Hanoi - Sapa Trains


Basic Information

Both Hanoi and Sapa are the must go cities for Northern Vietnam travel. You could get trek through the hill villages and get in touch with the local people in Sapa. The distance between Hanoi and Sapa is about 300km, no flight serves this line, and bus takes 5-6 hours, which could be boring and waste of time. Then the overnight sleeper trains become a preferred way to travel between these two cities. You will spend one night on the train, there are two or three trains serve this line each day, and most of the luxury private trains in Vietnam operate on this route.

Train Stations

The trains are between Hanoi and Lao Cai, since there is no railway station in Sapa.

Hanoi Railway Station (Hanoi Central Station)

Vietnamese: Ga Hà Nội
Address: 120 Lê Duẩn, Hoàn Kiếm District, Hanoi, Vietnam
How to get: It is located in the city center, you could take bus No. 86, 86CT, 01, 32, 38, 40 or CNG03 and get off at Ga Hà Nội.

There are two parts of Hanoi Railway Station, Part A and Part B. Trains to Lao Cai depart from Part B, which is on Tran Quay Cap Street on the far side of the tracks. It is better to confirm with your agent about the departure station after your ticket is confirmed.

Lao Cai Railway Station

Vietnamese: Ga Lào Cai
Address: Tổ 26A,, Tp. Lào Cai, Lào Cai
How to get: From Lao Cai to Sapa, you still need to take bus or taxi, the distance is about 38km (24 miles).

Tourist Sleeper Trains between Hanoi and Sapa

Most of the best tourist express trains in Vietnam are running on this route, like Orient Express Train, King Express Train, Fanxipan Express Train, Livitrans Express Train, Reunification Express Train, Victoria Express Train, Chapa Express Train and so on. The facilities and services on these trains are better than the Reunification Express. The two beds soft sleeper cabins are only available on the luxury tourist trains carriages. If you would like to have the best experience, you could try the VIP cabin on Sapaly, Chapa or Fanxipan.

Hanoi to Lao Cai Train Schedules

There are two trains from Hanoi to Lao Cai each day, SP1 and SP3, both of them depart at late evening (21:35 and 22:00) and arrive on the next morning (05:30 and 06:10). Different tourist train carriages are attached on SP1 and SP3.

(Last Update on July 27, 2020)
SP1 (21:35/05:30+)  Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (2)  VIP Berth (2)
Reunification Express - 34 -
Orient Express - 33 69
Livitrans Express - 35 -
The Pumpkin Express - 35 72
Fanxipan Express - 36 75
SP3 (22:00/06:10+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Sleeper (6) Soft Sleeper (2) VIP Berth (2)
Reunification Express - 34 -
Sapaly Express - 37 79
King Express - 37 73
Victoria Express - 95 145
Chapa Express - 39 80
Laman Express - 43 89

Sapa to Hanoi to Train Schedule:

As the opposite direction of Hanoi to Sapa, the train numbers for the return overnight trip are SP2 and SP4. Departs at late night, arrive on the early morning.

(Last Update on July 27, 2020)
SP2 (20:55/04:32+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Sleeper (4) Soft Sleeper (2) VIP Berth (2)
Reunification Express - 34 -
Orient Express - 33 69
Livitrans Express - 35 -
The Pumpkin Express - 35 72
Fanxipan Express - 36 75

SP4 (21:40/05:30+) Ticket Types and Price (US$)
Hard Sleeper (4) Soft Sleeper (2) VIP Berth (2)
Reunification Express - 34 -
Sapaly Express - 37 79
King Express - 37 73
Victoria Express - 95 145
Chapa Express - 39 80
Laman Express - 43 89
- Last updated on Sep. 02, 2020 -
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