Lhasa Weather in August

Compared to the weather in July, Lhasa's August is more comfortable. Daily temperature is between 10°C and 20°C, so it is neither too hot nor too cold. Rain continues in early August, but it turns to less rainfall and lower frequency from the last period of this month. It is believed that the scenery of the plateau in August is most beautiful throughout the year. Also, some Tibetan traditional festivals will fall in this month such as Wangguo Festival and Shoton Festival, when visitors can fully enjoy the local culture.

However, it may be expensive for accommodation and transportation in Lhasa during the tourist season. It is suggested to book hotels and round-trip tickets prior to visit.

Averages for Lhasa Weather in August

Temperature:15°C / 59°F
High Temperature: 21°C / 70°F
Low Temperature: 10°C / 50°F
Humidity: 66%
Rainfall: 121 mm
Rainy Days:20 days
Sunrise: 07:15 ~ 07:32
Sunset: 20:19 ~ 20:48
Air Quality in August
Average AQI:27
Lhasa Air Quality in August

What to Wear in Lhasa in August

Although it is a little bit hot when the sun is high in the sky, shorts and short sleeved shirts are not recommended because of sunburn. Cotton pants and shirts are better choice for the climate in August in Lhasa. Don’t forget to put on a coat after sunset or going out at night. For those who have plans to visit Namco, Nakchu, Mount Everest or other places with higher altitude, a down jacket or other winter garment is required, while outdoor shoes, hiking & walking boots are also recommended.

Lhasa Clothes in August August Wear in Lhasa

Things to Do in Lhasa in August

After arrival at Lhasa, it is suggested to have a good rest then purchase the ticket for Potala Palace in advance, through travel agencies if necessary. Norbulingka, Jokhang Temple and Barkhor Street are highlights within Lhasa. Sera Monastery is also recommended for those who have interest in debates on Buddhist doctrines. Yangpachen, 87 kilometers (about 54 miles) north-west of Lhasa, is a good choice for those who favour the spas and baths of Hot Springs. Besides, visitors have a chance to know more about local activities during Shoton Festival, such as watching Tibetan opera, yak Racing, equestrian performance, mass celebrations in parks, and unfolding of the giant Buddha portrait.

Other Tips

Sun protection is important when visit Lhasa, meanwhile moisturizers are also necessary. Bring some medicines in case of catching a cold. Besides, for first-time visitors to Plateau, it is suggested to take Rhodiola a few days in advance to prevent altitude sickness and be sure to get plenty of rest after arrival.

What is the temperature in Lhasa in August?

High/Low Temperatures of Lhasa in August
Temperatures Graph of Lhasa in August
Air Quality of Lhasa in August (2017)
Lhasa AQI Graph in August

Historical Lhasa Weather in August

Aug Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low
1 23.9°C / 75°F 12.7°C / 54.9°F 07:15 / 20:48 60
2 24°C / 75.2°F 11.8°C / 53.2°F 07:16 / 20:47 73
3 22.9°C / 73.2°F 12.1°C / 53.8°F 07:16 / 20:47 67
4 20.3°C / 68.5°F 11.3°C / 52.3°F 07:17 / 20:46 68
5 22.8°C / 73°F 10.3°C / 50.5°F 07:18 / 20:45 55
6 21.8°C / 71.2°F 13.4°C / 56.1°F 07:18 / 20:44 42
7 21.8°C / 71.2°F 11.8°C / 53.2°F 07:19 / 20:43 49
8 22°C / 71.6°F 10°C / 50°F 07:19 / 20:43 51
9 20.9°C / 69.6°F 9.8°C / 49.6°F 07:20 / 20:42 57
10 19.7°C / 67.5°F 8.8°C / 47.8°F 07:21 / 20:41 67
11 22.3°C / 72.1°F 10.9°C / 51.6°F 07:21 / 20:40 56
12 22.4°C / 72.3°F 11.2°C / 52.2°F 07:22 / 20:39 62
13 22.2°C / 72°F 11.5°C / 52.7°F 07:22 / 20:38 52
14 21.9°C / 71.4°F 9.2°C / 48.6°F 07:23 / 20:37 67
15 21.8°C / 71.2°F 10.9°C / 51.6°F 07:23 / 20:36 64
16 22°C / 71.6°F 10.7°C / 51.3°F 07:24 / 20:35 73
17 22.1°C / 71.8°F 10.7°C / 51.3°F 07:25 / 20:34 70
18 22.5°C / 72.5°F 11.1°C / 52°F 07:25 / 20:33 59
19 22.1°C / 71.8°F 11.9°C / 53.4°F 07:26 / 20:32 69
20 23.8°C / 74.8°F 11.4°C / 52.5°F 07:26 / 20:31 53
21 23.9°C / 75°F 11.3°C / 52.3°F 07:27 / 20:30 53
22 24.7°C / 76.5°F 11.2°C / 52.2°F 07:27 / 20:29 47
23 23.7°C / 74.7°F 11°C / 51.8°F 07:28 / 20:28 39
24 22.8°C / 73°F 11.8°C / 53.2°F 07:29 / 20:27 33
25 23.6°C / 74.5°F 9.4°C / 48.9°F 07:29 / 20:26 37
26 22.9°C / 73.2°F 8.8°C / 47.8°F 07:30 / 20:25 37
27 23.8°C / 74.8°F 8.9°C / 48°F 07:30 / 20:23 39
28 23.4°C / 74.1°F 10.2°C / 50.4°F 07:31 / 20:22 45
29 24.9°C / 76.8°F 12.1°C / 53.8°F 07:31 / 20:21 42
30 25.7°C / 78.3°F 11.2°C / 52.2°F 07:32 / 20:20 47
31 25.5°C / 77.9°F 12.7°C / 54.9°F 07:32 / 20:19 37
- Last updated on Sep. 23, 2019 -
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