Mount Fuji Weather in January

Season: Winter
January is the coldest month in Japan arguably, so as on Mount Fuji. The higher mountain area is freezing and frigid, while the mountain foot is little a better. The mean low temperature drops to -10℃ (14℉) or so on Mount Fuji 5th Station, the highest place one can reach at the time; even the mean high temperature does not exceed 0℃ (32℉) there. As in other winter months, it is dry with less rainfall, but many places on the mountain are covered by snow. Warm winter clothes are the must when travelling around Mt. Fuji in January.


Averages for Mount Fuji Weather in January

Temperature: -4°C / 24.8°F
High Temperature: -1°C / 30.2°F
Low Temperature: -10°C / 14°F
Humidity: 57%
Rainfall: 51 mm
Rainy Days: 5 days
Sunrise: 06:46 ~ 06:55
Sunset: 16:47 ~ 17:14

Note: These are the data of the 5th Station on hillside of Mount Fuji.

Clothes to Wear on Mount Fuji in January

As Mount Fuji weather in January is truly cold, keeping warm is definitely important. Thick sweater, padded overcoat, downcoat, padded jacket, wool overcoat, padded trousers, winter pants, etc. are needed. Thermal shirt, gloves, padded hat, and thick scarf are also necessities on the mountain.
Mount Fuji Clothes in January January Wear on Mount Fuji

Top Things to Do around Mt. Fuji in January

Recommendation Rate: 

During winter months, the highest place one can reach on Mount Fuji is the 5th Station, because the trails to the higher points are closed. Even though, there are plenty of interesting activities to enjoy, like skiing and tire-sliding. There are also some ski resorts around Mt. Fuji where visitors can have fun. Fujiyama Snowtown Yeti, at the 2th Station, is one of the great ski resorts for winter fun. Lake Kawaguchi at the mountain foot is the best and most popular site to see Mt. Fuji. Mount Fuji Panoramic Ropeway between Lake Kawaguchi and Tenjizan Park also gives a nice view of whole Lake Kawaguchi as well as Mt. Fuji. On cold winter days, onsen is completely an enjoyment under Mt. Fuji; nearby Hakone is a famous onsen town, where Lake Ashi is a top point, as well to see Mt. Fuji.


It’s much colder on Mt. Fuji than at the mountain foot, so remember to keep warm when getting there. Hand warmer or warm stickers can also be utilized if necessary.
- Last updated on Apr. 17, 2023 by Nancy He -