1947 Chinese Zodiac - Fire Pig
Which type of Pig are people born in 1947 Chinese Zodiac year?
Lucky Signs for 1947 Fire Pig
Lucky Numbers: 2, 7, 8
Lucky Colors: yellow, grey, white
2024 Horoscope for Fire Pig Born in 1947
At the age of 77, they should not care about work affairs in 2024 anymore. They might as well let go of these trivial things and enjoy the life to the full extent. Blessed with much luck in 2024, they could lead a happy life with their wife or husband, even though they quarreled with each other when they were young.
The Pig people born in 1947 need to care their health more in 2024. When going out, they’d better be aware of the possibility of slipping down. A short trip is OK, but calculate the physical state carefully before the long journeys. Self-driving road trip, cycling and other activities that test their physical strength should also be avoided. It’s also advised to go to the hospital for regular medical examinations, and ask for treatment timely if a problem is found.
*See more about Pig Horoscope in 2024
Personality Traits of the 1947 Chinese Zodiac Pig
People born in 1947 are loyal, integral, confident and straightforward. However, they may encounter failure for the lack of flexibility when dealing with problems. But take it easy, their supportive friends will always stand by them. Moreover, Fire Pigs are good at expressing their love to their family. They are the sort of people who are dedicated to family without asking for anything in return.
See more about Personality of the Pig
Ambitious Fire Pigs are very likely to develop their advantages and eventually set up their own companies. Their reliable partners and families often give advice to Fire Pigs, and they are willing to adopt the useful ones. Considering such striking entrepreneurship, many Fire Pigs can have very successful career.
See more about Pig's Best Business and Career Fields, Best Jobs and Working Partners
People born in 1947 Chinese zodiac Pig year have a great possibility to accumulate a fortune by virtue of their career. So, though not the silver-spoons, Fire Pigs will live a good life through their hard work and perseverance. Moreover, their integrity can attract lots of good friends. So others’ support also plays an important role when Fire Pigs make money.
Love and Relationships
Generally, in a romantic relationship, Fire Pigs often play a more active role. They aren’t shy when they chase others or express their affection. However, once the relationship becomes closer, Fire Pigs occasionally vent anger on their lover. So people born in 1947 should learn to control their ill temper.
See more about Pig's Love Compatibility
People born in 1947 Chinese zodiac Pig year should be wary of the disease on two aspects, digestive system and respiratory system. So, they’d better avoid eating cold food, and drinking too much alcohol. Also, wear enough warm clothes when going out in chilly weather. The continual cough should not be ignored because it could be a signal of asthma.
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Do you see Good Fortune, prosperity come in my way this year.