Horse - Personality and Characteristics


Energetic, Passionate, Upright, Aspirant

The Wu Xing (The Five Elements) of the Horse is Fire (Huo), so the Horse stands for zeal and passion. People born in the Years of the Horse are always having personality traits like being warm-hearted, enthusiastic, and positive. As they are lively and active, running in broad areas, so it is also the symbol of independence and freedom.


Generous, independent, romantic

Horse personality is usually friendly and generous, so they are able to make a lot of friends. In interpersonal communication, they have commands of skills to liven up the atmosphere, which makes everyone in a harmony. Independence is also a strong point. They can survive a lot of obstacles without help from others. They have great vitality and never give in easily, so they are likely to rise in the career of their early lifetime. Meanwhile, most of them adopt a positive attitude towards life, so they can pose a good influence on friends and families. Most male Horses are romantic, and they often create surprises for others. They are eloquent and pervasive, talented in leadership. And they have insight into others’ mind, so they can always give proper response. They have acute ability of learning and perceiving. A skill or knowledge can be acquired in much shorter time than others.


Extravagant, outspoken, vain and stubborn

People with Chinese zodiac Horse love spending, so it’s quite hard for them to deposit their money in the bank. They seldom make preparations for the unexpected occurrences. Over frank and straightforward, they concern little about the listeners’ feeling, which may offend others in conversation. Some of them are leakers; they cannot keep any secrets, which may cause their later failures in business. They are lack of perseverance. Giving up halfway, they often cannot gain what they want. They like to chase vanity, dressing finely and respectably. Mirrors are their closest companion. They are weak listening to the advices or ideas from others. Sticking on their own thoughts may lead to wrong judgment on important affairs.


Industrious, enterprising, shrewd

Because of the Horse zodiac personality, people born with this sign are usually rebellious and unruly in their childhood, but when they grow up, they can be great achievers changing their fates. Because they love making friends, they will be helped out of most difficulties. In the course of rising, they will seize the opportunities to improve themselves so as to strengthen their vested accomplishments. Learning and experience enable them to maintain and promote their work or business.

 Best Jobs for Horses

They love association with different people, so the jobs related to interpersonal communication are their favorite options. They are inclined to play a dominant role in a task due to the Chinese zodiac horse personality, so they prefer giving commands to obeying orders.

Suitable Jobs: sales rep, publicist, speaker, journalist, performer, tour operator, or librarian

 See more about

Horse's Best Jobs and Working Partners

Horse's Best Business and Career Fields


Early flourishing, backup saving

With friends’ powerful aids, they will reach the climax of the career and business in early youth, accumulating a large amount of money during twenties to thirties. Financial shortage would never be a problem. However, their love of spending is not good for their wealth stability, so the suggestion is to save money to support old-age.

Love and Relationships

Passionate, romantic, sentimental and faithful

People born in the Year of the Horse are fond of freedom, and they don’t like to be bound by any relationships. They choose to live and work far away from home, striving for their goals alone.

They are easily attracted and whole-heart taken by opposite sex. They tend to be sentimental and emotional in relationships. When falling in love, they will pursue the best at all costs, ignoring family and friends. They can easily get into exaltation on sweet days, or fall into depression during moments of heartbreak.

However, in marriage, they will be loyal and responsible to the other. Although the relationship is not as favorable as they expect in destiny, they will be faithful to family. They adopt quite realistic attitudes towards relationship, lack of fantasy or romance. Therefore, duty and work are put in first place, and their relationships are mostly stable and harmonious in the rest of life.

Best Matches: Tiger, Sheep, Rabbit
Bad Matches: Rat, Ox, Rooster

 See Love Compatibility of Horse, to know more about their compatible Chinese zodiac signs, what they are like in love, and how to get along with them.


Excessive internal heat, precaution for heart disease

As the five elements of the Horse is Fire, which likely lead to symptoms like fever, thirst, constipation, fidgeting, and pulse racing in daily life. So people with this animal sign should pay close attention to bodily changes. For the middle-aged and-old, they should take precautions against heart disease and high blood pressure. They are advised to take more yin-nourishing food, such as yam, tremella, red dates, honey, lotus seeds, and black beans.

Further Reading on Chinese Zodiac Horse:

 Destiny by Birth Month

 Destiny by Birth Date

 Personality by Western Astrology Signs

 Personality by Blood Types

 Character and Fortune by Five Elements 

 Horoscope in 2024

- Last updated on Jul. 29, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
Questions & Answers on Horse\s Personality and Characteristics
Asked by Santhosh from INDIA | Oct. 14, 2024 07:03Reply
Trying to Succeed - Need Guidance
I was born on October 28, 1978. Year 2024 has been a very bad year, its 11 months I am without a job and not able to get a job or start some thing on my own, a very stressful year, wanted to know if I would do good in 2025 in terms of job/business and will I be able to make money in 2024. Will I be able to succeed in my career.
Answers (1)
Answered by Daniel | Oct. 14, 2024 22:47

In 2025, you may have more opportunities for job and career based on Chinese Zodiac prediction. And you have an enviable wealth fortune in 2025.
Asked by K from UNITED KINGDOM | Apr. 21, 2024 10:53Reply
Work pressures
Born 03/04/90 - I have been finding it difficult to make money at work and getting a lot of pressure from my boss. Will this ease in 2024 or will I continue to have difficulties.
Answers (1)
Answered by Rita | Apr. 22, 2024 22:38

You will meet both challenges and opportunities this year. You may encounter obstacles, but you will get over it if being patient and determined.
Asked by Stephanie Goyena from UNITED STATES | Feb. 10, 2024 08:52Reply
Gold horse for 2024
What are my predictions for 2024? I was born the 21st of June in 1990?
Answers (1)
Answered by Marcy | Feb. 20, 2024 00:48

You may come across some challenges in career this year but they may also be a chance if you work hard to solve problems. In love and relationship, you need to put efforts to maintain relationship. Few health problems will show up.
Asked by Rose from PHILIPPINES | Feb. 01, 2024 20:14Reply
Hi, can you talk more about my luck this year? December 23, 1990, is my birthday. I'm married with 9-year-old son. I am employed and just started a small food business in our neighborhood and would like to expand it. Would it be a good year for me? I'm struggling financially and my current salary is not enough to cover all the bills. My husband is unemployed because he was sick and still recovering, he runs our business.
Answers (2)
Answered by Emma | Feb. 04, 2024 20:01

Hi, your luck this year is not bad but you may meet both challenges and chances. In financial aspect, you need to make more efforts. When facing pressure, you may also have trouble getting along with your partner and pay attention to be more patient and positive. Good luck to you!
Answered by Pratishtha | Feb. 06, 2024 03:49

Born on 22 January 2003

Asked by Edward from SINGAPORE | Dec. 31, 2023 18:08Reply
Gold and silver
Born in 09 Nov 1978

1. Can i keep and wear gold and silver?
2. I have 5 betta fishes at home, are they suitable?
Answers (1)
Answered by Dorothy | Jan. 02, 2024 23:17

1. Yes, of course.
2. It doesn't matter.
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