1970 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Dog

Which type of Dog are people born in 1970 Chinese Zodiac Year?

Dog is the 1970 Chinese zodiac sign, and according to Chinese Five Elements, Metal is the element for the year 1970. So people born in are Metal Dog. To clarify them in Gregorian calendar, people born from February 6 to December 31 in 1970 are the Metal Dog, and people born from January 1 to February 5 in 1970 belong to the previous Earth Rooster.


Lucky Signs for 1970 Metal Dog

 Lucky Numbers:  2, 7

 Lucky Color: red


2024 Horoscope for Metal Dog Born in 1970

Their overall luck is not so good in 2024. They may face many choices, especially in the aspect of career. They might leave the original position, or get more opportunities for a further development. They need to think deeply before making a decision in front of the choices; if they take the wrong choice, it would be difficult for them in the future.

In terms of love, the male Dog people would have a stable relationship with their sweetheart, but it’s a little bumpy for the female Dog people to get along well with their lover. Even though they are tolerant, there would be some quarrels with the boyfriend/husband. The Dog people should also look after their kids well if they have; they’d better make their kids away from some sharp objects.

 See more about Dog Horoscope in 2024

Personality Traits of the 1970 Chinese Zodiac Metal Dog

The Chinese zodiac Metal Dog are cautious and have strong self-esteem. No matter what they do, they always rely on their own efforts other than others, and they never give up until reach their goals. In addition, they are honest, simple and reliable. They will spare no effort to help their friends when they are in trouble.

But the Dog people born in 1970 have a bad temper and their mood is unstable. They are so stubborn that they are unwilling to accept other people's opinions and suggestions. Moreover, they are rather pessimistic and always think of things in a bad way.

 See more about Personality of the Dog



People with Chinese zodiac Dog born in 1970 have a good career fortune in the latter half of their life. They would like to make some achievements in their career, but it is difficult to realize because they lack the help from others. However, they will be helped by someone in their 50s, from when their career fortune starts to rise, and their leaders will gradually entrust them with important tasks. And their excellent working ability will also help them to solve difficult problems.

 See more about Dog's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners



The fortune luck for the Metal Dog changes from bad to good. For office workers, they can get a good salary as long as they finish their work on time. For entrepreneurs, there is no problem with the products they produce, but they are not very sensitive to changes in the market, so they cannot make too much profit. However, benefiting from the stable customer base, there is no need to worry too much. It is suggested that they can give their surplus money to trusted people or organizations to manage their investments.


Love and Relationships

People born in 1970 year of the Dog value the family very much and they can live a happy life with their spouse. Because they are sensitive and caring, they are very considerate of their spouse and give them more care when they are in a bad mood. At the same time, they also pour a lot of love into their children and grandchildren. The family's life is happy and harmonious.

 See more about Dog's Love Compatibility



They may suffer from insomnia or poor sleep for a long time, which will not only not delay the progress of work, but also damage their health. They are advised to take a warm bath before going to bed and go to bed early every day, they also should better turn off their computers and cell phones earlier. In addition, they should get rid of bad habits, such as drinking too much.

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 Dog's Character and Fortune by Five Elements

 People Born in Different Years of the Dog: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

- Last updated on Feb. 04, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
Questions & Answers on 1970 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Dog
Asked by Yasma Bari from INDIA | Nov. 05, 2023 06:32Reply
Permanent job in apparels
I'm trying to get a permanent good salary job in apparels multinational company.my date of birth is 29/10/1970
Time 8.10 am
Answers (1)
Answered by Maria | Nov. 05, 2023 23:47

In general, this year is lucky for you in career and wealth aspects so you have a good change to get what you want as long as you can keep struggling for it.
Asked by Ranjini from UNITED KINGDOM | Feb. 10, 2021 10:36Reply
Buying house
Going through divorce will I win and able to buy my own house in 2021
Answers (3)
Answered by Gem | Feb. 13, 2021 07:12

No one wins in a divorce. It is the tearing of a family. Your bitterness & thoughts of money block your path to spiritual growth. You will NOT win the financial gains you believe you are deserving of. If you are wise enough you will realize it is more than enough. Being that you base your happiness of bank totals you will remain trapped in the past for over the next decade. You must let go of your entitlement to being overindulged. Be content with smaller surroundings or you will miss out on a good home find. You can find Peace there & finally release all the wrong you feel was done to you. Happiness wants to live within you again. It can IF you are open and willing to forgive.
Answered by Debra An | Apr. 05, 2022 21:19

With God anything is possible. My first divorce was a blessing. He didn't deserve me and was mentally and physically abusive.
Sometimes people are better off divorced as it can help each of them.
I am a lot happier divorced! His loss.
As God explained to me having faith is extremely important to accomplish anything.
Mathew 17:20
God Bless You!
You can accomplish what you put your mind to as long as you have God in your life and have faith.

Answered by Dan | Dec. 18, 2022 11:37

This is a terrible answer. Sometimes changing the spouse can lead to a whole new life where everyone benefits. We must not stay with a partner who is not deserving of us.
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