Liaoning Province

Liaoning Travel Guide

Liaoning Facts

Chinese Name: 辽宁 (liáo níng)
Abbreviation: Liao
Population: 43,517,000
Area: 148,000 square kilometers (57,143 square miles)
Location: in the northeast China
Administrative Division: 14 cities (Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, Fushun, Benxi, Dandong, Jinzhou, Yingkou, Fuxin, Liaoyang, Panjin, Tieling, Chaoyang, Huludao)
GDP (2018): CNY 2,490.95 billion (USD 361.06 billion)
Nationalities: Han, Man, Mongol, Hui, Chaoxian, Xibe

An Old Industry Base in China with Excellent Sea View

Liaoning Province, often called 'the Golden Triangle' because of its superior geographical location, includes boundaries on the Yellow Sea, the Bohai Gulf, and the Yalu River, which makes it the closest gateway to the Korean Peninsula. With Shenyang as the capital city, Liaoning is one of the important old industrial bases in China as the equipment manufacturing industry and the raw material industry are relatively developed. It is also the main transportation route from northeast China to Beijing and a major gateway to opening up. The total length of the Liaoning railway has been up to 6,132.4 kilometers (3,810.5 mile) long, ranking first in China. There are many port groups along the coast as well. A trip to Liaoning is full of endless surprises every day. What you want to see can be found in this city including charming seascape, long coastlines, many natural scenic spots, tourist resorts and historical sites such as the imperial mausoleums, palaces, temples and ancient city sites.

Since Jan. 1, 2018, the 144-hour visa-free transit scheme has been implemented in Liaoning for citizens from 53 countries and regions including USA, UK, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, etc., and Shenyang Taoxian Airport and Dalian Zhoushuizi Airport are the entry / exit ports.

Cities in Liaoning


When to Go

Continental climate characterized by long and cold winters, warm and rainy summers and comparatively short and windy spring and autumn. January is the coldest month with an average temperature of -17C - 5C (1℉ - 41 ℉), and July is the hottest with an average temperature of 21C - 25C (70 ℉ - 77 ℉). Annual rainfall of this province averages from 450 millimeters to 1150 millimeters. Liaoning is the province in northeast China having the most sunlight, heat, and rainfall. The best time to visit is from May to October, but winter is also a pleasant time to enjoy the ice and snow scenery and winter festivals.



Archeological evidence establishes that community life existed in Liaoning 5,000 years ago. From its early beginnings through to the mid-20th Century, this place has been sought after as an important trade center, an area that contains rich, untapped resources, and for its strategic position as the Golden Triangle. Liaoning has been the birthplace of warlords and the cradle of the Qing Dynasty. Lasting from 1644 to the 1911 Revolution, this feudal dynasty was set up by invading Manchus. Unfortunately, the Manchus were not the last people to invade this area. Liaoning's often troubled history has given us an interesting legacy of architecture and artifacts, as well as archeological treasures, which combined with its transcendent natural beauty, makes the province an area you will want to visit many times. Below are a few highlights.

What to See

Imperial Palace & Tombs in Shenyang

In Shenyang, Liaoning's capital city, there is a Manchu version of the Forbidden City known as the Shenyang Imperial Palace. Built on the same principles as the Forbidden City in Beijing, although much smaller in scope, it was completed by Huang Taiji in 1636. Second only to the Forbidden City, it is the most intact imperial building in existence in China. The Imperial Palace is a museum that features extensive exhibits of jade, ivory, artworks of Ming and Qing dynasties (including paintings, sculpture, enamels and ceramics), musical instruments, and a large display of 17th and 18th Centuries military equipment. It was in this palace in 1644 that Shunzhi became Emperor before he crossed the Great Wall to invade China.

The emperors that built the Imperial Palace also built their burial sites in Shenyang: Fuling Tomb also called the East Tomb; and Zhaoling Tomb, also called the North Tomb. Emperor Nurhachi and his mistress are buried in Fuling Tomb. Nurhachi's son, Huang Taiji (the father of Emperor Shunzhi) and his empress are buried in Zhaoling. The large and beautiful Zhaoling tomb has been compared to the Ming Tombs in Beijing and is located in the enormous Beiling Park. A third tomb, Yongling Tomb, completes the famous tomb group known as the 'three tombs outside of the Great Wall'.

Water Caves in Benxi

Southeast of Shenyang is Benxi, which has the largest water cave in Asia. Within 45 square kilometers (17 square miles) of Benxi Water Cave National Park, there are six areas of particular interest: Mount Miaohou, Mount Tiecha, Mount Guanmen, the Spa Temple, Tanggou Valley, and the Water Cave. The Water Cave has an underground river with water so clear that the riverbed is always visible. Take a ride on the sightseeing boat and enter into the magic and mystery of the stalactite formations that have formed over millions of years. It is common to see artists at the various mountains and Tanggou Valley drawing and painting the mountains and the innumerable flowers and trees that are nurtured by the mountain streams. Benxi Water Cave National Park is a unique wonderland of pastoral beauty that has captured the imagines and hearts of its visitors throughout the ages.

Charming Coastal Views in Dalian

Surrounded on three sides by the Yellow Sea, Dalian is a charming coastal city that has become a popular resort town. This is hardly surprising when you experience the garden-like downtown streets that are bordered by Japanese and Russian style buildings, all of which provide the perfect backdrop for a leisurely stroll. With mountains on one side, and fabulous bathing beaches all around the city, Dalian is a great place to escape the summer heat, have a refreshing vacation, and enjoy the feeling of romance that is in the air.

