Mount Fuji Weather in March

Season: Early spring

Entering March, it is still some cold on Mount Fuji. The high temperature is around 6℃ (42.8℉) averagely while mean low temperature is about -4℃ (24.8℉) on the 5th Station on hillside. Comparatively, it is warmer under Mt. Fuji, as plants sprout and flowers bloom. Anyway, the temperature increases slowly, whether on or under the mountain. Mount Fuji weather in March also features more rainfall, which increases to 115mm or so. It’s suggested to get dressed in thick outerwear when getting on Mt. Fuji.

Averages for Mount Fuji Weather in March

Temperature: 2°C / 35.6°F
High Temperature: 6°C / 42.8°F
Low Temperature: -4°C / 24.8°F
Humidity: 64%
Rainfall: 115 mm
Rainy Days: 9 days
Sunrise: 05:36 ~ 06:15
Sunset: 17:42 ~ 18:07

Note: These are the data of the 5th Station on hillside of Mount Fuji.

What to Wear around Mount Fuji in March

Thin sweater plus a thick overcoat is probably OK at the foot of Mt. Fuji. If going up to 5th Station or other higher sites, thick clothes like padded overcoat or parka are needed. Visitors may wear in layers conveniently, and add warm outerwear timely on Mt. Fuji.
Mount Fuji Clothes in March March Wear on Mount Fuji

Top Things to Do around Mount Fuji in March

Recommendation Rate: 

Fuji Five Lakes, including Lakes Kawaguchi, Saiko, Yamanaka, Shojiko and Motosuko, are the best places to see Mt. Fuji. They themselves have beautiful scenery, too. Lake Kawaguchi is the most popular, where Mt. Fuji Panoramic Ropeway can take you to Tenjizan Park. On the ropeway, you can get a bird’s eye view of Lake Kawaguchi and catch photos of alluring Mt. Fuji. Chureito Pagoda in Arakurayama Sengen Park is also a good site to see Mt. Fuji, when the summit and pagoda can be in the same picture. Gotemba Premium Outlets is also welcomed to see the summit of Mt. Fuji.

Hakone Tozan Railway is a must-try in Hakone as the only mountaineering trolley in Japan. One can experience the interesting transportation while enjoying the fine views. For thrill seekers, Fuji-Q Highland at the northern foot is recommended to see Mt. Fuji on thrilling roller coasters. Would you like a try?


1. Mt. Fuji area is colder than the surroundings, so wearing thicker clothes would never be wrong in March when weather is unstable.

2. If you see blooming cherry blossoms in Tokyo or other surrounding places in late March, do not rush to Mt. Fuji, for there has been no blossoms but the buds during that time. Because of colder climate, the cherry blossom season postpones to mid-late April in the area.

3. To get a nice view of Mount Fuji, be sure to watch the weather forecast and pick a sunny day with high visibility.
- Last updated on Apr. 17, 2023 by Nancy He -