Day Tour to Terracotta Army and Huaqing Pool from Xian, No Shopping

XA21: Terracotta Army Museum and Huaqing Pool by Public Transport
From USD79 per person Book
Today, you will go sightseeing to the Terracotta Army Museum and Huaqing Pool in east suburb of Xi'an, about one hour's drive from the city center.

Following this day trip, you will discover how extravagant and powerful the first Emperor Qin Shihuang was in more than 2,200 years ago when you come face to face with the Terracotta Army. You will also visit the Huaqing Pool, which used to be the palace where ancient emperors stayed in winter. It is also one of the four imperial gardens in China.
In the morning, your private English-speaking guide will meet you at your hotel lobby. Then your guide will escort you to the Terracotta Army Museum by subway, which is the most convenient public transport. You will take Subway Line 9 and get off at Huaqingchi station, then take tourist bus No. 613 for two stops to the Terracotta Army Museum.
Visit the Terracotta Army Museum and the Mausoleum

After arrival at the Terracotta Army Museum, your guide will help you to get the entrance tickets. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from the entrance to the museum. The historical background of the terracotta army is a little complicated, your professional guide will show you around and deliver a detailed explanation to you.

The museum covers 16,300 square meters in three sections, Pit No.1, Pit No.2 and Pit No.3. After going through the entrance, you will face Pit No.1. It is the largest and the first pit excavated. Thousands of pottery soldiers and chariots are arrayed in the pit. Pit No. 2 is just to the east of Pit No.1, and Pit No. 3 is to the north of Pit No. 2. After visiting the three pits, you don't want to miss the Exhibition Hall. There, the exquisite Bronze Chariot and Horses are on show. To the south of Pit No. 1, you will find the cinema with a 360º screen. There, a movie played in a continuous loop introduces the history of the Qin Dynasty, including the manufacturing procedure, subsequent damage, discovery, and repair of the pottery soldiers, and exhibition.

Two to three hours are recommended for visiting Terracotta Army. There are many restaurants outside the museum, but most are tourist restaurants with low service and food quality. For westerners, the fast-food restaurants like KFC and Subway are better choices. If interested, you can taste a famous local dish called Roujiamo, aka Chinese hamburger.

Terracotta Army, Xi'an
Terracotta Army, Xi'an
Our Guests at Terracotta Army
Our Guests Visiting the Terracotta Army
Visit the Huaqing Pool and Get Back to Xi'an

The next destination is Huaqing Pool, a royal hot spring palace of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Your guide will escort you to take tourist bus No. 613 to get there.

Backed by Mount Li and facing the Wei River, the splendid palace there was built against the terrain with wonderful environment, including the Frost Flying Hall, Wanshou Hall, Longevity Hall, Huan Garden. The most well-known should be the perpetual hot spring which is clean and soft with abundant mineral. So, the emperor asked to build some hot spring pools for him, his concubines and other officials. Now, the remaining ones are Lotus Pool, Haitang Pool, Star Pool, Shangshi Pool and Prince Pool. Here, you will also be impressed by the love story of the Emperor Xuanzong and his concubine Yang Yuhuan.

After visiting the Huaqing Pool, your guide will accompany you to take the Subway Line 9 from Huaqingchi station, bound for Fangzhicheng, and then transfer to Line 1 back to the city. The guide will escort you back to your hotel in the downtown area by subway or city bus.
Bronze Chariots and Horses
Bronze Chariots and Horses
Huaqing Pool
Nine-Dragon Lake in Huaqing Pool
This trip can be customized to meet your individual needs!
Tour Prices
1 traveler2-3 travelers4-5 travelers
Price Includes
  • Subway/ public bus fare
  • Entrance fees as indicated above
  • Professional English speaking guide
Price Excludes
  • Private driver
  • Meals
  • Tips or gratuities for guide
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