Urumqi Weather in April

In April, the weather of Urumqi is cool. With the coming of spring, the temperature begins to rise. The average daytime temperature is 17°C (63°F), and the average night temperature is 5°C (41°F). The temperature difference between day and night is still great. The average rainfall of this month increases to 33mm, which can ease drought.

Early spring flowers come into bloom in this month, making the whole city more colorful. Spring is short here, so it is more precious. As the temperature rises, more and more tourists travel to Urumqi.

Averages for Urumqi Weather in April

Temperature: 10°C / 50°F
High Temperature: 17°C /63°F
Low Temperature: 5°C / 41°F
Humidity: 48 %
Rainfall: 33 mm
Rainy Days: 7 days
Sunrise: 07:04 ~ 07:52
Sunset: 20:36 ~ 21:11
Air Quality in April
Average AQI:53
Urumqi Air Quality in April

What to Wear in Urumqi in April

In the daytime, a thin sweater plus a wind coat or a jacket are enough. The temperature drops sharply at night, so you should wear a cotton wadded jacket or a thin woolen coat when going outside.
Urumqi Clothes in April Urumqi Wear in April

Where to Go in Urumqi in April

In the cool weather with good air quality, outdoor activities are recommended. Having a spring outing in Urumqi Botanical Garden is a good option. There you can appreciate beautiful flowers and breathe the fresh air. More than 30 species of rare endangered plants grow there. Peach flowers, wild apricot flowers, and forsythia flowers come into bloom early. In late April, visitors can admire tulips, irises, roses, hyacinths and others.

Later you can visit Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar, which is the biggest bazaar in the world. The bazaar is the gathering place and exhibition center of Xinjiang tourism products, which reproduces the commercial prosperity of the ancient Silk Road. There tourists can climb to the top of the 80-meter-high (262 feet) sightseeing tower to overlook the whole bazaar, or watch song and dance performances while eating delicious food in opera theater. From national handicrafts, daily necessities to special snacks, you can buy almost everything you want.
Gongning City Wall, UrumqiGongning City Wall
Urumqi Muqum TheaterMuqum Theater
Botanical Garden, Urumqi Botanical Garden

Other Tips

Urumqi is located at high altitude, though the climate is cool, the sunlight is strong and the ultraviolet radiation is intensive; therefore, you should take sunscreen, sun clothing, sun hat and sunglasses to protect your skin. Some scenic spots are far away from downtown area, and you can rent a car to go there. A variety of flowers are blooming in this month, hence you should be aware of pollen allergy. In addition, you are advised to avoid Qingming Festival holiday at the beginning of April, for fear that scenic spots are crowded with visitors.

What is the temperature in Urumqi in April?

High/Low Temperatures of Urumqi in April
Temperatures Graph of Urumqi in April
Air Quality of Urumqi in April
Urumqi AQI Graph in April

Historical Urumqi Weather in April

Apr Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low 
1 5.9°C / 42.6°F -5.6°C / 21.9°F 07:52 / 20:36 66
2 6.1°C / 42.9°F -5.4°C / 22.2°F 07:50 / 20:37 43
3 6.3°C / 43.3°F -5.2°C / 22.6°F 07:49 / 20:38 29
4 6.5°C / 43.7°F -5°C / 23°F 07:47 / 20:39 39
5 6.7°C / 44°F -4.8°C / 23.3°F 07:45 / 20:41 14
6 6.9°C / 44.4°F -4.6°C / 23.7°F 07:43 / 20:42 11
7 7.1°C / 44.7°F -4.4°C / 24°F 07:42 / 20:43 12
8 7.3°C / 45.1°F -4.2°C / 24.4°F 07:40 / 20:44 53
9 7.5°C / 45.5°F -4°C / 24.8°F 07:38 / 20:45 37
10 7.7°C / 45.8°F -3.8°C / 25.1°F 07:36 / 20:47 28
11 8°C / 46.4°F -3.6°C / 25.5°F 07:35 / 20:48 84
12 8.2°C / 46.7°F -3.4°C / 25.8°F 07:33 / 20:49 49
13 8.4°C / 47.1°F -3.2°C / 26.2°F 07:31 / 20:50 18
14 8.6°C / 47.4°F -3°C / 26.6°F 07:29 / 20:52 20
15 8.8°C / 47.8°F -2.8°C / 26.9°F 07:28 / 20:53 16
16 9.1°C / 48.3°F -2.6°C / 27.3°F 07:26 / 20:54 15
17 9.3°C / 48.7°F -2.4°C / 27.6°F 07:24 / 20:55 48
18 9.5°C / 49.1°F -2.1°C / 28.2°F 07:23 / 20:56 34
19 9.7°C / 49.4°F -1.9°C / 28.5°F 07:21 / 20:58 69
20 9.9°C / 49.8°F -1.7°C / 28.9°F 07:19 / 20:59 41
21 10.1°C / 50.1°F -1.5°C / 29.3°F 07:18 / 21:00 31
22 10.3°C / 50.5°F -1.3°C / 29.6°F 07:16 / 21:01 30
23 10.5°C / 50.9°F -1.1°C / 30°F 07:15 / 21:02 23
24 10.7°C / 51.2°F -0.9°C / 30.3°F 07:13 / 21:03 20
25 10.8°C / 51.4°F -0.7°C / 30.7°F 07:11 / 21:05 21
26 11°C / 51.8°F -0.6°C / 30.9°F 07:10 / 21:06 62
27 11.2°C / 52.1°F -0.4°C / 31.2°F 07:08 / 21:07 58
28 11.3°C / 52.3°F -0.2°C / 31.6°F 07:07 / 21:08 34
29 11.5°C / 52.7°F 0°C / 32°F 07:05 / 21:10 39
30 11.6°C / 52.8°F 0.1°C / 32.1°F 07:04 / 21:11 23
- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2019 -
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