Chongqing Weather in August

Compared with July, the weather of Chongqing in August is a little hotter. The average daytime temperature is 34°C (93°F); however, the hot days with daytime temperature above 40°C (104°F) are very common. The average precipitation of this month is 184mm and the average humidity is 73%. Generally speaking, the climate is hot and humid.

Owing to the high temperature, tourists to Chongqing in August are fewer than other tourist destinations in China, it is a good option to travel there if you are used to the heat.

Averages for Chongqing Weather in August

Temperature: 28°C / 82°F
High Temperature: 34°C / 93°F
Low Temperature: 25°C / 77°F
Humidity: 73%
Rainfall: 184 mm
Rainy Days: 11 days
Sunrise: 06:13 ~ 06:30
Sunset: 19:17 ~ 19:47
Air Quality in August
Average AQI:41
Chongqing Air Quality in August

What to Wear in Chongqing in August

On sunny days, short-sleeved T-shirts plus shorts or thin skirts, or cotton and chiffon dresses are suitable. But you’d better take a thin coat and wear a pair of skidproof shoes if going to the mountains.
Chongqing Clothes in August August Wear in Chongqing

Things to Do in Chongqing in August

Even though daytime temperature in August is high in Chongqing, you can enjoy a cool weather in Wulong County which is endowed with abundant tourism resources, especially Karst landform in Wulong Karst National Geology Park.

There you can see the three natural limestone bridges namely Tianlong Bridge, Qinglong Bridge and Heilong Bridge, which are the biggest natural bridge group in Asia. Furong Cave is also a representative scenic spot, which is a limestone cave featuring various speleothems including rare crystal calcite flowers in coral and dog-tooth shapes, gypsum flowers, and huge stone waterfall and curtain. Difeng and Houping Giant Doline clusters show the extraordinary workmanship of nature. Moreover, it will be very cool to go whitewater rafting through Fairy Gorge.
Top 10 Things to Do in Chongqing 

Other Tips

Chongqing is very hot in August and the sunlight is intense, so you should pay attention to skin protection and water replenishment; furthermore, mosquito repellent and commonly used drugs are indispensable. Walking sometimes is faster than taking a bus provided that you have a good sense of direction. Many streets in Chongqing are one-way, so you should be careful to find the right bus stop, just in case you go the wrong way.

What is the temperature in Chongqing in August?

High/Low Temperatures of Chongqing in August
Temperatures Graph of Chongqing in August
Air Quality of Chongqing in August
Chongqing AQI Graph in August

Historical Chongqing Weather in August

Aug  Temperature Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High Low 
1 34.7°C / 94.5°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 06:13 / 19:47 51
2 34.7°C / 94.5°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 06:14 / 19:46 58
3 34.7°C / 94.5°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 06:15 / 19:45 61
4 34.6°C / 94.3°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 06:15 / 19:44 75
5 34.6°C / 94.3°F 25.5°C / 77.9°F 06:16 / 19:43 67
6 34.5°C / 94.1°F 25.4 °C / 77.7°F 06:16 / 19:43 68
7 34.5°C / 94.1°F 25.4 °C / 77.7°F 06:17 / 19:42 59
8 34.4°C / 93.9°F 25.4 °C / 77.7°F 06:18 / 19:41 58
9 34.3°C / 93.7°F 25.3 °C / 77.5°F 06:18 / 19:40 59
10 34.2°C / 93.6°F 25.3 °C / 77.5°F 06:19 / 19:39 56
11 34.1°C / 93.4°F 25.2 °C / 77.4°F 06:19 / 19:38 58
12 33.9°C / 93°F 25.2 °C / 77.4°F 06:20 / 19:37 55
13 33.8°C / 92.8°F 25.1°C / 77.2°F 06:20 / 19:37 55
14 33.6°C / 92.5°F 25°C / 77°F 06:21 / 19:36 56
15 33.5°C / 92.3°F 24.9 °C / 76.8°F 06:22 / 19:35 52
16 33.3°C / 91.9°F 24.9 °C / 76.8°F 06:22 / 19:34 52
17 33.2°C / 91.8°F 24.8 °C / 76.6°F 06:23 / 19:33 49
18 33°C / 91.4°F 24.7 °C / 76.5°F 06:23 / 19:32 48
19 32.8 °C / 91°F 24.6°C / 76.3°F 06:24 / 19:31 48
20 32.7°C / 90.9°F 24.5 °C / 76.1°F 06:24 / 19:30 50
21 32.5 °C / 90.5°F 24.4 °C / 75.9°F 06:25 / 19:28 48
22 32.3 °C / 90.1°F 24.3°C / 75.7°F 06:26 / 19:27 48
23 32.1°C / 89.8°F 24.2°C / 75.6°F 06:26 / 19:26 46
24 32 °C / 89.6°F 24.1°C / 75.4°F 06:27 / 19:25 47
25 31.8 °C / 89.2°F 23.9°C / 75°F 06:27 / 19:24 46
26 31.7°C / 89°F 23.8°C / 74.8°F 06:28 / 19:23 54
27 31.5 °C / 88.7°F 23.7°C / 74.7°F 06:28 / 19:22 85
28 31.3 °C / 88.3°F 23.6 °C / 74.5°F 06:29 / 19:21 73
29 31.2 °C / 88.2°F 23.4 °C / 74.1°F 06:29 / 19:20 46
30 31 °C / 87.8°F 23.3°C / 73.9°F 06:30 / 19:18 80
31 30.9 °C / 87.6°F 23.2 °C / 73.8°F 06:30 / 19:17 70
- Last updated on Jun. 27, 2019 -
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