1992 Chinese Zodiac - Water Monkey

Which type of Monkey are people born in 1992 Chinese Zodiac year?

1992 is the year of the Monkey in accordance with Chinese zodiac and it belongs to the Water element based on Chinese Five Elements. So the people born in 1992 have Water Monkey sign.

Chinese people follows lunar calendar since ancient times. According to Gregorian calendar, people born from February 4, 1992 to January 22 in 1993 are the Water Monkey, those who born from January 1 to February 3 in 1992 are the previous Metal Sheep sign. 

Lucky Signs for 1992 Water Monkey

 Lucky Numbers: 5, 6

 Lucky Colors: yellow, brown

2024 Horoscope for Water Monkey Born in 1992

For those born in 1992, a year of the Monkey, it would be a happy year in 2024 but full of trivial troubles. They could get some opportunities to make progress in career, but they need to determine the direction to struggle for at first. It’s important to fight in a certain aspect rather than distracted regards. Also, it would be hard for them to maintain a stable relationship with the boyfriend or girlfriend in 2024. Thus, it’s advised that they don’t be eager to build up a relationship with new acquaintances or don’t hurry to get married.

Besides, a special attention should be paid to the health of the elderly in the family, and they should also beware of small problems such as noise and minor illness or injury of head, throat and trachea of themselves. Those who have allergy might need to notice the air quality and avoid staying in a place with foul air.

 See more about Monkey Horoscope in 2024 

Personality Traits of the 1992 Chinese Zodiac Water Monkey

People born in 1992 year of the Monkey are smart, resourceful, lively and active. At the same time, they like to show off in life and have strong leadership in doing things. They have quick reaction ability and can often act according to the situation. They are very curious and like to read all kinds of books. Their flexible minds make them full of creativity.

However, the Water Monkey are sometimes over flamboyant, which tends to leave people the impression of being arrogant, thus causing dissatisfaction of others. So they should be low-key when needed and learn to improve interpersonal relationship.

 See more about Personality of the Monkey



People with Chinese zodiac Monkey born in 1992 have a pretty good luck in career. They not only have outstanding professional abilities, but also are very diligent in work. Therefore, it is easy for them to get promotion and become a manager in their work place. Their career can be better if they work together with people who also have strong abilities.

 See more about Monkey's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners



The wealth fortune for the Water Monkey is good. The salary will be increased with the promotion of their position. At the same time, they can earn some extra money through investment and stock. But they should avoid making high-risk investments. Moreover, they should not be too greedy and do not indulge in gambling.


Love and Relationships

The Monkey people born in 1992 have many pursuers. They can easily get help from the opposite sex. After a few romances, they can meet their spouse. Their marriage life in general is harmonious. Quarrel is inevitable in life. When conflicts occur, they should control their temper and communicate with their partner calmly.

 See more about Monkey's Love Compatibility



They can live a healthy life through their lives. They like doing exercise very much, so they have good resistance ability and do not often get sick. But they should get rid of the bad habits in daily life. Develop a good work and rest habit, do not stay up late, and eat more fruits and vegetables, which are of great benefits to the body.

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 Monkey's Character and Fortune by Five Elements

 People Born in Different Years of the Monkey: 1944, 19561968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

- Last updated on Feb. 04, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
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