Mount Fuji Weather in October

Season: Autumn

Referring to Mount Fuji weather in October, it gets colder and colder. The temperature ranges around 8-14℃ (46.4-57.2℉) averagely on the hillside, and it is unstable. The humidity decreases a little bit, but is still high at 65%. Mt. Fuji is abundant with rainfall likewise in October, accumulating to 145mm, but certainly not as much as in the rainy season. The good thing is that autumn foliage season starts since mid-October around the area. Warm clothes like sweater and thick overcoat are suitable to wear to view the symbolic mountain in Japan.

Averages for Mount Fuji Weather in October

Temperature: 11°C / 51.8°F
High Temperature: 14°C / 57.2°F
Low Temperature: 8°C / 46.4°F
Humidity: 65%
Rainfall: 145 mm
Rainy Days: 10 days
Sunrise: 05:42 ~ 06:06
Sunset: 16:53 ~ 17:30

Note: These are the data of the 5th Station on hillside of Mount Fuji.

Clothes to Wear on Mount Fuji in October

Although visitors can only reach the hillside of Mt. Fuji in October, thick warm clothes are optimal to keep warm. Thin sweater may be OK in early October, while thick sweater is necessary to the end of October. Besides, a thick outerwear is also a must, such as thick overcoat, parka, and padded jacket. Thick sweatpants, thermal trousers, and even winter pants can be proper there.
Mount Fuji Clothes in October October Wear on Mount Fuji

Where to Visit around Mount Fuji in October

Recommendation Rate: 

Lake Kawaguchi is the most-visited spot under Mt. Fuji, standing out for the fairy reflection of Mt. Fuji on the water, the lake cruise, and the panoramic ropeway to Tenjizan Park. Akakurayama Sengen Park nearby is also fascinating for the autumn scenery, together with Chureito Pagoda and Mt. Fuji in a distance. Fuji-Q Highland is welcomed among thrill seekers; the well-known roller coasters would give you an unparalleled experience to see the mountain not far away. To the other side of Mt. Fuji, Lake Ashi in Hakone is popular as well. The distinctively designed cruise and Hakone Komagatake Ropeway attract a great number of visitors to watch Mt. Fuji. Owakudani Valley with steaming sulfurous vapor is magnificent. On a clear day in Tokyo, Mt. Fuji can also come into your sight on a skyscraper, like Tokyo Skytree and Observatory of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building.


The fall foliage season is from mid-late October to late November around Mt. Fuji, and it’s also the peak season of travelling there, to get the pictures of both the conical mountain and autumn landscapes.
- Last updated on Apr. 17, 2023 by Nancy He -