1980 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Monkey
Which type of Monkey are people born in 1980 Chinese zodiac year?
Lucky Signs for 1980 Metal Monkey
Lucky Numbers: 0, 9
Lucky Colors: golden, white
2024 Horoscope for Metal Monkey Born in 1980
Monkey people born in 1980 would have a good career fortune in 2024, as they would have a clear direction to develop their career. Focus on one or two things each time, which is easier to success. Wage-earners could expect a promotion for the recognition from the superiors and boss.
However, their fortune in investment is not good as expected, so the steady investment might be the best choice for their wealth management. They would be blessed in their love fortune if they are still single, while it’s a year full of tempts for the married. It’s crucial to preserve their loyalty to their spouse or lover and behave properly when they interact with other opposite sexes.
See more about Monkey Horoscope in 2024
Personality Traits of the 1980 Metal Monkey
But Chinese zodiac Monkey people born in 1980 are impatient and stubborn. They always think that they are very clever, so it is easy for them to be victims of their own cleverness. Furthermore, they are mischievous and like to play tricks on others, so they have a bad popularity.
See more about Personality of the Monkey
See more about Monkey's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners
Love and Relationships
See more about Monkey's Love Compatibility
The Metal Monkey may have a poor physical condition, but it can be improved. They are more likely to suffer from minor diseases such as colds, fever and gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, they must pay attention to food hygiene, especially in summer; they should also keep exercising to improve immunity of their body.
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Sept 18, 1983
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With your birthday, you are a metal monkey.