Mount Fuji Weather in June

Season: Early summer

Although in early summer, it is not hot at all around Mount Fuji. The mean temperature is 11-19℃ (51.8-66.2℉) at the 5th Station on mountain slope. The rainy season comes in mid-June and the rainfall around Mt. Fuji totals 174mm or so averagely. The area is especially bothered by afternoon shower from time to time. The rainy weather leads to poor visibility to see Mt. Fuji in a distance, so it is an off season for travelling there. Hoodie, blouse, jacket, sweatpants, etc. can be worn to go up to the 5th Station.

Averages for Mount Fuji Weather in June

Temperature: 16°C / 60.8°F
High Temperature: 19°C / 66.2°F
Low Temperature: 11°C / 51.8°F
Humidity: 77%
Rainfall: 174 mm
Rainy Days: 12 days
Sunrise: 04:31 ~ 04:36
Sunset: 18:55 ~ 19:04

Note: These are the data of the 5th Station on hillside of Mount Fuji.

What to Wear on Mount Fuji in June

It’s recommended to wear hoodie or blouse plus a jacket to cope with the June climate on Mt. Fuji. Jeans or sweatpants are also suitable there during June. It’s best to wear in layers, so as to adjust the clothes conveniently and timely according to the temperature when going up and down the mountain. For it is in rainy season, a folded umbrella is also the requisite.
Mount Fuji Clothes in June June Wear on Mount Fuji

What to Do around Mount Fuji in June

Recommendation Rate: 

Itchiku Kubota Art Museum by Lake Kawaguchi is a nice place to visit, where visitors can enjoy the fine works, absorbing yard, and best views of Mt. Fuji. Lake Ashi is also a top spot to see Mt. Fuji on the other side; traveling by Hakone Tozan Railway nearby is interesting, meanwhile admiring hydrangeas by the railway flowering till mid-June. Fuji-Q Highland is a special spot to see Mt. Fuji, for thrill seekers particularly. It must be an exciting experience to look the mountain in a distance on giant running roller coasters. If you stay in Tokyo, Mt. Fuji can also be in your sight on clear days. Skyscrapers like Tokyo Tower, Tokyo Skytree and Roppongi Hills Mori Tower can provide a great view of Mt. Fuji in the city.


Mt. Fuji can only be seen clearly when it’s sunny. Thus, check the local weather and visibility before going.
- Last updated on Apr. 17, 2023 by Nancy He -