such as cotton overcoat, woolen coat, down jacket, sweater, winter pants, gloves, hats, and scarves.
Tianjin Clothes in February February Wear in Tianjin

Things to Do in Tianjin in February

If you are interested in Chinese traditional culture, Temple Fair at Water Park is perfect; here, you can appreciate the artworks of folk craftsmen, watch excellent opera and folk performances, and taste local delicacies. In Fanta Lantern Festival, you can feast your eyes in the ‘sea of lanterns’, guess lantern riddles and enjoy carefully prepared performances. Besides, enjoying exciting skiing at Jizhou International Ski Resort is also a fine option.
Jizhou Interantional Ski Resort, TianjinJizhou International Ski Resort
Wanghailou Church, TianjinWanghailou Church
Drum Tower, TianjinDrum Tower
Nanshi Food Street, TianjinNanshi Food Street

What is the temperature in Tianjin in February?

High/Low Temperatures of Tianjin in February
Temperatures Graph of Tianjin in February
Air Quality of Tianjin in February
Tianjin AQI Graph in February

Historical Tianjin Weather in February

Feb  Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low 
1 3.8°C / 38.8°F -6.3°C / 20.6°F 07:19 / 17:31 22
2 4°C / 39.2°F -6.1°C / 21°F 07:18 / 17:32 28
3 4.1°C / 39.3°F -6°C / 21.2°F 07:17 / 17:34 38
4 4.2°C / 39.6°F -5.8°C / 21.5°F 07:16 / 17:35 50
5 4.4°C / 39.9°F -5.7°C / 21.7°F 07:15 / 17:36 24
6 4.5°C / 40.1°F -5.5°C / 22.1°F 07:14 / 17:37 30
7 4.7°C / 40.4°F -5.4°C / 22.2°F 07:13 / 17:38 38
8 4.8°C / 40.6°F -5.2°C / 22.6°F 07:12 / 17:39 24
9 5°C / 41°F -5.2°C / 22.6°F 07:11 / 17:41 22
10 5.1°C / 41.1°F -5°C / 23°F 07:09 / 17:43 17
11 5.2°C / 41.4°F -4.9°C / 23.5°F 07:08 / 17:44 20
12 5.4°C / 41.7°F -4.7°C / 23.7°F 07:07 / 17:45 22
13 5.5°C / 41.9°F -4.5°C / 23.9°F 07:05 / 17:46 40
14 5.7°C / 42.2°F -4.4°C / 24°F 07:04 / 17:47 36
15 5.9°C / 42.6°F -4.2°C / 24.4°F 07:03 / 17:49 45
16 6°C / 42.8°F -4°C / 24.8°F 07:02 / 17:50 48
17 6.2°C / 43.1°F -3.8°C / 25.5°F 07:00 / 17:51 16
18 6.4°C / 43.5°F -3.7°C / 25.3°F 06:59 / 17:52 23
19 6.5°C / 43.7°F -3.5°C / 25.7°F 06:58 / 17:53 29
20 6.7°C / 44°F -3.3°C / 26°F 06:56 / 17:54 17
21 6.9°C / 44.4°F -3.1°C / 26.4°F 06:55 / 17:55 32
22 7.1°C / 44.7°F -2.9°C / 26.7°F 06:55 / 17:55 67
23 7.3°C / 45.1°F -2.7°C / 27.1°F 06:54 / 17:56 25
24 7.5°C / 45.5°F -2.5°C / 27.5°F 06:52 / 17:57 30
25 7.7°C / 45.8°F -2.3°C / 27.8°F 06:51 / 17:58 32
26 7.9°C / 46.2°F -2.1°C / 28.2°F 06:50 / 18:00 34
27 8.2°C / 46.7°F -1.9°C / 28.6°F 06:48 / 18:01 27
28 8.4°C / 47.1°F -1.7°C / 28.9°F 06:47 / 18:02 23
- Last updated on Sep. 03, 2020 -
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