How to Travel between Nanjing and Hangzhou

The distance between Nanjing and Hangzhou is about 240km (150mi). Three means of transport are available: high speed train, normal speed train and long-distance bus. With over 110 pairs running back and forth daily, high speed train is the wisest choice, which takes only 1-2.5h and costs CNY80-216 for a second class seat. The normal speed train takes 4.5-8h and costs CNY62.5-72 for a hard seat. The second alternative is long-distance bus, which takes 3.5-4h and costs CNY80-128.
How to Travel between Nanjing and Hangzhou

How to Travel from Nanjing to Hangzhou

1. Best Way: Nanjing to Hangzhou High Speed Train: 1-2.5h, CNY80-208 for Second Class Seat

More than 110 D/G/C typed (high speed) Nanjing to Hangzhou trains are available every day. On average, six to seven trains depart hourly between 5:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. The departure stations are Nanjing Railway Station or Nanjing South Railway Station, and the arrival stations are Hangzhou Railway Station, Hangzhou East Railway Station or Hangzhou South Railway Station.

Second Class Seat: CNY80-208; First Class Seat: CNY152-345; Business Class Seat: CNY371-678.5

2. Nanjing to Hangzhou Normal Speed Train: 4.5-8h, CNY62.5-72 for Hard Seat

There are 12 to 15 K/Z/T typed (normal speed) Nanjing to Hangzhou trains available daily. The earliest train departs at around midnight and the last train departs at around 10:30 p.m. Tourists can be sent from Nanjing Railway Station to either Hangzhou Railway Station or Hangzhou South Railway Station. Besides, budget travelers who want to save up on accommodations may consider train Z175, K1511, K1091 or K8351 which travel at night.

Hard Seat: CNY62.5-72; Hard Sleeper: CNY117.5-168; Soft Sleeper: CNY174.5-231

3. Nanjing to Hangzhou Long-Distance Bus: 3.5-4h, CNY80-128

Dep. Point Arr. Point Dep. Time Price
Nanjing Central Gate Bus Station Hangzhou General Bus Station 06:20, 07:00, 07:20, 08:00,
08:20, 08:40, 09:00, 09:20,
09:40, 10:00, 10:20, 10:40,
11:00, 11:20, 11:40, 12:00,
12:30, 12:50, 13:10, 13:30,
13:50, 14:10, 14:30, 14:50,
15:10, 15:30, 15:50, 16:10,
16:30, 17:00, 17:30, 18:00,
18:30, 19:00, 19:30, 20:00
Nanjing General Bus Station Hangzhou General Bus Station 14:00, 16:00 CNY128
Hangzhou North Bus Station 08:00, 10:00, 12:00
Nanjing East Bus Station Hangzhou General Bus Station 14:15, 16:15 CNY128
Hangzhou North Bus Station 08:15, 10:15, 12:15
Nanjing Sushui Bus Station Hangzhou General Bus Station 07:45, 08:40, 13:50 CNY80

How to Travel from Hangzhou to Nanjing

1. Best Choice: Hangzhou to Nanjing High Speed Train: 1-2.5h, CNY96-216 for Second Class Seat

110 to 120 D/G/C typed Hangzhou to Nanjing trains are in operation every day. On average, seven to eight trains set off hourly between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. They depart from Hangzhou Railway Station, Hangzhou East Railway Station or Hangzhou South Railway Station and arrive at Nanjing Railway Station or Nanjing South Railway Station.

Second Class Seat: CNY96-216; First Class Seat: CNY152-355; Business Class Seat: CNY371-678.5

More details about Hangzhou to Nanjing trains

2. Hangzhou to Nanjing Normal Speed Train: 4.5-7.5h, CNY62.5-72 for Hard Seat

There are 10 to 14 K/Z/T typed Hangzhou to Nanjing trains available daily. The earliest one departs at around 2:00 a.m. and the last one departs at around 8:00 p.m. These trains leave from Hangzhou Railway Station, Hangzhou East Railway Station or Hangzhou South Railway Station and all reach Nanjing Railway Station.

Hard Seat: CNY62.5-72; Hard Sleeper: CNY117.5-168; Soft Sleeper: CNY174.5-231

3. Hangzhou to Nanjing Long-Distance Bus: 3.5-4h, CNY117-120

Dep. Point Arr. Point Dep. Time Price
Hangzhou General Bus Station Nanjing General Bus Station 14:15 CNY120
Hangzhou North Bus Station 07:00, 08:00, 08:30, 09:00,
09:30, 10:00, 10:40, 11:00,
11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 12:50,
13:10, 13:30, 14:00, 14:30,
15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30,
17:00, 18:00
Hangzhou Xiaoshan Bus Station 07:50, 15:20 CNY117
- Last updated on Jul. 19, 2021 -
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