1963 Chinese Zodiac - Water Rabbit

Which type of Rabbit are people born in 1963 Chinese Zodiac year?

According to Chinese zodiac, 1963 is the year of the Rabbit, and it belongs to the Water element based on Chinese Five Elements. So the people born in 1963 are the Water Rabbit.

As Chinese lunar calendar is different from western calendar. In Gregorian calendar, people born from January 25, 1963 to February 12, 1964 are the Water Rabbit, those who born from January 1 to January 24 in 1963 are Water Rat. 

Lucky Signs for 1963 Water Rabbit

 Lucky Numbers: 4, 9 

 Lucky Colors: white, golden yellow


2024 Horoscope for Water Rabbit Born in 1963

Coming to 2024, the wealth luck for people born in 1963 year of the Rabbit gets a little better, but is not obvious. They should spend more energy maintaining what they have and seizing what they will surely get, rather than dreaming of being rich overnight through risky investment. Their career fortune is not good, so it’s advised they work hard and be careful of their behaviors and words at workplace. The health luck is not at a high point, either. Take care of themselves when going on a business trip and follow a healthy life routine. Don’t drink too much alcohol and do some exercise regularly. Their family life would be happy as a whole and they and their partner would care about each other a lot. 

 See more about Rabbit Horoscope in 2024 

Personality Traits of the 1963 Chinese Zodiac Water Rabbit

People with Chinese zodiac Rabbit born in 1963 have a soft and gentle personality. They can adapt to different environments, and know how to fully express themselves. They are not easily fooled and can keep secrets well, so they are very reliable friends. They are always trying to be civilized and polite, even to their enemies, because they hate quarrels and fights.

However, they do not hold their principles tightly and are easy to be influenced. In addition, because of their casual characteristic, the Water Rabbits are passive in life. They pursue a pleasure and free life, refuse to do things with all their efforts and have no sense of urgency. And they like to rely on others. Once they lose the reliance, they feel depressed. So they should learn to be independent.

 See more about Personality of the Rabbit


Their career is going smoothly. As long as they can overcome their disadvantages, and show their strengths and advantages, they can easily win the favor of their superiors and get promoted. But also because of their success in the workplace, some snobs may envy them and do something bad behind their backs.

 See more about Rabbit's Best Business and Career FieldsBest Jobs and Working Partners


People born in 1963 year of the Rabbit have a very good fortune luck in life. With the help of other people, they can choose the right investment projects, and obtain a considerable amount of wealth. However, be cautious when buying financial products and do not follow others blindly. What's more, they should know when to stop investing to avoid losses.


Love and Relationships

Their love are not going too well. They are likely to quarrel with their partners over trivial matters.  As long as the Water Rabbit are willing to tolerate the other half and don't make impulsive actions, the marriage life in the future is actually quite happy.

 See more about Rabbit's Love Compatibility


Chinese zodiac Rabbit people have no big health problems in their life. When suffer from minor diseases, go to hospital in time and they will recover soon. Although they have a good healthy body, keep a healthy lifestyle to avoid possible diseases.

 You May Like:

 Rabbit's Character and Fortune by Five Elements

 People Born in Different Years of the Rabbit: 1939, 1951, 1963, 19751987, 1999, 2011

- Last updated on Mar. 07, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
Questions & Answers on 1963 Chinese Zodiac - Water Rabbit
Asked by Siew from MALAYSIA | Mar. 02, 2023 00:58Reply
I want to find out whether I should buy a semi-detached house at Elmina Shah Alam.
I want to find out whether I should buy a house in Mar 2023 at Elmina West, Shah Alam in Malaysia. I want to know whether this is a suitable investment I should take up. Please let me know whether there is any risk in buying this property that may cause hardship to me. My retirement age is catching up, and I must purchase the property in joint name with my child to have a longer loan tenure. The issue here is whether I should commit to such a heavy and long-term investment. Will I be happier staying in the new house compared with the current house?
Answers (3)
Answered by Kathy | Mar. 05, 2023 18:10

If you cannot make more in a short period of time, the loan may make you worry a lot, which is not a good thing for you.
Answered by Jacqueline gilmour | Jul. 03, 2023 05:21

I was born 7/2/1963 I've had such a hard life and now I am very unhappy with so much bad luck. I am a good person and try to do the best for my family and friends but still find the jealousy around me has made My life a living hell. I would appreciate to find out if I will be happy in time thank you much appreciated
Answered by Pa | Mar. 07, 2024 07:08

Stay away from toxic people; save your energy! The right quality of people will make themselves known to you. Peace & Blessings 🙌
Asked by Brenda from CANADA | May. 05, 2021 09:10Reply
Travel in 2021
I’m a water rabbit 1963 - will travel this June be favourable?
Answers (1)
Answered by Elena | May. 09, 2021 23:32

Don't worry. It will be ok for you to travel this June.
Asked by Gina from AUSTRALIA | Dec. 31, 2020 15:24Reply
if my husband will get better from depression
my husband depressed 10 years,not working 8 yrs ,winged n cry / sigh ,he is still allert n function doing house chores .seeing phyciatris had high level of medication now he loose weight.he is making my life like hell ,life is not happy, i cant sleep wth him anymore for me i stay on coz i do for God still taking care of him , i felt for my adult children , my daughter married , my son soon will left home only me hv to stay like this.
i like work as of covid work hv so many rule than i cant visit many places easy .
please let me know what is my life if my husband will ever stop depress ?
if my son will married a good wife and my daughter will have children?
thank u
Answers (2)
Answered by Anton | Jan. 01, 2021 20:12

