1995 Chinese Zodiac - Wood Pig

Which type of Pig are people born in 1995 Chinese Zodiac year?

1995 Chinese zodiac is Pig and according to Five Elements, people born in 1995 with Chinese zodiac Pig are Wood Pig. To be specific, people born from January 31 to December 31 in 1995 are Wood Pig. Those born from January 1 to 30 in 1995 are Wood Dog.

Lucky Signs for 1995 Wood Pig

 Lucky Numbers: 6, 9

 Lucky Colors: gray, white, green

2024 Horoscope for Wood Pig Born in 1995

In 2024, there would be some twists and turns in their career for Pig people born in 1995, and they may face the situation of job transfer. Thus, they’d better calm down and emotional behaviors are not advisable. Although there would be changes in their career, they could learn more knowledge and skills in the new position, as they’re blessed with good luck in learning. Thanks to the new knowledge and skills, they could handle tasks smoothly and solve some troubles by themselves later. In short, it’s absolutely a good thing to learn more in the year.

However, their fortune in interpersonal relationship is not good in 2024, as they’re likely to act emotionally and quarrel with friends around. Therefore, the peaceful and calm mind is crucial to resolve the contradictions. On the contrary, their wealth fortune is quite satisfying. They could gain a large income in the year.

*See more about Pig Horoscope in 2024 

Personality Traits of the 1995 Chinese Zodiac Pig

The Wood Pig are simple, honest and lovely. They are sympathetic and understanding to other people's problems. And their kindness makes them easy to get along with others. They have an optimistic liberal attitude to life. Therefore, they do not keep any worries or setbacks in mind. 

However, because of their quick temper, they are easier to give up halfway. So, it is necessary for them to finish everything according to their plans. And their generous personality determines their habit of costing money in a haphazard way. They should try to cultivate the habit of saving money just in case of any unpleasant happenings. In addition, Wood Pig are lack of flexibility, and it is best not to invest too much in trade.

 See more about Personality of the Pig 


The Wood Pig born in 1995 has a relatively plain career. For office workers, they may not achieve much in career. But based on hard working, they can live a stable life and have no worries about food and clothing. 

For entrepreneurs, the process of starting a business has not been very smooth. There may be many difficulties in the early start, but it will get better and better. There may be many challenges, but as long as they go through these things, they will make a big hit.

 See more about Pig's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners



People with Chinese zodiac Pig have always had good fortune luck. They will have their first bucket of gold around the age of 25. In their middle ages, their financial fortunes will get better. So they must grasp their opportunities. Once they have passed the age of 40, the financial situation become relatively stable, because of their personality of being easily satisfied.

But they are easy to lose money because of their generous personality. There are some snobs who want to hold the wealth for their own. So they must distinguish the people around them carefully.

Love and Relationships

The love and relationships of the Wood Pig are relatively good. Because there are many lucks in love affairs, it is easy for them to meet the Mr. / Mrs. Right. But also because of this reason, they may get married late as it takes time for them to pick one. 

After marriage, the relationship between them and their partners will be very good and they can generally live a happy family life. But they need to keep their noses clean after marriage, or it is easy to have extramarital affairs.

 See more about Pig's Love Compatibility 


The Wood Pig should avoid staying up late for a long time, overeating, playing mobile phone at night and sitting for a long time without exercise when they were young. For the sake of the health in old age, they should exercise regularly as much as possible, and they'd better make a complete diet and exercise plan.

 You May Like:

 Pig's Character and Fortune by Five Elements

 People Born in Different Years of Pig: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 

- Last updated on Aug. 19, 2024 by Brenda Lian -
Questions & Answers on 1995 Chinese Zodiac - Wood Pig
Asked by Buhle from SOUTH AFRICA | Jul. 11, 2022 11:15Reply
My 2022 predictions
Hi, I'm a wood pig born in 23 May 1995. I still live with my parents, I have no job and no social life. I have been dealing with heavy depression since last year but I'm trying my best to overcome it and so far it's been going well. I feel lost, I do not know what to do with myself because every opportunity that appears it never lasts for very long, this is my second year doing nothing and it is very frustrating because I want to live my life. I have no money to move to a different city. I just want to know what am I doing wrong? Because I think I've reached my last straw and I'm about to give up and watch my life pass me by. I cannot do this anymore, this life thing that is.
Answers (26)
Answered by Dalion | Jul. 20, 2022 20:57

