Urumqi Weather in September

Urumqi weather in September has an average high temperature of 23°C (73°F) and average low temperature of 12°C (54°F). The temperature of this month is really comfortable because it is not too hot nor too cold although the temperature difference between day and night is large. The climate is very dry. Averagely, there are about 5 rainy days with an average rainfall of 26mm and the average humidity is 44%. The air quality of this month is likely to be the best around the year.

September is a golden travel month around the year for Urumqi has entered its cool autumn. But you won’t feel crowded in the resorts because most of them are large enough.


Averages for Urumqi Weather in September

Temperature: 17°C / 63°F
High Temperature: 23°C /73°F
Low Temperature: 12°C / 54°F
Humidity: 44%
Rainfall: 26 mm
Rainy Days: 5 days
Sunrise: 07:33 ~ 08:05
Sunset: 19:53 ~20:46
Air Quality in September
Average AQI:50
Urumqi Air Quality in September

What to Wear in Urumqi in September

Prepare T-shirt, long-sleeved shirt, thin pants and thin coat for daytime walks. As for nighttime, bring a sweater or wind coat to keep warm.
Urumqi Clothes in September Urumqi Wear in September

Where to Go in Urumqi in September

As the autumn comes in this month, you can enjoy beautiful autumn colors in the natural resorts and so on. The top recommendations are the Heavenly Lake Scenic Area, Tianshan Grand Canyon and the Southern Pastures. If you’d like to have a bird-eye view of Urumqi city, you may go to Red Hill Park. If you want to get close with the local Uygur, you may go to the International Grand Bazaar which displays the architecture, art, local specialties and delicious food. If you are looking for a study journey about the local cultural, you should pay a visit to the Xinjiang Regional Museum where ancient brocade, Silk Road artifacts and ancient corpses are on exhibition.

Other Tips

In this dry weather, you need to drink enough bottled water to keep the body moisturized. Bring sunglasses, hat and sunscreen with you to stay away from ultraviolet ray. Mosquito repellent is still a necessity during the trekking in the woods. If traveling in group, renting a car or minibus to visit the remote resorts is convenient.

What is the temperature in Urumqi in September?

High/Low Temperatures of Urumqi in September
Temperatures Graph of Urumqi in September
Air Quality of Urumqi in September
Urumqi AQI Graph in September

Historical Urumqi Weather in September

Sep Temperature  Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low
1 15.8°C / 60.4°F 4.4°C / 39.9°F 07:33 / 20:46 25
2 15.7°C / 60.2°F 4.3°C / 39.7°F 07:34 / 20:44 22
3 15.6°C / 60°F 4.1°C / 39.3°F 07:35 / 20:42 40
4 15.5°C / 59.9°F 4°C / 39.2°F 07:36 / 20:41 28
5 15.4°C / 59.7°F 3.8°C / 38.8°F 07:39 / 20:37 21
6 15.3°C / 59.5°F 3.7°C / 38.6°F 07:39 / 20:37 18
7 15.2°C / 59.3°F 3.6°C / 38.4°F 07:40 / 20:35 13
8 15.1°C / 59.1°F 3.5°C / 38.3°F 07:41 / 20:33 21
9 15°C / 59°F 3.3°C / 37.9°F 07:42 / 20:31 33
10 15°C / 59°F 3.2°C / 37.7°F 07:43 / 20:30 29
11 14.9°C / 58.8°F 3.1°C / 37.5°F 07:44 / 20:28 38
12 14.8°C / 58.6°F 3°C / 37.4°F 07:45 / 20:26 50
13 14.8°C / 58.6°F 2.9°C / 37.2°F 07:46 / 20:24 35
14 14.7°C / 58.4°F 2.8°C / 37°F 07:47 / 20:22 18
15 14.6°C / 58.2°F 2.7°C / 36.8°F 07:49 / 20:20 15
16 14.6°C / 58.2°F 2.6°C / 36.6°F 07:50 / 20:19 15
17 14.5°C / 58.1°F 2.5°C / 36.5°F 07:51 / 20:17 17
18 14.4°C / 57.9°F 2.4°C / 36.3°F 07:52 / 20:15 37
19 14.3°C / 57.7°F 2.3°C / 36.1°F 07:53 / 20:13 17
20 14.2°C / 57.5°F 2.2°C / 35.9°F 07:54 / 20:11 16
21 14°C / 57.2°F 2.1°C / 35.7°F 07:55 / 20:09 15
22 13.9°C / 57°F 1.9°C / 35.4°F 07:56 / 20:08 18
23 13.7°C / 56.6°F 1.8°C / 35.2°F 07:58 / 20:06 22
24 13.6°C / 56.4°F 1.6°C / 34.8°F 07:59 / 20:04 44
25 13.4°C / 56.1°F 1.4°C / 34.5°F 08:00 / 20:02 72
26 13.2°C / 55.7°F 1.2°C / 34.1°F 08:01 / 20:00 41
27 12.9°C / 55.2°F 1°C / 33.8°F 08:02 / 19:59 24
28 12.7°C / 54.8°F 0.8°C / 33.4°F 08:03 / 19:57 25
29 12.4°C / 54.3°F 0.6°C / 33°F 08:04 / 19:55 30
30 12.2°C / 53.9°F 0.4°C / 32.7°F 08:05 / 19:53 26
- Last updated on Nov. 26, 2019 -
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