How to Travel between Chengdu and Guilin

Chengdu to Guilin distance is as long as 1,066 kilometers (662 miles). The fastest travel way between them is to take a direct flight, taking around 110 minutes and CNY 500-1,100. Or passengers can take Chengdu - Guilin high speed trains, taking 6 – 7.5 hours and CNY 397 – 434. 

How to Travel between Chengdu and Guilin

How to Travel from Chengdu to Guilin

1. Fastest Chengdu to Guilin Flight: 110 minutes, CNY 500 – 1,100

Number of Flights 3
Ticket Price CNY 500-1,100
Duration 110 minutes
Departure time 7:50; 17:15; 21:20
Dep. - Arr. Chengdu Tianfu Airport - Guilin Liangjiang International Airport

2. Economic Chengdu to Guilin High Speed Train: 6 – 7.5 hours, CNY 397-434

Number of Trains 21
Ticket Price CNY 397-434 for Second Class Seat; CNY 634-695 for First Class seat
Duration 6-7.5h
Departure time 6:55 - 12:41
Frequency 1-5 trains per hour
Dep. - Arr. Chengdu East Railway Station, Chengdu South Railway Station - Guilin, Guilin North and Guilin West Railway Station
See detailed Chengdu - Guilin Train

Which station to choose in Guilin

 Guilin Railway Station:

Situated at the intersection of Zhongshan Road and Shanghai Road in Xiangshan District in Guilin city center, it’s the most important railway station in Guilin.

 Guilin North Railway Station:

Located in the northern part of the city center in Diecai District, this station is a newly built one. There are city buses and airport shuttle bus, so passengers can get to other destinations very conveniently. It deals 5 Guilin to Chengdu high speed trains.

 Guilin West Railway Station:

This one is located at Dingjiang Village in Lingchuan County and a little far from the city center. 14 Guilin to Chengdu high speed trains depart from here.

How to Travel from Chengdu to Li River Scenic Spot & XIngping Town

 To Li River Scenic Spot
→ Take a train to Guilin North
→ Take the city bus no. 100, 1, K99 or 18 to Lequn Rd, taking 40 minutes and CNY2.

 To Xingping Town
→ Take a high speed train at Guilin train stations to Yangshuo Railway Station;
→ Take the bus Yangshuo Railway Station line 2 to Xingping Ancient Town

How to Travel from Guilin to Chengdu

1. Fastest Guilin to Chengdu Flight: 2h, CNY 500 - 1,200

Number of Flights 3
Ticket Price CNY 500-1,200
Duration about 2h
Departure time 8:10; 10:35; 23:45
Dep. - Arr. Chengdu Tianfu Airport - Guilin Liangjiang International Airport

2. Economic High Speed Train: 6-7.5, CNY 373 – 434

Number of Trains 23
Ticket Price CNY 373-434 for Second Class Seat; CNY 597-709 for First Class seat
Duration 6-7.5h
Departure time 9:24 - 16:26
Frequency 2-5 trains per hour
Dep. - Arr. Guilin, Guilin North and Guilin West Railway Station - Chengdu East Railway Station, Chengdu South Railway Station
- Last updated on Sep. 20, 2023 by Gabby Li -
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