1949 Chinese Zodiac - Earth Ox

Which type of Ox are people born in 1949 Chinese zodiac year?

According to the Chinese calendar, people born in 1978 are the Chinese zodiac Ox. Moreover, the year of 1949 belongs to the Earth element based on Chinese Five Elements. So, people with Chinese zodiac Ox born in 1978 are the Earth Ox.

Chinese people follow lunar calendar since ancient time. Referring to Gregorian calendar, the Earth Ox year begins from January 29, 1949 to February 16, 1950. Those people who born from January 1 to 28 in 1949 are previous Chinese zodiac sign Earth Rat.


Lucky Signs for 1949 Earth Ox

Lucky numbers: 6, 9

Lucky colors: red, green


2024 Horoscope for Earth Ox Born in 1949

It is generally a peaceful year for people born in 1949 year of the Ox. Having retired from work, they have more time to enjoy themselves, like traveling, making delicious dishes or developing personal hobbies. Their wealth luck is average, indicating they may not get additional income except retirement pension. But don’t worry a lot. Their retirement pension would be enough to support their daily needs. Their horoscope in love and relationship is great. They would get along well with their partner, children and friends. However, they should lay emphasis on maintaining health, as their health fortune is on a downtrend. Follow a healthy life routine and do regular exercises proper to them.

 See more about Ox Horoscope in 2024 

Personality Traits of the 1949 Chinese Zodiac Earth Ox

Chinese zodiac Ox are honest, and responsible. They have a strong fighting spirit and always have a conscientious and steady attitude on work. In addition, they are considerate and helpful. They are righteous, humble and polite, which makes many people willing to make friends with them. Last but not least, the Earth Ox is very determined and will not be influenced by others easily.

However, they are sometimes too conservative and stubborn. They will stick to their own opinions and do not easily accept other people's suggestions. In addition, their emotions can fluctuate greatly. Sometimes they are a little impulsive, and sometimes they may feel inferior. They are not good at expressing their true thoughts deep inside.

 See more about Personality of the Ox


For the Ox people in 1949, they have already begun to enjoy retirement. In order to enrich their retirement life, they can take one or two interest courses, such as calligraphy and chess. Because it can not only kill time, but also edify sentiment.

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The wealth luck of the Earth Ox is getting better and better. Since they are 70 years old, they will seldom get extra money through investment. Their financial resources mainly come from the money they saved from their work and from their stable pension. In addition, their children are also excellent, so their old age life will be very rich.

Love and Relationships

The Earth Ox will live with their spouse happily. Although their life with their loved ones has always been ordinary, their feelings will get better and better if they can understand and support each other in life. In addition, the grandchildren of the Ox people will always accompany them and play games with them. Thus they will lead a peaceful and harmonious life.

 See more about Ox's Love Compatibility


As they get older, the Earth Ox should pay more attention to their health. They should eat more nutritious food and do not eat leftovers, especially in hot summer, because food is easy to rot. Moreover, they should take more exercise in daily life to strengthen their body. Most importantly, they should go to the doctor at once when they feel unwell.

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- Last updated on Feb. 04, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
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