He should go to school and find something new, there are lots of areas to learn like renewable energy installers and such. Also in Canada you get student loans etc. Also, be your own boss... start a small business ...grants etc. I'm self employed , took 5 yrs to start seeing the return. My rep and working on it non stop, having to support the biz ... pay people. People have to take a leap of faith and learn to survive. workplace is changing, lots of brick N mortar is going extinct, need to look for the things that are thriving in a pandemic. I make wine for a living
Answered by Farrukh | May. 23, 2022 08:23

Depression can be cured by washing hands before and after meals.ablution is a certainly cure for this.moreover,company with children,infants ia another remedy in this connection.
Asked by Silver from UNITED STATES | Dec. 17, 2020 15:35Reply
Which element of Water and Silver/Metal is considered a more accurate one for Rabbit born in 1963?
I am a Rabbit born in 1963, on the 22nd of September (Luna calendar). According to Chinese Zodiac/fortune teller, the year of Rabbit in 1963, its element is belonged to Silver/Metal instead of Water as it was said from this website. Would you please verify which info is considered a more accurate one?
Here may i also have a question, Which cardinal direction is best for the Rabbit born in 1963 in living in/buying a house? Lastly, i just got a new job and won't be starting until in January 11th 2021. May i ask if that job may last for me for a couple of years? Many, many thanks in advance.
Answers (1)
Answered by Sidney | Dec. 29, 2020 22:17

Your element is Water. The prediction shows that your lucky directions are east, southeast and south. In addition, you should make full use of you intelligence on career. Then you would stay at the same job position for a few years.
Asked by ani from UNITED KINGDOM | Aug. 19, 2019 05:04Reply
I am a water Rabbit born in 1963.
Reading on the website “Because they are already 56 years old,
the career life for a office work has come to an end”. This is so true for me, that I have had to resign and give up my work that I love, enjoy and make so many people happy ( I look after and care for them during the day). I have been told that I don’t have the skill to do my job, yet this so wrong, all the people that I look after are happy and I changed and improved life of so many people! and my company does not see this. I have been demoted, asked to do a low rank job, Yes, I cannot use a computer, but this job can be done with hand written work, but they are being difficult, and they want to employ someone “educated” it’s been a long time there now nearly 20 years so I am looking for a change.
Now for future, I need to find another job either in the same field and more fulfilling or maybe my own business [ if you can suggest some fields, I am not educated but like looking after old people, young people with learning difficulties or cooking], I am now looking for prosperity, my current job was a job, will never be rich there.
What do you suggest that would be better for me that I should do.
And Also, I have some money, maybe should I invest on internet money products and stock market, so that return is higher than bank interest?
Answers (9)
Answered by Alice from POLAND | Aug. 22, 2019 00:35

You are advised to continue the current job or start own business in your familiar field. Sometimes, you don't need to care other people's opinions. You need to be yourself.
I admire you so much. Just follow your heart and do the things you really want to do. You will finally get successes. Good luck!
Answered by H2O bunny from USA | Jan. 04, 2020 11:10

Dont think you are not capable of learning new things. Im same age as you. Please look at local universities that offer some type of continuing education for adults. Have you checked with a local library where basic computer skills can be learned for free. Need for Working with special needs people is only growing with the baby boom population & millennials with kids. Dont under value your work experience. See if there is an employer who can fund your computer skills.
Answered by Don from USA | Feb. 01, 2020 19:29

I am a water rabbit with no "office job" bit still lookinh for an option at 56.
Just know this: After 50, when most people are thinking of retiring, they miss the most productive season of their life. My father earned 75% of his net worth after 60 yrs old and within a span of 2-3 short years. Never give up, I don't.
Answered by Dragon Queen | Dec. 01, 2020 09:49

I took my first college class at 53 years of age. I finished the Medical Billing & Coding Undergrad Certification with Honors and then entered a Bachelors of Business Admin in General Business in Accounting. I'm married, raising my 10 year old grandson since he was 15 months old, work full-time, take 6 to 9 credit hours per semester (all online), am adult ADHD, and do all I can to stay sane. If no one hires me by the time I graduate, I'll start my own company as a Forensic Accountant. Y'all can lead, follow, or get out of my way cause I'm coming through. I have a Bucket List and this is on it! Age is nothing but another number, just like my weight and height!!!
Answered by Anton | Jan. 01, 2021 20:26

I'm a water rabbit. I quit everything at 45 and went back to college for undergrad Bba. It was kind of useful learning all the time and taking a couple of other self interest minors along the way. (the opportunity cost for leaving a career (tech bus analyst) was lopsided, but kept my sanity. The thought of having to go back to an office job (former IT in telecom) seemed so unappealing. I used my learning skills to school myself in learning to make wine...I now make wine and 2021 will be a good yr. College (Marketing ) learnt what type of industries are thriving etc. value added food products and auto parts are 2 industries that are thriving. Roll with it
Answered by sal | Apr. 15, 2021 22:41

my age similar like you my current job looking after elderly i really enjoy it and make huge income
Answered by Karen Worth | Jan. 24, 2023 15:13

You've been working in this job for 20 years, you are educated and you are probably a lot more qualified than most people to do the job! IQ is overrated, especially when it comes to caring for others, EQ is much more important and as a fellow water rabbit born in 1963 I know how well we anticipate the needs of others (often putting them ahead of our own needs). So please, chin-up, have confidence in you abilities and don't let anyone make you think you are 'less than' because the truth is you are so much 'more than' and they will have a hard job finding someone else to replace you.
Answered by Karen Worth | Jan. 24, 2023 15:15

Fierce! love it!
Answered by Hans | May. 21, 2023 05:29

Note that Tiger precedes Rabbit. As of now, article incorrectly says "those who born from January 1 to January 24 in 1963 are Water Rat", but Water Tiger is correct.
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