How to Travel between Beijing and Guilin

Beijing to Guilin distance is as long as 2,000 kilometers (1,243 miles). The fastest travel way between them is to take direct flights, taking 3 – 3.5 hours and CNY 800 – 1,600. Beijing – Guilin high speed trains also serve. The travel time will be 8 – 10.5 hours and the price is CNY861.5-911.5 for a second class seat. Or passengers can choose to take Beijing – Guilin normal speed train for 19 – 29 hours, taking CNY399 for a hard sleeper. And right now, there is no coach between the two cities for such a long distance.

How to Travel from Beijing to Guilin

How to Travel from Beijing to Guilin


1. Fastest Way: Beijing to Guilin Flight: 3 – 3.5 hours, CNY 800 – 1,600

At least 6 Beijing to Guilin direct flights serve passengers starting from Beijing Capital International Airport and the newly Daxing International Airport to Guilin Liangjiang International Airport. It takes 3 – 3.5 hours and CNY 800 – 1,600. The ticket fare fluctuates with a changed discount. Passengers are advised to pay attention to price trend in advance to purchase a cheap one.

2. Alternative High Speed Train: 8 – 10.5 hours, CNY861.5-911.5 for a second class seat

2 Beijing to Guilin high speed trains are running every day, departing from Beijing West Railway Station to Guilin North Railway Station at 07:31 and 09:00 respectively. The ticket price is CNY861.5-911.54 for a second class seat, CNY1,739-1,459 for a first class seat and CNY 2,699-2,856 for a business class seat.

3. Beijing to Guilin Normal Speed Train: 19 – 29 hours, CNY629 for a soft sleeper

There are 5 Beijing to Guilin normal trains available from Beijing West Railway Station or Beijing Fengtai Railway Station to Guilin North Railway Station. The travel time ranges from 19 to 29 hours. We will recommend two of them for a relatively short time.

Train Dep. Arr. Duration
Z285 21:05
Beijing West
Guilin North
Z5 16:05
Beijing West
Guilin North

 Ticket Fare:
Soft Sleeper: CNY629; Hard Sleeper: CNY399; Hard Seat: CNY236

 Further read: Beijing - Guilin Train 

How to Travel from Guilin to Beijing


1. Fastest Way: Guilin to Beijing Flight: 3 hours, CNY 800 – 1,600

There are around 10 Guilin to Beijing direct flights departing from Guilin Liangjiang International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport and Daxing International Airport. It takes about 3 hours for a single trip, and the price is CNY 800 – 1,600 with a changing discount frequently.

2. Alternative High Speed Train: 8 – 10.5 hours, CNY861.5-911.5 for a second class seat

Guilin North Railway Station deals 2 Guilin to Beijing high speed trains to Beijing West Railway Station at 11:15 and 14:31. And it takes CN861.5-911.5 for a second class seat, CNY 1,379-1,459 for a first class seat and CNY 2,856 for a business class seat.

3. Guilin to Beijing Normal Speed Train: 19 – 28 hours, CNY629 for a soft sleeper

Also, 5 Guilin to Beijing normal speed trains are running from Guilin North Railway Station to Beijing West Railway Station or Beijing Fengtai Railway Station, taking 19 – 28 hours. 2 faster trains are recommended.

Train Dep. Arr. Duration
Z6 14:38
Guilin North
Beijing West
Z286 21:15
Guilin North
Beijing West

 Ticket Fare:
Soft Sleeper: CNY629; Hard Sleeper: CNY399; Hard Seat: CNY236
- Last updated on Sep. 13, 2023 by Gabby Li -
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