Please don’t give up love strong not weak the winners never give up that’s how they become winners by losing and learning stay smart stay aggressive and believe in god an idiot can become rich as long as god has decided that .
Answered by Kd | Jul. 30, 2022 06:49

I feel the same way , but we must keep going bro. #WoodPig
Answered by Hi I’m Tori | Sep. 01, 2022 00:21

Ok, you are not alone I promise. Myself & three other wood pigs are on the same boat. Of course not all wood pigs will be this way but know you’re not alone. I’m serious. I have two small sons and just got out of a very abusive marriage and walked away from everything just to have my peace. I used to struggle with depression, heavily, until I freed myself. I’m broke, jobless, I’m also living back with parents along with my boys. I’m thankful I’ve been able to live here and heal the areas I need plus I think we’re all going through a phase of lots of major changes. I know I’ve been trying to make the most of the time I’m not working and putting it towards self-discovery and also looking into what I am to do, should do, want to do, and can do! Im tired of being broke, but I’m patient. I would absolutely advise for you to self care, dig deeper, change of perspective would be best! I no longer suffer from depression and I’ve struggled with it for 25 years! 26 going into 27 after my divorce and and freeing myself and knowing myself better is what helped me achieve that. Have faith, have hope, work on yourself within yourself and outside religion contexts do talk to God, he’s real, he is whatever name you want to call him or believe in. Know that and have faith!
Answered by Mingz | Sep. 15, 2022 15:30

Love love love !! I feel so connected with all of your replies. This is love ♥️
Answered by Princes sarah garganta | Sep. 24, 2022 21:15

Actuall im year of the pig and i can say that this is right at my middle age 25 i achieve gold like having a own house and lot even i dont had a good job so i can say dont give up cheer up you can achieve your dreams too
Answered by Jay | Sep. 27, 2022 17:40

I’m also going through the same, but I refuse to give up. I just feel deep down that I was born to do something great/grand. I feel greatness in me and I want to bring that greatness forward.
Answered by Engr Paul | Oct. 31, 2022 19:31

You lacked hardwork, risk and confidence dealing such unexpected problems.
I am 1995 pig. I was born poor, I worked harder and harder and hardest to hardest. I gain such rewards of my blood and sweat.
I trust God most of the time rather than this zodiac signs.
Pray Hard, Work Harder, Endure Hardest!
Answered by Jacob | Nov. 11, 2022 17:36

Keep your head high, fellow wood pig. I dealt with the same struggle a few years ago. Just don’t search too hard for opportunity, or it will never come to you. If you have nothing to lose, think that way. Don’t be afraid to try a new job. You’ll know when you’ve found the right opportunity, and you’ll work hard to stand out and get big promotions. Be honest about the opportunity of advancement too. If it’s not there, leave and find a different job. Keep trying and never give up. I wish you well
Answered by anon | Dec. 27, 2022 14:09

Have a general form of a goal in mind and think of a realistic plan to realize that goal. Once you take the first big step into making that goal a reality you will eventually achieve it. With our year, luck is on our side, but I think that luck skill cannot be activated if you don't trigger something that make use of the luck.
Answered by Bore | Jan. 02, 2023 02:45

Wow, I’m also a wood pig born in 1995 and I’m in the same situation as you. No job, don’t know what to do with my life or who I want to be. I used to be so enthusiastic about making a difference but not anymore. Is it a pig thing?
Answered by Austin | Jan. 22, 2023 07:53

I’m in the exact same position, and my birthday is only two days before yours. I had to drop out of university because I became sick and have spent the last 6 years trying to heal myself to no avail. I have no purpose, and no career path to start on. It’s a very lonely feeling because as a man without a career you become essential undatable, and I feel like I’m now sitting and watching my best years pass me by with no way of being able to start my life. It’s very confusing and empty.
Answered by Prince Ace | Jul. 04, 2023 11:21

