Tianjin Weather in June

Falling in early summer, Tianjin weather in June is gradually getting hot, with the temperature continuing to rise from the beginning of the month to the end of the month. As a whole, the average temperature varies from 20 to 30 °C (68-86 °F). But it is still cool in early morning, at night, after a thunderstorm or wind. Rainfall also increases compared with previous months, but most days are sunny days. Sunlight intensity strengthens, so it is essential to protect skins from the sun.
It is fine to travel to Tianjin in June, because the climate is not scorching; besides, Tianjin looks more dynamic with lush, green trees and more and more colorful nightlife. 

Averages for Tianjin Weather in June

Temperature: 25°C / 77°F
High Temperature: 30°C / 86°F
Low Temperature: 20°C / 68°F
Humidity: 64%
Rainfall: 71 mm
Rainy Days: 8 days
Sunrise: 04:44 ~ 04:48
Sunset: 19:32 ~ 19:42
Air Quality in June
Average AQI:56
Tianjin Air Quality in June

What to Wear in Tianjin in June

For day trips, cool and breathable clothes made of light cotton fabric, such as skirts, T-shirts, shorts and dresses are suitable; after nightfall, it is recommended to add an overcoat made of single-layer cotton and linen fabric.
Tianjin Clothes in June June Wear in Tianjin

Things to Do in Tianjin in June

Haihe River Cruise, one of the most attractive activity in Tianjin, will bring you the chance to appreciate the river and modern high-rises on both banks from a different angle. The best time to take it is at night after the neo lights are turned on, offering amazing Tianjin night scene. Also, because it is by water, you won’t feel too hot at all. At St. Joseph Cathedral, you can appreciate gorgeous paintings on walls and glasses, listen to bible stories, and seek for inner peace. Besides, you can visit Jingyuan in traditional Chinese style. Here, you can escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, travel among traditional architecture accompanied with birds’ song.
Wanghailou Church, TianjinWanghailou Church
Jade Emperor Pavilion, TianjinJade Emperor Pavilion

Other Tips

Sunshine duration is longer, if spending a long time outdoors, one is advised to bring sunscreen and smear again timely. The weather is hot and dry, and remember to drink enough water.

What is the temperature in Tianjin in June?

High/Low Temperatures of Tianjin in June
Temperatures Graph of Tianjin in June
Air Quality of Tianjin in June
Tianjin AQI Graph in June

Historical Tianjin Weather in June

Jun Temperature  Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low
1 29.5°C / 85.1°F 18.2°C / 64.7°F 04:47 / 19:32 33
2 29.6°C / 85.2°F 18.3°C / 64.9°F 04:47 / 19:32 47
3 29.7°C / 85.5°F 18.5°C / 65.3°F 04:46 / 19:33 36
4 29.8°C / 85.6°F 18.6°C / 65.4°F 04:46 / 19:34 28
5 29.9°C / 85.8°F 18.8°C / 65.8°F 04:46 / 19:34 32
6 30°C / 86°F 19°C / 66.2°F 04:46 / 19:35 80
7 30°C / 86°F 19.1°C / 66.3°F 04:45 / 19:36 39
8 30.1°C / 86.1°F 19.2°C / 66.5°F 04:45 / 19:36 27
9 30.1°C / 86.1°F 19.4°C / 66.9°F 04:45 / 19:37 30
10 30.2°C / 86.3°F 19.5°C / 67.1°F 04:45 / 19:37 25
11 30.2°C / 86.3°F 19.6°C / 67.2°F 04:45 / 19:38 33
12 30.2°C / 86.3°F 19.8°C / 67.6°F 04:44 / 19:38 53
13 30.3°C / 86.5°F 19.9°C / 67.8°F 04:44 / 19:39 39
14 30.3°C / 86.5°F 20°C / 68°F 04:44 / 19:39 27
15 30.3°C / 86.5°F 20.1°C / 68.1°F 04:44 / 19:39 26
16 30.3°C / 86.5°F 20.2°C / 68.3°F 04:45 / 19:40 27
17 30.3°C / 86.5°F 20.3°C / 68.5°F 04:45 / 19:40 28
18 30.4°C / 86.7°F 20.5°C / 68.9°F 04:45 / 19:40 43
19 30.4°C / 86.7°F 20.6°C / 69°F 04:45 / 19:41 51
20 30.4°C / 86.7°F 20.7°C / 69.2°F 04:45 / 19:41 52
21 30.4°C / 86.7°F 20.8°C / 69.4°F 04:45 / 19:41 76
22 30.5°C / 86.9°F 20.9°C / 69.6°F 04:45 / 19:41 67
23 30.5°C / 86.9°F 21°C / 69.8°F 04:46 / 19:41 68
24 30.5°C / 81°F 21.1°C / 69.9°F 04:46 / 19:42 49
25 30.6°C / 87°F 21.2°C / 70.1°F 04:46 / 19:42 42
26 30.6°C / 87°F 21.3°C / 70.3°F 04:47 / 19:42 44
27 30.6°C / 87°F 21.4°C / 70.5°F 04:47 / 19:42 40
28 30.7°C / 87.2°F 21.5°C / 70.7°F 04:47 / 19:42 35
29 30.7°C / 87.2°F 21.6°C / 70.8°F 04:48 / 19:42 47
30 30.7°C / 87.2°F 21.7°C / 71.1°F 04:48 / 19:42 17
- Last updated on Sep. 03, 2020 -
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