Mount Fuji Weather in May

Season: Late spring

Mount Fuji weather in May is not warm enough, even if it has been the late spring. But the temperature rises steadily. In specific, the average temperature is about 10℃ (50℉), hovering around 6-14℃ (42.8-57.2℉) averagely. It sees a little more rainfall than previous months, and the humidity is still at a high level. Thin sweater with a thick jacket or trench coat is still necessary to go up to the 5th Station on the hillside, and a thin jacket can be replaced when going down to the mountain foot.

Averages for Mount Fuji Weather in May

Temperature: 10°C / 50°F
High Temperature: 14°C / 57.2°F
Low Temperature: 6°C / 42.8°F
Humidity: 67%
Rainfall: 142 mm
Rainy Days: 11 days
Sunrise: 04:34 ~ 04:56
Sunset: 18:32 ~ 18:54

Note: These are the data of the 5th Station on hillside of Mount Fuji.

What to Wear around Mount Fuji in May

Even if it’s in late spring, Mt. Fuji area is not as warm as in other places due to the high altitude. Thus, thin sweater, thick jacket, thick trench coat, thin knitwear, thick pants, sweatpants, etc. are proper to wear. At the foot of Mt. Fuji, one can change to a thinner outerwear.
Mount Fuji Clothes in May May Wear on Mount Fuji

Top Things to Do around Mount Fuji in May

Recommendation Rate: 

Beautiful Lake Kawaguchi is always the best spot to see Mt. Fuji, where the reversed Mt. Fuji can be seen on the water. Lake Ashi also holds the alluring scenery of Mt. Fuji, and Hakone Komagatake Ropeway there gives a fine view of the mountain on high. Oshino Hakkai, a thatched village near Lake Kawaguchi, has eight clear ponds under Mt. Fuji. It is picturesque itself as well as together with Mt. Fuji in a distance. Fuji Shibazakura Festival by Fuji Five Lakes is going on, which is celebrated till mid-late May. Visitors can also go to Fuji Motosuko Resort for all-pervading Shibazakura flowers. At Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine, Yabusame is held in early May, where you can witness archery on running horse under Mount Fuji apart from the old Japanese-style architecture.


1. It is very likely to be crowded around Mt. Fuji in early May, because of Golden Week holiday in Japan.

2. It would be better wear thicker and warmer clothes to visit higher Mt. Fuji area, for the temperature is much lower.
- Last updated on Apr. 17, 2023 by Nancy He -