Also a wood pig born, 11th June 1995. I can relate well with all your replies. I just want to say life is a race and obviously you can't win but it's how you lived it that determines the result and reward. Let's keep loving and pray to God to give us what he has planned. Peace.
Answered by Rick | Jul. 04, 2023 19:29

Hey man I'm Rick I'm from Thailand. 1995 wood pig brother we are connected. I did go through deep depression during my 20 but I found spirituality and honestly if I don't try to keep up with my practices I still go through it man. And for job I open a dog farm breeding french bulldog and American bully. I'm lazy as shit I'm addicted to weed. I hate my self all the time. Idk if it's the year thing but I feel like we all are experiencing the same shit. And yes I have like no money in my bank.

Reply to me please. Say anything bro
Answered by Ivy | Sep. 05, 2023 11:20

Wow we are all in this together! 🥲
I am also without a job. Also wood pig. But im still optimistic. I lost my corporate job back in the pademic. It was actually taxing on my mental health. Now that im home, i have gain clarity on what I wnat to do with my life. Its just a matter of learning n trying something new. We cant be idle. We need to look for opportunity and position in preparation for the future possibility. Anything can happen, Trust God has your back. Have alil faith n work on building skills.
Answered by Sarah | Oct. 31, 2023 11:15

Heyy! I’m a fellow wood pig, 1995 & I can totally relate. I breed cats & smoke loads of weed also. I’ve gone through huge bouts of depression my whole life, never quite found stability but I’m so financially driven so it’s difficult to keep up. Definitely pig vibes my friend, we have that laziness in us that we struggle to shift.
Answered by Chrissy | Nov. 13, 2023 03:04

I also am living back with parents after abusive relationship with my boys. No job no money life is a mess but I feel I am meant to be somebody that uplifts others. I have a big purpose and I am depressed and at my lowest yet but I have faith and I will get through so will all of u.
Answered by Cat | Nov. 19, 2023 14:52

Try St Johns Wort for depression. Get Baptized in water to clear away the stagnation. Meditate in the morning and before you go to bed at night about what brings you the most happiness. Dont focus your mind on the negative. Control your thoughts and do not allow them to control you. Practice this. Control your thoughts. Dont beat yourself up over not having a job. GO GET ONE. One day at a time. Get off the net and turn your day into moving forward. Friends will come when you get out and push yourself toward your goals. God Bless.
Answered by MBH | Feb. 14, 2024 14:38

As you can see most posts here are extremely supportive and you need to keep up the faith, keep moving. Find a job, not matter what it is, just do it. Even if it doesn't pay well, at least it's income until something better comes along. Work with conviction and meet people with a passion. You'll never know where you'll find that lifelong friend or soulmate. It's hard only if you don't try.
*A year from now what will you wish you had done today?
- Liam Linisong
*Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning how to dance in the rain...
- Vivian Greene
Answered by Fortitude | Feb. 15, 2024 03:16

I have actually found that 1995 children are different, take to tech much sooner but are people pleasers or become aloof, depressed, procrastinate, you are however a new race, in a new race to get people to change, your job is not to make a fortune, you can though, your job is simply to get generational debt cleared, every day you are alive, you make a difference to your future tribe, you are the change, and your off spring will benefit from this. Also you can if you want with intention and sober thoughts send people home or tell them to go home, not necessarily to their departed, but you can tel them that you will hold space for them to go home. You are unique, you have purpose, and everyday you contribute.
Answered by manny | Mar. 04, 2024 07:00

early morning runs will do wonders for your headspace. im not jking btw. it helps.
Answered by Austin | Jun. 07, 2024 01:37

Holy crap I am exactly the same! There's gotta be something about being this age in this time period with this birth year that leaves people with the same problems. I want to do what God wants me to do and change the world but I don't know what when or how and haven't felt anything from God. Living with my parents just got a job after 5 months unemployed, I've fallen into depression and selfhatred from disappointed expectations for my life. It's a vicious cycle. Sending love to all of you.
Answered by T eye | Jul. 11, 2024 13:51