Other Sites: Fenghuang Mountain; Shenya Aquarium in Xinghai Bay Resort has more than 7,000 fish; Dalian's Nest Cliff and Tiger Beach, which has the largest aviary in China (18,000 square meters or 6,950 square miles) and possibly the largest animal sculpture in the world; the 300,000-year-old Yingkou Jinniushan Relic, Phoenix Mountain, and Bingyu Valley.


Dalian Spring Fireworks Festival, Dalian Chinese Scholar Tree Blossom Affairs, Dalian International Fashion Festival, and Shenyang International Ice and Snow Festival. Consider planning your trip to include one of the local wonderful festive events.

 China Tour Packages

- Last updated on Jul. 22, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
Questions & Answers on Liaoning Travel
Asked by Tania from NEW ZEALAND | May. 19, 2019 05:21Reply
I would like to visit Bayuquan and Xiongyue (tianmu hot springs).
I have the following questions.
Are there buses from Bayuquan railway station (gaotie) to Xiongyue?
Are there buses from Bayuquan (Gaotie) to near Holiday Inn Express (Dingtun Road)?
How much approximately does it cost to get a taxi from Bayuquan railway station to Xiongyue (Tianmu hot springs)?
How much does it cost to get a taxi from Holiday Inn Express (Dingtun Road) to Xiongyue (Tianmu hot springs)?

Thanks in advance
Answers (1)
Answered by Emilie from USA | May. 20, 2019 18:49

1. Yes, you can take Bus Line K1 directly to the Tian Mu Hot Springs.
2. Yes, you can take Bus Line 408 to Dasha Station and then walk south about 500m to the hotel.
3. The cab fare is about CNY25.
4. It takes about CNY35.
Asked by Alva from PHILIPPINES | Sep. 22, 2017 20:53Reply
Changchun to Dandong
Hi!, I'm in Changchun and I'm planning to go to Dandong this coming holidays. How can I go there and which hostel can you recommend. I want to explore Dandong especially the Hushan Wall, the Yalu River and the Dalu Island.
Answers (2)
Answered by Kayla from SINGAPORE | Sep. 25, 2017 04:19

You can take a bullet train from Changchun to Dandong, and the trains leave at 8:42, 10:47 and 12:47. It takes CNY319.5 for a first class seat, CNY215.5 for a second one and about 3 h 10 minutes.

You are suggested to stay near the railway station, such as Dantie Hotel in 3 Shiyiwei Rd, Hushaipai Business Hotel in 7 Jiangcheng Street, and Hanting Hotel in 4 Jinshan Street.

You can take bus Dangang High-speed bus from Railway Station to Dinggang, from where you can take a ferry to Dalu Island.
To Hushan Great Wall, you can take a tourist bus directly there, and the bus takes CNY5 and 40 minutes.
To Yalu River, you can walk there, and it’s about 600 meters east to the railway station.
Answered by alvarisa from PHILIPPINES | Sep. 26, 2017 05:23

Thak you :)
Asked by Muhammad Nazrul Islam from BANGLADESH | Dec. 29, 2015 22:00Reply
Where is haicheng city in Liaoning province.
Answers (1)
Answered by Sammy from NEW ZEALAND | Dec. 30, 2015 01:09

This city is located to the north side of Anshan and Shenyang, to the south side of Yingkou, Dalian and Benxi. :)
Asked by Yong from MALAYSIA | Jun. 30, 2015 11:35Reply
I'm going to China soon so I need to know whether it has a Islamic places there.
I'm going to Liaoning. Is there any halal food there for muslims like me. And where can I found the mosque there for me to pray ? What is the time of the prayer there. I'm sure that every places have different time for them to pray. Is there few of them are muslims there?
Answers (1)
Answered by Kate from USA | Jul. 01, 2015 19:58

Shenyang is the capital city of Liaoing province, there are many halal restaurants in the city.
Yitouniu Halal Restaurant, located at No. 43 of South Jiuzhong Rad, Baogong Street.
Majia Maishaoguan, located at the intersection of North Taiyuan Street and Beisi Road.
Qingyaxuan Restaurant, located at No. 59 of Huaxiang Road.
Lingtouyang Restaurant, located at No. 1 of Middle Ningshan Road.

There are also mosques for you to pray.
South Mosque, located at Fengtian Street.
Sujiatun Mosque, located at No. 46 Yingchun Street, Sujiatun District.
Huanggu Mosque,located at No. 28 of Banpingshan Road.
As for the praying time, I’m not sure, you need to check it on your own upon your arrival in that city.
There are a lot of Muslims in that city, you can find them easily.
Asked by Jay from SINGAPORE | Jun. 09, 2015 09:30Reply
Hi there. Any good hotels in Dalian?
Also, what's the average cost of a taxi ride from Dalian International Airport to city center?
Answers (1)
Answered by Mint from THAILAND | Jun. 09, 2015 21:33

Yes, of course, there are many good hotels near the Zhongshan Square, kind of the city center.
Shangri-la Hotel, located at No. 66 of Renmin Road.
InterContinental Dalian hotel, located at No. 6 of Youhao Plaza.
DL Yalexuan Hotel, located at No. 18-1 of Luxun Road.

Taking a taxi from the airport to the city center may cost CNY35 around.
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