Hangzhou Weather in May

Hangzhou weather in May is pleasant, so it attracts more and more tourists, especially during the May Day Holiday. The temperature is rising and it can be hot at noon as the high temperature may reach 34°C (93.2°F). The low temperature is between 15°C (60°F) and 20°C (70°F), thus there is a certain degree of diurnal temperature range. May is also a season of much rain in Hangzhou, so relatively the climate features high air humidity.

May is the best time to visit Hangzhou, when the trees are green and flowers are in full bloom. 

Averages for Hangzhou Weather in May

Temperature: 21°C / 70°F
High Temperature: 26°C / 79°F
Low Temperature: 17°C / 63°F
Humidity: 76%
Rainfall: 147 mm
Rainy Days:15 days
Sunrise: 04:19 ~ 05:17
Sunset: 18:37 ~ 18:56
Air Quality in May
Average AQI:46
Hangzhou Air Quality in May

What to Wear in Hangzhou in May

For climate of Hangzhou in May, it is ok to wear short-sleeve shirt and pants during the day time. That is to say, you can wear summer clothes. But temperatures drop when it rains so it is advisable to bring a thin coat or a long-sleeve shirt. Besides, don’t forget to bring rain gear.
Hangzhou Clothes in May May Wear in Hangzhou

Where to Go in Hangzhou in May

There are many places in China worth visiting, but if you only have time, you absolutely cannot miss visiting Hangzhou. The beauty of West Lake is renowned throughout the nation. It is suggested you visit the lake in the morning when there are fewer tourists. From the top of Leifeng Pagoda you can take a bird's-eye view of the Lake. Besides, Temple of Soul’s Retreat and Xixi National Wetland Park should also not be missed.

Other Tips

You need to do a lot of walking when traveling in Hangzhou, and there are several places of interest with many steps, so make sure to wear a pair of comfortable shoes. Riding a bike around the lake is a good choice but please remember to get off from the bike for safety when you go across arch bridges, especially along Su Causeway. In addition, visitors are advised to avoid visiting Hangzhou during the three-day holiday of Labor Day. Or at least you should book plane tickets and hotel in advance since there are many Chinese tourists visiting Hangzhou these days.

What is the temperature in Hangzhou in May?

High/Low Temperatures of Hangzhou in May
Temperatures Graph of Hangzhou in May
Air Quality of Hangzhou in May
Hangzhou AQI Graph in May

Historical Hangzhou Weather in May

May Temperature  Sunrise / Sunset Humi-
High  Low
1 23.7°C / 74.7°F 17.8°C / 64°F 05:17 / 18:37 86
2 26.4°C / 79.5°F 18.1°C / 64.6°F 05:16 / 18:37 67
3 25.3°C / 77.5°F 17.3°C / 63.1°F 05:15 / 18:38 72
4 29.1°C / 84.4°F 19.5°C / 67.1°F 05:14 / 18:39 60
5 31°C / 87.8°F 16.8°C / 62.2°F 05:13 / 18:39 50
6 32.6°C / 90.7°F 18.6°C / 65.5°F 05:12 / 18:40 47
7 34°C / 93.2°F 18.9°C / 66°F 05:12 / 18:41 49
8 28.8°C / 83.8°F 20.6°C / 69.1°F 05:11 / 18:41 86
9 23.7°C / 74.7°F 19.7°C / 67.5°F 05:10 / 18:42 76
10 26.2°C / 79.2°F 18.1°C / 64.6°F 05:09 / 18:43 70
11 27.8°C / 82°F 17.8°C / 64°F 05:09 / 18:43 73
12 29.9°C / 85.8°F 18.3°C / 64.9°F 05:08 / 18:44 73
13 24.3°C / 75.7°F 20.7°C / 69.3°F 05:07 / 18:45 87
14 22°C / 71.6°F 18.8°C / 65.8°F 05:07 / 18:45 87
15 24.7°C / 76.5°F 16.8°C / 62.2°F 05:06 / 18:46 77
16 28.5°C / 83.3°F 18.3°C / 64.9°F 05:05 / 18:47 69
17 32°C / 89.6°F 19°C / 66.2°F 05:05 / 18:47 42
18 31.6°C / 88.9°F 16.8°C / 62.2°F 05:04 / 18:48 43
19 26.8°C / 80.2°F 16.9°C / 62.4°F 05:03 / 18:48 67
20 18.5°C / 65.3°F 17.4°C / 63.3°F 05:03 / 18:49 88
21 24.8°C / 76.6°F 17.7°C / 63.9°F 05:02 / 18:50 69
22 25.7°C / 78.3°F 16.6°C / 61.9°F 05:02 / 18:50 69
23 22.9°C / 73.2°F 19.1°C / 66.4°F 05:01 / 18:51 81
24 21.4°C / 70.5°F 19.4°C / 66.9°F 05:01 / 18:52 92
25 21.4°C / 70.5°F 18.6°C / 65.5°F 05:01 / 18:52 90
26 23.7°C / 74.7°F 18.7°C / 65.7°F 05:00 / 18:53 86
27 27.6°C / 81.7°F 15.7°C / 60.3°F 05:00 / 18:53 71
28 28.6°C / 83.5°F 17.6°C / 63.7°F 04:59 / 18:54 59

30°C / 86°F

19.6°C / 67.3°F 04:59 / 18:55 53
30 26°C / 78.8°F 19.1°C / 66.4°F 04:59 / 18:55 94
31 23.8°C / 74.8°F 18.2°C / 64.8°F 04:59 / 18:56 80
- Last updated on Apr. 27, 2024 -
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