I know its late but thought i'd reply too. I am in the same situation... 3 years ago I caught my baby mother cheating (denied but admitted later on...), ended up going back after 4months because work was 10min walk away and got to see daughter everyday (we were still single and want making that mistake). Few months later my dad died, told to be out the house and never went back to work... quit? fired? same to me. ever since i've been at my mums... learning new skills but none have been successful - how to trade & have been on charts everyday - music - dance(have for the last 10years)... purposely stayed in away from distractions & doing the wrong things but now im currently stuck not knowing what to do, where to go, how to move forward... feel like its all there in my finger tips but nothings clicking. Though i always say to people feeling low "You have to go through the lowest of the lows to know the highest of the highs", its getting to that point where i'm contemplating being average and doing what people think/do, however i know deep within that im far from average in practically every way, you know?
Answered by T eye | Jul. 11, 2024 13:58

For me, ever since i was younger (under 10) it was either to be a footballer or a musician... groin problems prevented me (brother made it pro so have no doubt i could've too)... music wise i'm actively working on it daily but nothings clicking... Been dancing 10 years - started tiktok and on there daily... got 250k views in the last 30 days which i find a milestone as its a love or hate style but now looking to do music in that genre... so fingers crossed its all part of the plan
Answered by T eye | Jul. 11, 2024 14:18

Lets pretend theres a bullseye&100 emoji. I feel you completely! me personally i feel its through my music, but could be with my speech, the way i see and the perspective im able to make others aware of... could be government, could be taking down government, but to help the people.

I'm friendless, by choice... have people i can contact but i am on my purpose so don't want pointless conversations/gossip... dont want to use people to benefit my situation (homeless) and dont want to contact them whilst im in my down/"i need help" mindset as im aware on that on that side of the spectrum...

Its hard but know its all part of the journey, maybe its just a cycle for us and WE ALL catch out break/whatever we're looking for in the very near future!! seen something on paper specifically for me when i was born that mid life is where it all changes for me, fingers crossed and Love to all <3
Answered by KEYS | Jul. 14, 2024 12:16

Answered by Vincent Jones | Aug. 19, 2024 09:54

May GOD BLESS YOU I’m 09/03/1995 & I can’t easily relate to you and all of the wood pig traits ,Keep pushing in life forreal and I pray you over come all of the Odds
Asked by Mia from UNITED KINGDOM | Jul. 05, 2021 06:54Reply
Shall I look to move to another city?
Not sure what steps to take next. Shall I look to move to another city for career opportunities? Unsure if I should stay in the same industry or look to get a government job. What advice would you give? Also, will I find love or find my soulmate anytime soon? Female DOB: 23/05/1995
Answers (1)
Answered by Phoebe from USA | Jul. 11, 2021 23:17

You can move to another city to look for better opportunities. Change always means opportunities. For females born in 1995, you are likely to encounter someone that may fall into a relationship with you this year.
Asked by Aleena from NEPAL | Jun. 09, 2021 02:01Reply
What will be the career? Shall i get government job or can get chance to go abroad for work ?
DOB 1995-02-22
Answers (2)
Answered by Logan | Jun. 15, 2021 00:34

The prediction shows that you have the chance to go abroad for work. Please get ready and catch the chance timely.
Answered by Ty | Oct. 03, 2021 03:30

Whatever you do don’t get a government job. Travel and enjoy life get a cheap car and travel before your old and gray
Asked by Peter from AUSTRALIA | Apr. 30, 2021 14:01Reply
Are we a good match
She is wood pig, I am fire monkey, & yes it is a big age gap however we are both keen. Can someone please tell me what sort of compatibility & relationship match is indicated for us.
Answers (1)
Answered by Alaina | May. 10, 2021 00:31

You can become a good match. You will be attracted by each other at first glance. Love makes you become more confident and brilliant, and you can make something together.
Asked by Kajol from AUSTRALIA | Feb. 15, 2021 01:40Reply
Married life
What will be my future with a water Rooster and I am a wood pig??
Answers (1)
Answered by Scott | Feb. 21, 2021 17:49

Both of you are competent in your own fields, but you can share and explore life together. With like interests, you will grow more intimate.
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