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Hong Kong - Wuyishan High Speed Train

There are no direct trains running from Hong Kong to Wuyishan or vice versa up to now. Passengers need to make a transfer in Shenzhen or Nanchang since the trains between Hong Kong and Wuyishan do not run directly.

The travel time on the train is about 7 - 8.5 hours with a distance of around 1,025 kilometers (637 miles). A second class seat ticket costs about CNY 462 - 472.5 (about USD 65) by transferring in Nanchang. Though it costs much higher to transfer in Shenzhen, CNY 721 (USD 100), the travel time is shorter, taking about 7 - 7.5 hours.

By the way, there are two high speed railway stations near the famous Mount Wuyi Scenic Area, Wuyishan North Railway Station and Nanpingshi Railway Station. Both of them are convenient to reach the scenic area by 1-hour bus. 

Basic Facts:

 Open Time: September 23, 2018
 Overall Duration: Around 7 - 8.5 hours
 Distance: Around 1,025 kilometers (637 miles)
 Top speed: 200 km/h (124 mph) in HK, 300 km/h (186 mph) in Mainland
 Operated at: Hong Kong West Kowloon Railway Station, Wuyishan North Railway Station / Nanpingshi Railway Station
 Recommended Transfer Stations: Nanchang West Railway Station, Shenzhen North Railway Station

Transfer in Nanchang

Overall Travel Time: Around 7 - 7.5 hours
Total Ticket Fare: CNY 721 (USD 100) for a second class seat

Hong Kong to Nanchang to Wuyishan High Speed Train Schedule & Ticket Fare

Hong Kong - Nanchang West   Nanchang West - Nanpingshi  Overall Travel Time  Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G100: 11:36 - 15:41  G1578: 16:44 - 18:27  6H51M  557.5 + 163.5 = 721

Wuyishan to Nanchang to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable & Ticket Fare

Nanpingshi - Nanchang West Nanchang West - Hong Kong Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
D4206: 14:41 - 16:47 G99: 17:52 - 22:02 7H21M 163.5 + 557.5 = 721
 Note: The timetable listed above is for reference only. You can search for the real-time schedule by the tool on the page top.

Transfer in Shenzhen

Travel Time on Board: Around 7.5 - 8.5 hours
Total Ticket Fare: CNY 462 - 472.5 (about USD 65) for a second class seat

Hong Kong to Shenzhen to Wuyishan High Speed Train Schedule & Ticket Fare

Hong Kong - Shenzhen North Shenzhen North - Nanpingshi  Overall Travel Time Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
G5646: 14:08 - 14:26 G2304: 14:43 - 21:25 7H17M 75 + 387 = 462
G5642: 11:30 - 11:48 G3654: 12:16 - 20:06 8H36M 75 + 390.5 = 465.5
See more Hong Kong Schedule

Wuyishan to Shenzhen to Hong Kong Bullet Train Timetable & Ticket Fare

 NanpingshiWuyishan North - Shenzhen North Shenzhen North - Hong Kong Overall Travel Time  Ticket Fare (CNY)
Second Class Seat
D3653: 10:30 - 17:04 G3007: 18:04 - 18:22 7H52M 390.5 + 75 = 465.5
D2325: 08:32 - 15:42 G5605: 16:06 - 16:24 7H52M 397.5 + 75 = 472.5
1. From Nanping Railway Station to the Mount Wuyi Scenic Area, passengers can take Bus Line K1 with a duration of around 50 minutes. From Wuyishan North, Bus Lines 6, 7, 9 are available and it takes about 1 hour.
2. The timetable listed above is for reference only. You can search for the real-time schedule by the tool on the page top.

Other Transportation: Hong Kong - Wuyishan Flight

One pair of Hong Kong - Wuyishan direct flights are available on every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The journey time is around 1.5 hours and the ticket fare for an economy class seat is CNY 600 - 1,000 (USD 85 - 140). Airfare tickets often have discounts, and with big discounts, the fare can be lower. 
Major Rail Lines from Hong Kong to:
Major Rail Lines from Wuyishan to:
- Last updated on Aug. 11, 2023 by Kate Liu -
Questions & Answers on Hong Kong - Wuyishan High Speed Train
Asked by Ritchie from CYPRUS | Aug. 26, 2019 23:53Reply
When is the last bus of K1 at Wuyishan East Station?
Answers (1)
Answered by Perla from MALAYSIA | Aug. 27, 2019 17:55

I think the last bus should be at 10:30pm. I used to read somewhere that they extend the operation time to 10:30pm to fit the high speed train schedule.
Asked by Lamont from NETHERLANDS | Mar. 21, 2019 03:24Reply
From Wuyishan East Station to Mt. Wuyi?
Answers (1)
Answered by Ricarda from CANADA | Mar. 21, 2019 18:00

Hi, there is direct tourist bus from the station to the South entrance. The bus number is K1 and takes around 1 hour. Not clear about the costs though.
Asked by Ricky Tso from HONG KONG | Feb. 28, 2019 17:10Reply
how can I get to Xuzhou from Hong Kong by high speed train on 19 March 2019
Answers (1)
Answered by Fraser from USA | Mar. 01, 2019 01:45

Asked by Dudley from INDIA | Nov. 16, 2018 01:00Reply
Can I catch the train at 8:56pm in Fuzhou station if arrived from HK at 8:03pm?
By the way, is it better to get off at Wuyishan East or North?
Answers (1)
Answered by Omarian from BRAZIL | Nov. 18, 2018 16:19

The time is enough for transfer between two trips. Wuyishan North Station is a little closer in distance, but there are direct buses from both stations to the mountain. For your trip, maybe it is better to use the East Station as the arrival time is already late. I heard that the last bus from East station to the mountain is at 10:30pm, so if you reach the east station at 10:15pm, you may still catch the bus.
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